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Everything posted by jvmacross

  1. So was there a screw up at the factory or was Yamato too lazy to make a new 30th sticker that made no mention of the option parts? Going to be tough getting these parts if Yamato decides to "fix" the problem for customers missing these parts......
  2. ebay seems to be the best indicator of market price these days......This set has sold recently as low as $71 to as high as $160 http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_nkw=macross+animeigo&_sacat=0&_odkw=macross+dvd&_sop=16&_osacat=0&LH_Complete=1
  3. So are Easter Eggs also part of Japanese DVD/BD releases? Wonder if the deleted scenes and/or other interesting things are hidden in the disc(s)?
  4. Once you go "option" you never go back.......
  5. Macross 30th Anniversary Fever is still in full swing! http://page15.auctio...tion/t274010269
  6. No pics of these cavalier-specific colored option parts yet??? These parts will become part of macross legend...like the Macross Plus second novel...or the Takatoku Max and Millia wedding set!!! People will swear they have seen them!!!
  7. Where have you seen pics of the Cavaliers valk sporting the option parts? The pics of it posted on the MW front page don't seem to show the parts on the valk?
  8. http://www.nippon-yasan.com/lang-en/macross/2559-macross-perfect-transformation-vf-1a-mass-production-valkyrie-with-option-parts-movie-version.html VF-1A Mass Prod DYRL type still available at NY........
  9. Can someone add a poll to this?....just in case Yamato is watching...... And yes, I would buy Macross II valks...........
  10. Just paid for the VF-1A Cavaliers and the VF-1A Mass Production DYRL type........ Looking forward to the Cavaliers valk!
  11. Bandai had requested for fans to submit some items they were missing...I assume for the archive disc.....anyone know if they were able to get anyone to comply?.....
  12. http://www.famima.com/shop/c/cmacross5/
  13. George has built his "empire" on that line of thinking.......
  14. Completely Uncensored and Unrated Director's Extended Cut with fully restored "lost" animated sequences deemed too gratuitously violent and sexually explicit even by 1984 standards...and just in time for the real Macross - DYRL 30th anniversary in 2014?
  15. Will bribe my kid into wearing this one day........
  16. So who has the FB2012 toy license? Bandai?......think it's hard getting one from Yamato?
  17. I'm thinking the VF-17D and VF-19F will be Yamato's next shelf-warmers..... Buying only the fast packs is probably the smartest way to go on this.........I need to consider cancelling my pre-order of the fast pack set (although I do prefer the bundles) I'm thinking the Millia version will be a web-exclusive......
  18. Yes....a virtual Chinese ebay store shelf at double the MSRP....at minimum!
  19. So I take it this is not an exclusive? Guess only the super parts are these days.......
  20. So is this technically Yamato's first ever pre-pre-order?
  21. Proxy buyer in Japan..... But I think ff95gj is correct...you should be able to place an order from places like Rinkya or FromJapan.......only thing is....Yamato Online Shop says that they may modifiy orders based on availability....that may be why some shops have not started taking pre-orders.....When Bandai starts accepting orders for their web only stuff...seems every shop out there starts taking orders....so not sure why this Yamato pre-order offering is any different....other than the possibility of not being able to meet the final demand......... I was waiting for our local "group buy" go-to guys to set something up....but have not seen any posts from them........I'll probably want to get at least one more when/if they organize a group buy......... looks meaner now...more reptilian than amphibian!
  22. Don't live in Japan....already pre-ordered it.....
  23. So are you suggesting that when Focker died.....his "colors" and "skull" markings were retired???
  24. I hope a "Document of Macross" for Flashback 2012 is next.....there was some great art that was part of the Macross exhibit that could be included....wonder if they will continue with editions for the rest of the Macross shows....
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