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Everything posted by jvmacross

  1. Macross Children's hardcover book Volume 3.......
  2. Macross Character Special Volume 22 Macross Mechanic Special Volume 23 If you already own these: http://www.macrosswo...ries_tia1_2.htm Then you are good to go......basically lineart/character art and storyboards for 2 episodes...just like the "red" and "blue" "This is animation" books
  3. Don't hate the player.....hate the game..... : (
  4. Well...it would be kinda hard to screw up that "paint scheme"......but then again we'd all be arguing which shade of "red" is canon space whale blood! ...and for the record.....
  5. Wonder if anyone will customize theirs by removing the "extra" stripes?
  6. Fighter mode looks great.........Superb work GGemini........... YAMATO!!!...........are you watching?
  7. You single-handedly brought back some dignity to the much maligned V1 Yamato VF-1........Fantastic work!
  8. Once painted, it does not look that bad. However, it made me think of (hopefully) an inevitable Yamato SDF-1 TV release.... If it were to be produced by Yamato....would you prefer it to be painted with the bright colors from the show...or the more subdued, yet similar colors as were used in the painted kit in that auction? Hmmmmmm........ ...and I wish one of our talented sculptors would make a 1/3000 scale Prometheus and Daedelus to connect to our DYRL SDF-1's (for a MtF version).......Yamato seems to be dragging their feet!
  9. So in going through the precious materials....I assume they were not able to sucker someone into "borrowing" some of their "missing" treasures.......the set still has missing posters......but I was pleasantly surprised to find a replica of the old Macross DYRL Arcade game poster!!! I regrettably passed that one up a while ago..........plus they forgot to include copies of the stills from the initial movie release....which I shared in the collectors thread.... Can anyone else come up with more items that were missing from the "extras"?
  10. Not enough SDFM stuff for us early adopter types...
  11. Only A and B from what I have found...of course, it seems I find new books/printed media that I never knew existed all of the time.......the thrill of the hunt makes this part of the hobby fun.....wish I felt the same about recent Bandai releases....maybe in 30 years?
  12. That's the Macross 7 Sketchbook B.....it is the much easier to find of the two Macross 7 sketchbooks (actually, there is a Macross Dynamite 7 sketchbook that has proven to be even more difficult to find).....here is the Macross 7 Sketchbook A....it took me a while to find it..... http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=29133&view=findpost&p=967163
  13. http://page16.auctio...ction/u40994989 I personally like this one better....I bought one for about 500 yen....use it as a nice display piece for my Macross collection...... http://page11.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/n114118068 Here is one for 800 yen.... http://page22.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/l116182173 Good Luck!
  14. The thing that really impressed me about the DYRL BD (coming from someone who has just had bootlegs of this film since forever) were the space battle scenes....I was like, "My God, it's full of stars!".......
  15. That's probably why the Macross Chronicles exclusives VF-X and Angelbird ended up on HLJ and other online retailers.........made them first without taking into account the actual demand for them?.....
  16. Yes....ankles are a dijon mustard yellow.....stripes are red......body seems white, not off white....and sadly, head lasers are shown as red........but are these books canon? I think the recent release of the VF-1A Cavaliers follows the scheme shown in the VF-1 Masterfiles book...but the animation scheme is slightly different....so who knows......
  17. I'll take your word for it....although with MacF on the cover (isn't it SDFM's 30th?).....I won't get my hopes up.....I was thinking of a "fancier" book more akin to the recently released MacF genga hardcover....you know...classier and more expensive! And will Tokyo Hunter carry this stuff??? ...Like they did the Minmay plushie??? I would probably want to pick up the "catalog" .......
  18. Have to agree with you on the merchandise aspect....a nice companion artbook featuring many of the rare art from the exhibit would have been amazing.....missed opportunity I guess... The only item I thought was unique the minmay plushie....but it should have come with a sound chip!!!!....
  19. And in another revisionist tantrum.......Kawamori will decree that emerald force valks were always meant to be green....diamond force, clear.....and the pink peckers, hot pink!!!
  20. I think I'll start using "blur things out" when I really mean "f%#@ things up"........
  21. Think I'll also use this explanation as to why I can no longer see certain "images" on the recent DYRL BD release!
  22. It's a cel in my collection... Originally posted in the cel collectors thread..http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=15803&view=findpost&p=910206
  23. Bright yellow shoulder paint? Salmon-Orange stripes and head lasers? Really?
  24. Apparently it is one of the harder ones to find....Anything else interesting at the anime expo...macross-related? Any cels? BTW...which DYRL movie poster version are you looking for?
  25. jvmacross

    VF-1 toy advice...

    1/55 scale....the Bandai re-issues are your best bet....ease of transformation and can take a beating
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