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Everything posted by bandit29

  1. Ya the back hinge, back plate and tailwing section basically cracked all at once. Why I dunno.
  2. That would be me
  3. Nope. Macross toys are too expensive to keep MISB. With the suspect quality of Yamato toys why bother? Remember toys are not investments. If you want realinvestments call your accountant. btw curio cabinets are a great way to display stuff.
  4. I was wondering..can you use the slide card to play import PS one games on a PS2?
  5. Macross and females? lol ya right. I've never met one in person. My wife likes anime but she hates Macross lol. some quotes from around the house: "ugh is that stupid bitch singing again" lol "So Macross even looked like crap when it first aired" "Who's the flamer with the guitar" "Another robot? What ya buyin me?" There's plenty more but that would take up too much room
  6. lol i was in process of adding more...of course I like Testament. Met them a long time ago too in 1989. Dave Lombardo is back with Slayer now for the tour
  7. Mostly metal I listen to Slayer Pantera Iron Maiden Super Joint Ritual Ozzy Black Sabbath Black Label Society Rob/White Zombie Static-X Pissing Razors Ramones Lamb of God Nevermore Shadow's Fall Sevendust Hatebreed Biohazard KISS Aerosmith Old Metallica (pre 90's) Danzig Alice in Chains Testament Old Sepultura (80's mid 90's) Suicidal Tendencies Machine Head and alot more but too many to list what I don't like rap top 40 the new whiny punk bands that are out now Country
  8. bandit29

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    So is it going to be a VF-1J/GBP(whatever it is) combo pack?
  9. bandit29

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    As cool as all this new Macross stuff is it doesn't beat this guy Guts(Gattsu) from Berserk 12 inches tall. too bad the price is so high 19,800 yen according to HLJ. I think I'm gonna have to sell some stuff..
  10. bandit29

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    I wonder if that GBP is all one figure? And not a 1/60 with the armor added..the hands are different...
  11. Need to change my total a bit 1/72: 2 1/60: 3 (down from 4) 1/48: 4 (down from 5, the piece of crap basically broke and cracked in pieces.... )
  12. HLJ has them 10 pcs for 3000 yen (about 27.00) http://www.hlj.com/cgi-perl/hljpage.cgi?KAMX-01
  13. bandit29

    Macross VFX-2

    Yep even my original copy had that problem. Man was I pissed lol
  14. Its Art (sort of). some people will love it, some will hate it. some people thing Monet is great, some think hes absolute crap. some people like Robert Frost, some don't. disagreements over it are common. not liking something because its not pleasing to the eye doesn't necessarily make one a "Raving Fanboy". Disagreements are fine. Constructive criticism is ok with me but on MW whining and nitpicking is the norm.
  15. I'll tell you what I'm sick and tired of: People always pining in saying "If it was in the fan art section you'd rave about it!" A-Face it. In the opinion of many people here, the artwork sucks. The "Veritech" looks like crap and is incredibly ill-proportioned. The Q-Rau has some serious mechanical issues in regards to it's missiles. The only well drawn thing on the page IS the Q-Rau because it's cut and pasted from the original Japanese material. The artist couldn't even take the time to draw the it himself... And that's what he gets paid to do!!! With every cover I've stated that I like the coloring work and this one is no exception. It's the drawings themselves which blow chunks. The problem we have with the paintscheme is their simple inability to follow an extremely easy continuity. Without knowing who's fault it is, we can't really blame anyone specific. But it's still an incredibly bad error. B- Moving on to your statement about the Fan Works- Yes, we rave for the fan works. Why? Not always because they're always good. We give major kudos to the fan art submissions because someone drew it simply for their own personal enjoyment and the love of Macross. We provide constructive criticism which has helped many of our fan artists (including myself) on their next project. And we eagerly anticipate their next work. Not because the do it for pay, and not because they have to. If this picture were done by BoB, Bake-Art, >EXO< or any one of our members, I would comment on the extremely poor quality of the VF. But I wouldn't rip into them because they are not expecting the luxury of money for their work. Meanwhile, these chodes a Udon are supposed to be Professionals and yet can't even get their details straight. Do you now understand why we praise the Fan Art and yet lambast the "professional" work? Right... that's pretty mature. And like I said the fanboys will always find something to bitch about. If that was a Mikimoto or Kawamori drawing, the MW fanboy squad would be drooling. Sorry its true. EDIT Added Kawamori
  16. The cover doesn't look that bad. To the casual fan it looks good enough. The fanboys will always find something to bitch about. If that showed up in the fanworks section here at MW I'd bet you'd all be raving about it. Especially with the messed up paint job of the Max VF-1A. That would probably considered a great idea or cool custom pic. Grow the F**K up already <_<
  17. Here are a few I like: M*A*S*H* Star Trek TNG A little too much focus on Picard but more enjoyable than the last two Star Trek TNG movies anime series: Devil Lady ***SPOILER**** Jun Fudo envisioing a world where both beasts and human existing together right before she dies. Keep in mind she sees herself walking down the street meanwhile she has no arms lol They were ripped off in the final battle... Giant Robo Macross Plus Berserk not really an ending since the manga continues with the story. The abruptness of the ending of the anime series after all of what's happened in the last episode is cruel. lol But then you rememeber that the first episode takes place after the last...
  18. A Jack Archer MPC? He looks like Roy and Rick had a child together lol. Is Izzy next? That's another character from RT BS Mark my words, this one will go down faster in price than the Ben MPC.
  19. Isn't the Japanese release supposed to have diecast while the American version won't?
  20. Wow that's pretty cool looking. I might just have to get that.
  21. Ya same story here. lol I have too much of that as it is but yet I buy more lol
  22. The usual I guess(bills, house payment etc) but I don't want alot of VF-1s anymore. I sold off all of my 1/55s, new and old. I only have 3 1/60's left. I had owned at least one of each released(except the VF-1D and Elint). I'm just keeping my 1/48s. I have 4 now and affter the VF-1J, I'm done with any other 1/48 VF-1's if they become available. Also the Japanese yen has become stronger against the US dollar lately, so prices have started going up a bit. I also have other hobby's and interests. Macross I'm kinda burned out on. The toys, liscensing BS, overzealous whiny fanboys etc. I'm really sick of it all.....
  23. Here is some some Sony news. I wonder how much this thing will cost http://www.gamespot.com/ps2/news/news_6076338.html
  24. I think we have enough polls.... <_
  25. How about a maybe? lol Ihad two 1/48 VF-1S'....one still is great and the other is a piece of crap laying in a pile of broken parts. With the Hikaru VF-1S and VF-1J coming soon it will have to wait....for awhile Its just getting too expensive plus I have another hobby I've been neglecting..videogames
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