Thanks...just making sure it wasn't some shoddy sub I was watching.....
I had initially planned on binge watching the series, but after that odd statement I am intrigued.....I may have to find the time to watch them sooner
Just caught up to Ep 4.....when, during the declaration of war, the Windermerians define the NUNS as the "Children of the Protoculture"....was that a translation error or are they not themselves derived from the Protuculture?
Now that we happily paid 200 bucks for a Destroid Monster....would anyone mind paying 200 bucks for a Destroid 4-pack? Maybe 300 for a Tamashii exclusive that comes with a hangar?
They could have included a CF VF-1J head with the VF-1A....they should offer it as a websclusive add-on part...
Heck, they should offer a set of heads in different colors/schemes and also heat shields in different colors/schemes to "dress-up" your HMR VF-1's.....
Complaining that PO's are still available is a perfectly acceptable alternative....please carry on!
preorders will start after PM4:00 of 28st April, Japan time[GMT+9]
Apr. 28, 2016 Pre-order start.
First TV Option Hi-Metal VF since the Max-1J in your avatar!
Minimum 2 on this one to be able to display both versions at once...and maybe 1 to keep it sealed "just in case" ......really nice of Bandai to have included parts for both versions....but they should have done that with the Regult too!
At this scale, acceptable compromises.....these HMR VF-1's all seem to also have DYRL-style canopies and unless they are designing TV-style Super Packs.....those will remain DYRL-style also....
Either way, this line is pure win for Bandai.....
Yes, but the pilot is not removable (currently glued in place). So they will probably need to change it so the pilot can be pulled out and plugged back into the seat.
That's awesome! They are including everything to make either version.....even the pilots!.......minimum 2 pre-orders.........pure marketing genius! Bandai FTW!