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Everything posted by one_one

  1. Are all the macross zero dvd's on ebay basically the same? You can buy the two episodes indivivualy or on 1 dvd and from lot's of different sellers? Are they all the same, subtitles, picture menu's etc or are some different than others?
  2. Well after a strong start from the Yf-19 it seems now the YF-21 has taken the lead.
  3. Thnaks guys! anymore places would also be great, also what about the Yf-21. anyone know where I can get that also?
  4. Anyone know where I can get some Wallpapers of the YF-21. Failing that some decent pictures. I've been looking for ages and havn't really come up with anything. Thanks.
  5. Hey, if you want to go into detail about the technicalities of the Yf-21, morphing wings or anything else, on why you think it is superior I would love to read it. That goes for anyone else who wants to write some essays on the post! some people probably wouldn't want to read long posts but then they don't have. Myslef and i'm sure some others would love to read them!
  6. Yeah I saw that one but seller only ships to the us and i'm not in the us, thanks anyway!
  7. It would be good if you could find that old post! Also in conclusion which plane did you think is superior, I know you said the yf-19 is your fav but does that mean you think it is technically superior?
  8. Could you expand on this a bit more, how and why?
  9. ANyone know where I can the smal diecast model of the yf-19 or the yf-21? it's 1/144 scale?
  10. I'm sure this was covered on the old board but that is gone now. If I remeber correctly the majority of people felt the 21 was superior over the 19. So not taking into acount the quality of the pilot, which plane is technical supeior and how? I also put in the VF-22 (yesI said 21 in my poll as pointed out!) and VF 19 as thats what the planes became and in the 21's case got rid of the original mind control system so that can't be a reason the 21 is inferior. Have fun.
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