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Everything posted by jvmacross

  1. A modern day Destroid conversion kit...ala Takatoku....would be great...and a good way of getting the Phalanx toy version....
  2. Zero intelligence coming out of Toynami.....
  3. http://www.macross2.net/m3/sizecharts/sizechart-battroids-detailed3000.jpg
  4. Funny....Bandai pre-order windows last 3 minutes or less.....and are sold out Yamato opens up a pre-order window since early July and people are still not able to get their orders in on time?!?! Seems doubtful. Wonder how many third-party online shops dropped their "no cash commitment" orders? To me it sounds more like Yamato trying one last time before the official release date to sell what they have already committed to produce whether pre-sold or not....... They would have been better off (sales-wise) with a FB2012 version FIRST and taking payments upfront......plus all the "talk" about a "possible" FB2012 version next year I'm sure does not help....not sure if this second wave of pre-orders is a "favor" to the fans or a last ditch effort to avoid "clearance pricing" before the FB2012 announcement and ticking everyone off.....
  5. Just looking for the OPTION PARTS....if anyone does not need them/have extras...IM me...thanks!
  6. If anyone has extra YAMATO "options" parts sets they want to sell....IM me....looking for a few sets....thanks!
  7. Nice plain black box with the line art in the background would do....kinda like the weathered vf-1s 1/48 box.....
  8. No sure if this has been posted....
  9. Does actual production on this bird need to start any day now to meet the 12/31/2012 release date? (I think that was the release date?)...
  10. ....was a close jump the shark moment for me .....is that in the comic book? Also.... Otherwise, still supporting the show and hope it gets better....
  11. ..and yet...it will be sold out for 2 weeks straight!!!
  12. But it's part of the Star Wars canon no?......just like Spiritia and Song Energy is part of Macross canon.......it can't be discounted just because you don't like it....at least not when discussing "possible" plots for the sequels......anything goes
  13. With all the expensive "new" junk coming out from Yamato by year's end.....I wonder how generous HLJ's traditional year-end Yamato Macross sale will be on all the "old" junk?.......plus "all you-can-fill-up-a-box-with" one-cost shipping deals!
  14. Now that EXO is on the brink of releasing the Prometheus and Daedelus 1/3000 kits.........Yamato will announce the online exclusive 1/3000 SDF-1 TV Macross for 2013!!!!
  15. Actually, good point.......the whole cloning/"sith-power to extend life" would need to be further detailed or just ignored........after all, why wouldn't the Emperor simply have cloned Anakin's body? Maybe you can't "clone" midichlorian? Assuming that the midichlorians are what allows for both Jedi and Sith power/abilities.....you could always come up with some BS sith ability that only Palpatine developed that would allow for his "spirit" to "possess" a clone host body AND retain his sith powers????.......knowledge that he did not share as he would only want himself to possess (also having learned that sharing certain things could lead to your demise as it did for his master)......who knows
  16. I would sooner accept a younger clone of Palpatine returning......I'm sure we will keep reading about all sorts of rumors that prove to be false all the way up to the release....so too soon to panic I say.... After all those years of plotting, I would think Palpatine would have created a Plan "X" scenario where Luke would have been successful at turning Vader and both going after him together....thus the doomsday scenario where both manage to "defeat" the emperor....but not really defeat "him"....
  17. Thanks! Is the plan still to have the separate sections molded in different colors? Sure hope so... Looks great! Did you make any progress or decisions on the Daedelus "contents"?
  18. So much so that you built a Prometheus and Daedelus to attach to a DYRL version SDF-1!.........Pics?
  19. How dare you bring it up now in the lowly "books" thread....
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