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Everything posted by grymg

  1. Got the Slim E and Tiny Sessions VF-31J.
  2. This caught my eye this morning at Target! Pretty random.
  3. Great design for a Speed Champions set, looks good from all angles.
  4. Figma Link DX Edition and Ultimate Hulk Hogan, BROTHER!!
  5. SmackDown Rock and F&F Hot Wheels, got it specifically for DK's 350Z (one of my favorite rides from the series). Was surprised to find the Hot Wheels as I was originally on my Target run to find Pokemon Oreos 😃
  6. Yeah, Tamiya is slowly rereleasing all of the classics. I remember the Frog the most vividly out of all their old ones. Always saw it perched on the shelf behind the counter but didn't have the courage to ever buy one, they were quite expensive.
  7. Just this guy. If he breaks, oh well. I'm no stranger to broken TF's and valks.
  8. Beautiful! I have the same valk and flightpose setup. I ended up adding some thin clear plastic wrap on each of the rubber posts to prevent paint transfer (more of an issue on colored valks).
  9. Finally finished the SW storytellers set.
  10. Been back in the train phase, after a 20 year hiatus now I've gone smaller from HO scale to N scale and Z scale.
  11. My turn, but gonna do a bunch of research before unboxing =(
  12. Nice, Akira class right? Think it had something like chain reaction pulsar cannons or something like that.
  13. Nice purchase!! I have the standard Hot Rod and wanted the targetmaster as soon as this version was announced. Sadly the KO version never came and no one seems to be selling the TM on it's own. So I rebought Offshoot (from the original MP-09 TRU edition which I used to own) and it fits like a glove, aside from engine mounted mode.
  14. Nice score!! I had the YF-19 and VF-1S and loved them both, but they were really prone to paint scratches especially on any tips or ends.
  15. Same here!! I pretty much have all of the relevant Federation Trek ships including the 1701-A and DS9. Don't have an original TOS 1701 but have the reissue with base. I have more not pictured here. I normally don't buy Star Wars ornaments but couldn't pass up the storytellers.
  16. Post Thanksgiving means tree and ornament time! Grabbed the Falcon to add to my Storyteller Death Star, X-Wing, and Vader's TIE. Looking for the TIE next.
  17. So awesome you are into warbirds!! I fly R/C planes and exclusively use fighter planes. I've crashed many times, but most of the time repairable with foam CA glue. But so far I am down one P-51 and one Zero due to really really bad nosedives. My personal rules for flying: 1) 3 story rule - always fly 2 stories above the tallest obstruction 2) YOU WILL CRASH 3) always carry spares of everything.
  18. Finally was able to find a decent hot wheels while hunting for Harry Potter Lego CMF's =)
  19. grymg

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Sucks about the antennas. Did the VF-19A's ever have this problem? Because mine come intact with no issues.
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