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Everything posted by Fuun

  1. My vote goes for Minmay. She's a legend.
  2. Awesome, specially Minmay Always happens to me that when I see those 3 again , I have a nostalgia attack and wanna know about the MR-01 and stuff...
  3. Damn, Mylene's too young guys xD I would give her just a hug and nothing more, come on. Even Basara says that she's still a child... ... Ok, Basara's words doesn't count for obvious reasons But still :/
  4. This honorable man knows what he's talking about. Domon is the best Gundam pilot because he's AWESOME and will bring you defeat just by screaming GUNDAAAAAAAM.
  5. Let's just say that for the Pastafarian theory (some crazy internet phenomenon), the FSM is like a God (I tell you, I don't have any interest in this, so, dunno why he is a God or whatever ). So what Shaloom was saying with the "o sabra FSM que piensen", would be, by logic "or will God know what are you thinking". Yeah it's stupid but maybe Shaloom follows this Pastafarian stuff and... well nevermind, the thing is that he was talking about a God-like being .
  6. Mmm dex-kun, hope this doens't bother you but I found a paragraph with errors. Specifically this one: In the first bold words, it would be better "will be satisfied with my explanation" In the second ones, "to turn the page and continue with their life". No more complaints Ah, about the "FSM" thing, he's referring to the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Yeah, pretty stupid but well Now, my opinion. He got cornered by Gubaba, and actually by not having any solid response, mounted all this ridiculous "defense" posts explaining things nobody cares about. And he do that twice. At least he admits his info was false from the very beginning, but it seems like he doesn't really see the damage he did to the community, because A LOT of people changed their visions of Macross F and the staff involved on it, by reading his liner notes, translated interviews, etc. That's the mayor thing that bothers me the most, he even said at some point "for the ones who wanna post that all is false in other involved forums, go ahead and do it, because I won't", like saying "i don't care". Anyway, the admins and several users of MG are questioning his reactions to all this. That's a very good signal. Well, Mercurial Morpheus is right, it's time to move on. And finally, quoting Gubaba too, "getting this guy to be honest is like getting blood from a stone" So, even when Gubaba doesn't got all the answers, i believe this is over.
  7. Haha yeah you caught me editing my previous post, but I came to the same conclusion And when the translation is ready, you'll see he's talking about his time managing AGAIN, in response to the link you left there previosly, the one about his activity in some other games webpage or something.
  8. Well Shaloom answered again in Mg, this time clearly saying that all the info involved in this issue, is false because he doesn't have any way to prove it. Even though Gubaba confirmed that nobody heard the infamous audio radios, that the Famitsu interview was greatly altered and a big etcetera, I guess this is it. From his explanation, he says he didn't do it to deceive or make fun of everybody... He even mention this: "Until I cannot prove it, through calls, investigation, interviews, printed material, the information is false. Or a rumour if you didn't like that label." Implying and insisting he listened/saw all about he wrote previosly, but being unable to prove it, well... So I guess this is it.
  9. The translation is great, no complaints about it from here Personally i found Shaloom's reply as a big bunch of excuses and personal issues with other members that nobody cares about, no real explanation of why he lied and altered the information of Ohnogi and all the liner notes. But well, that's pretty much everything he's gonna say, so I think this is it, now knowing for sure that Gubaba was right.
  10. Neh I don't think your reputation was damaged in any way, it's just that all of a sudden a totally unknown guy for them (in this case, you ), comes and starts questioning A LOT of what they considered, at that point, veridical facts. But the "shocking" factor was the involvement of Shaloom on it. That's why they refuse to accept it right now, just give'em some time (at least that's what i hope).
  11. Oh well then I'll just wait for your translation Dex-kun is right, Shaloom's just talking about his life and all the hard time he had to stay connected and such. Nothing about the false information. Well it seems the MG community doesn't care about all this, but at least now we know all those liner notes were altered or directly false.
  12. Hey guys hi! I'm the typical MW lurker, reading the forums for quite a time, but now I want to participate and all that stuff, it's like I've grown up or something xD Well I'll try to translate all that Shaloom's post to english, I'm argentinian and my english is somewhat decent I GUESS xD so, I'll give it a try, now. And, Gubaba, the MG guys are looking at you with doubt, believing that you're some sort of "attention-whore" (couldn't think in a proper word to describe it), that's why some of them are saying that "let's get over this" thing, plus as you might know, in MG Shaloom is one of the most respected fans, super reliable with the info. Well at least now they'll think twice before believing everything he or anyone says. So, I think you should stay cool and stop posting about it, because like you said, they're trying to minimize in some way the situation, like "this wasn't that bad you know". Just keep Shaloom's response and be satisfied to know that you were right about all this. Well now i'm going to take a shower and after that, I'll start the translation. P.D.: if my english is horrible or something like that, say it now so I won't waste your time with a bad english translation
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