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Everything posted by jvmacross

  1. What was the tune the Governor kept whistling....to me it sounded like what is heard from :01-:06 from the Macross Plus dog fight track....probably just have Macross on the mind..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YgDgpty2cfg&feature=youtu.be
  2. yeah..thought the same thing...but it's simple...he probably had the keys....
  3. So either clearing up old stock to make room for the eventual Arcadia "stickered" re-releases......or... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4WJlLNIsyY&feature=youtu.be&t=1m14s
  4. New Book?..."Macross Do You Remember Quotations" http://www.amazon.co.jp/%E3%83%9E%E3%82%AF%E3%83%AD%E3%82%B9%E5%90%8D%E8%A8%80%E9%9B%86-%E3%81%8A%E3%81%BC%E3%81%88%E3%81%A6%E3%81%84%E3%81%BE%E3%81%99%E3%81%8B-%E6%A0%AA%E5%BC%8F%E4%BC%9A%E7%A4%BE%E3%83%AC%E3%83%83%E3%82%AB%E7%A4%BE/dp/4569810810/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1363344551&sr=8-1
  5. I would like one of those new 3D posters...if anyone can help...PM me....thanks!
  6. Otacute has cancelled pre-orders on me in the past due to insufficient stock...just sayin'....they do, however, get very snippy if you cancel on them.......
  7. yes...but the colors will not match between say TV vs. Movie.....and obvious valks like the low-viz VF-1S and the cavaliers VF-1A will have hands too dark to match other valks...but they will fit
  8. No...keep it at 1/60...how many more VF's are needed to complete the 1/60 VF line? Beyond the VF's that Bandai has locked up.....Arcadia can finish up the 1/60 line with the VF-9, VF-14, VF-3000, VF-5000, VB-3, and the Varuta valks....what else am I missing?....variable Glaug?.....if you don't need every single variation of each model (ex. VF-1A, VF-1D, VF-1J, VF-1S...the custom gurus would likely create the different heads/part variations and sell them on shapeways)....that's not too many left......bottom line...Arcadia should stick with the 1/60 scale...
  9. Not the most exciting episode...plus couldn't hear the dialogue towards the end with the annoying music track playing.....
  10. ....perhaps the same subset of MWers that also read the MW Front Page and the Macross Chronicle Table of Contents...?
  11. Eh...HMM... http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=29133&p=1011397 Apparently know one is paying attention to either posts!
  12. If they are following the original 10 issue Hiroshima release (which they have so far)....Issue 9 will be have the VF-19P: But Issue 10 will use the cover from Issue 43..the VF-4 from FB2012: After that....who knows....but probably just 22 new covers?...
  13. Of course they won't, but what the heck.....let your dissatisfaction with their (mis)handling of this franchise be heard!
  14. Hey Bandai.....Let the Macross Frontier license go already!!!
  15. No, they are cels used in the making of Macross 7 and Macross Dynamite 7......just trying to counteract all the Macross 7 hate...... If you have some time to waste........more Macross 7 goodness can be had here: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?app=gallery&album=600
  16. Hiring Kawamori and Miyatake to create new/original designs might give the Robotech movie some "street cred".....probably would never happen
  17. Wonder what a Kawamori re-envisioned VF-1 would look like?
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