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  1. Thought that on BW-licensed Macross toys...it was either 1982 for "TV" based toys...and 1984 for "DYRL" based toys...
  2. With the exception of DC....all of those other IPs belong to Disney....and so does the Alien IP.....cautiously optimistic...I had no issues with Romulus either...actually just watched in on D+ over the weekend....my biggest issue is that I had no reason to subscribe to Hulu....and still don't....will just wait and see how this show is received by fans and critics I guess....
  3. Sadly, based on past 'mistakes'....KC usually double downs on things pointed out as needing improvement....poor sales may be the only way to get the message across...
  4. Still just as fugly with a coating of lipstick...
  5. OK, how about "You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig"...
  6. LOL....no hard feelings, but as the saying goes you can't polish a 💩!
  7. I believe the issue with the regult/battlepod is that potential customers have been turned off by what has been happening with the KC line before its release that even though the Regult is actually a solid release...the damage to their rep may be too great for many to overlook and give them another chance....the current Max fig doesn't help KC....it's probably now all up to the diehard fans to help KC through this hump....even though I do not particularly like the Max fig....they more or less kept their promis to release it close to when they said they would....I am guessing a March-April release for the first wave of Zentran figs....however, I won't wait that long before reaching out for an update if none is posted on their FB page...cautious optimism is all I can have at this point....
  8. Pretty sure there is only one person making those calls at KC....you can simply post these questions on KC's Facebook page and he will either ignore you or double- down on his decisions...imo, he has made several decisions that I found to take his brand a few steps backwards beginning with the change he made with the leg tabs on his VF-1's.....this fig would be the latest change that made it worse compared to previously shown prototypes.....one can argue that using cloth is a bad decision in itself...at least for the current implementation....the next bad move may be the paint choices he has shown for the Zentran pilot figs....he really just needs to stick to the canon colors....no need to get creative on that...
  9. Nah...those look like sh!t too.... Unfortunately, this current KC Max is definitely a step backwards in their figure line....Hopefully, KC takes note
  10. KC Max fig.... So basically everything I disliked from the preview pics...I still dislike with it now that I have in in-hand.... Additionally, the hands seem off...like too large for the fig...they are also difficult to remove and install...the gun in the pics is from the Hikaru fig.....without it every hand included just looks odd....and the weirdest accessory is a video game controller....guess a sort of homage to the video game scene in the show...I think a container with his video game tokens would have made more sense.... The only the face that I have installed is "ok"...the other 2 just don't seem right for his character.... This is easily the worst Macross fig release from KC....I don't regret the purchase, but hope that their next release...the Zentran figs...will make up for it....time will tell....
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