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Everything posted by jvmacross

  1. Yep...right along with you....
  2. Just Kawamori throwing out some ideas before everything that actually made it onto the show was finalized...if anything it looks to me an idea that eventually was adapted for the Tomahawk.... Here is another example of early concept Valkyrie "add-ons"..... ...which then was likely adapted here....
  3. Bandai HI-METAL R VF1-J Armored Valkyrie.....11,510 JPY https://page.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/w181963614
  4. The good thing about Macross Cel or Art collecting is that there is no way you could ever have a "complete" collection in the same way you could the mass-produced toys, figurines or even the books and other media. So as long as you have some set goal and adhere to it, you could keep collecting as long as it remains enjoyable and/or affordable to continue doing so. The only thing that I would advise against is quitting if you are not ready to quit. You will find yourself obsessing about it too much and trying to justify your decision all the time. If you can walk away from the "game" and still come back and "enjoy" seeing what others have without feeling the urge to rationalize your decision to quit...or worse, starting up again...then you are officially over collecting. If you cannot do that, coming back to "peek" is the worst thing you can do if you really want to quit collecting. As you have said, the urge to collect is no different that the urge to drink, smoke, or any other addictive habit. Some collectors just have to go "cold turkey".
  5. Not yet...have you?
  6. jvmacross

    1/1800 SDF-1?

    No real info on it yet....possibly just a prototype for a 1/3000 version....if it will be released, it would make sense to release it sometime next year during DYRL's 35th Anniversary...
  7. With "friends" like that..... https://www.theguardian.com/film/2017/jun/05/star-wars-biggest-collector-steve-sansweet-theft Hope he can recover all or most of his stuff.....
  8. Nice grab....doubt you could buy that for 5K on YJA.....congrats! Which Mandarake?
  9. 3500 JPY.....gently-used at Mandarake.... https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1064716717&ref=list https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1066182090&ref=dos
  10. jvmacross

    Hi-Metal R

  11. jvmacross

    Hi-Metal R

    The illustration of the Tomahawk on the Takatoku Conversion Kit is the same one I posted here: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/topic/41926-hi-metal-r/?do=findComment&comment=1343785 It's by Yoshiyuki Takani...as most Takatoku boxart is....
  12. Although I am not sure what this has to do with the current debate about IP infringement.....you totally captured why Arcadia is a poor KO itself of the former Yamato..... Arcadia Premium Finish VF-1 = Regular release Yamato VF-1 Arcadia Regular Release VF-1 = Pre-built Yamato VF-1 kit
  13. I'd like to think this topic was made purely for informational purposes, to point out that the eventual Macross KOs were finally here. There is no need to debate if it is right or wrong. It is wrong. As it has been said "stealing is stealing". The point knowing someone else's stand on the issue is not going to change your particular opinion. People will do what they want and follow their own moral compass and deal with the guilt or lack of it as they see fit. What is most unfortunate is that this topic was allowed to fester and grow by the moderators. This topic should not be debated on MW. Per the MW Forum Rules & Guidelines..... http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/topic/23944-mw-forum-rules-guidelines/ Copyrights and Trademarks - Fan art and Reproduction of original casts/molds Discussions pertaining to direct listings, sales, resales, trades, auctions, raffles/lotteries or direct web links to offsite listings, sales, resales, trades, auctions, raffles/lotteries of any recasted items or parts of items without consent of those product originators are not allowed on Macross World. Macross World is not associated or liable for any user-generated artwork or original custom items or parts. The rule would appear to not just be applicable for direct KOs..... Maybe it is time to remove this forum "rule" as it would appear it is truly more of a guideline?
  14. In a perfect world where anyone can afford or attain anything they want with ease.....the ultimate high ground would be to view any unauthorized use of an IP as theft, therefore unacceptable. Unfortunately, we all live in the real world where many people have the means to steal, create, copy something based on someone else's IP AND you simultaneously have people willing to part ways with their money to attain such non-authorized versions of an IP. So basically, you just have to make a decision on how "grey" you want your views to be on IP infringement. Personally, if it is something not available from the IP holder or with no indication that it will ever be made available by the IP holder, then I will support it if I care to have it. Such things would include items such as "NON-KO" 3P toys, fan-created items made in small quantities, art....all the way up to "fan-subbed" Macross media. I tend not to support direct KOs. The reason is simple....just because Bandai or Arcadia is not making a valk or accessory today....does not mean they will not decide to re-release it tomorrow...my only "grey" area involves the TV and movies.....sorry, but I have waited too long for an English-subbed SDFM TV set on HD....how hard/expensive is it for Bandai to hire a translator and add the English subtitles on all of their Macross titles? I know they have started, but it is too little and too late.....
  15. jvmacross

    Hi-Metal R

    Unfortunately, things such as rarity and exceptional build or quality do not always translate into a high monetary value if the demand or desirability for the item is not high enough. The HM-R Monster is a case in point.
  16. jvmacross

    Hi-Metal R

    Maybe the violet color hints are coming off of this old Takani illustration?
  17. jvmacross

    Hi-Metal R

    Thought that was Spanner's motto?
  18. jvmacross

    Hi-Metal R

    Exactly.....just look at the display case at the end....majority are MISB..... Which is not hardcore enough if you follow Davidwangchoi's unique take on the MW Collector Doctrine which insists on MISSB!!! Radical!!!!
  19. Was responding to juice's assertion of a possible eBay partner....
  20. jvmacross

    Hi-Metal R

    The MW Collector Doctrine never gets old! Just increasingly more expensive to adhere to each year....
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