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Everything posted by jvmacross

  1. Good candidate for a Macross Chronicle exclusive....
  2. C'mon Yamato......wow us with an announcement to shutdown Bandai's YF-30...or have you tired of our money?
  3. So no news yet from Yamato on their next new valk?.... I'll throw in another suggestion that would be easy for Yamato to make and help them further squeeze the VF-17 mold...VF-17S Millia Type....
  4. http://www.ebay.com/csc/i.html?_sacat=0&_from=R40&_nkw=1%2F72+SV-51+Hasegawa&LH_Complete=1&rt=nc
  5. Both will....give it a year or less...the list of valks that couldn't be bought at a steep discount within a year of release is short...patience is rewarded if you collect Yamato valks....Bandai....not so much...
  6. Maybe we'll get them as Macross Chronicle exclusives...
  7. yep...they should do that going forward with future releases....instead of using Photoshop to cut/paste the actual toy's pic onto the box......badly
  8. I can't entirely recall but I think the only Yamato releases to never have received a "variant" were the VB-6 and SDF-1 (unless you do not want to include the VE-1 and VT-1 as VF-1 variants).... So......maybe?
  9. ....maybe Yamato's MSRP is high enough to keep their stuff from selling out when the preorder windows open up? VF-17S comes to mind.....
  10. Guess it all depends on how many customers back out on payment.......if that happens you should be able to see VF-4's available for purchase days/weeks/months after their initial release......and the longer you wait...the bigger the discount....afterall, vendors can only take up valuable shelf space for so long before discounts are needed to "move" stock.....
  11. How many general release Yamato valks have not made it to the point where they are heavily discounted?....I am guesing it is a short list...
  12. Added a couple of Max TV cels to my collection.....
  13. VF-19P and VF-17D....most definitely on discount by next year if not sooner........VF-17D w/super packs.....less probable.....I'm a fan of the bundle packs, so not waiting on that one......
  14. My items are being prepared for shipment.....so I guess I placed my order in time to grab a VF-19F
  15. But the game is from Bandai...and I am sure they will want to cash in on the toy...at this point, either company can do a good job...however, I think I would prefer a Bandai produced YF-30...only so it can match up with the rest of the renewal line....oh, and make it an exclusive so we can all get one!!!
  16. On HLJ? Must have been a short sale window?
  17. Prices are still high even in Japan.... Use this tool to give yourself an idea of the recent pricing trends on Yahoo Japan...... http://aucfan.com select 落札相場, then search...for example "VF-25S DX" or "DX超合金 VF-25S メサイアバルキリー オズマ機リニューアルver"
  18. So a few months after the last theatrical film version is released on Bluray....we'll get the "shortened edition" bundle pack?
  19. jvmacross

    DX VF-25G

    Maybe a combination of Bandai finally "getting the memo" and producing more starting with the VF-171 and also these releases being less popular?
  20. DarrinG....yes, the old IMAI/ARII box art is arguably the best representations of the various Macross mecha.... As for value, who knows....I think this is a good example of "one man's junk..is another man's treasure"...or is that the other way around? ...all if not most of the Takani, Mikimoto, etc art used in those kit boxes has been publish in various art books. Maybe put them on ebay and set up a "best offer" type auction.....good luck!
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