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Everything posted by bandit29

  1. Gojira - The Way of All Flesh..totally kills. GNR Chinese Democracy...meh 15 years for this? Some of its very dated, some of it sounds new, Axl's screeeeeching has become worse..I'm glad I didn't pay for it..
  2. THORA Bluray rips of episodes 8,9 and 10 are out.
  3. I actually like it, just not for 50.00 before shipping... me thinks I will have to pass for now.
  4. An RPG that I really wanted to play on the PC is coming to the PS3/360 next fall The Witcher: Rise of the White Wolf http://kotaku.com/5100797/the-witcher-to-o...-witch-consoles
  5. I've resisted the new 1/60s but the Hikaru VF-1S is my favorite...and I don't own any 1/48s or old 1/55s anymore....gah
  6. The season of Street Fighter http://www.capcom-unity.com/s-kill/blog/20..._street_fighter
  7. Black Friday Best Buy sales..dunno how accurate but some good deals if they are true http://www.blackfriday.info/sales/best-buy...-friday-ad.html?
  8. last nights episode needed more turtles.. more set up and no pay off..zzz
  9. Try xvid4psp (it does more than the psp) and this tutorial. You'll need to download the latest CCCP pack (if you don't have it). http://animeted.wordpress.com/2008/07/03/h...itles-embedded/ You could also try mkv2vob. This program is less trial & error. Subtitles won't look the same. They will be generic white.
  10. Lamb of god - "laid to rest"
  11. honestly...what did you expect? i don't think any anime on iTunes is subtitled or in dual language with soft subs.
  12. meh.. its a dollar..besides if the blu-ray movie sucks you are only out a 1.00 as opposed to 25-30.00 if you bought it...
  13. cheaper at Amazon 58.99 without a sale http://www.amazon.com/Gunbuster-vs-Diebust...8963&sr=8-1
  14. Ya I heard this awhile back...its awful. I'm surprised this hasn't been released here yet...considering they will sell just about anything..
  15. aw crap... I haven't picked any of them up yet but the Hokuto No Ken and SFO lines aren't that old. How could they be under performing already? Or is it just QC problems? Another case of the strong yen hurting JP exports?
  16. So is Robotech the Macross Saga. Macross II is in 6 episodes not the movie form..I'm assuming Plus and II are in English only. They are in the Manga Entertainment section.
  17. I didn't say there shouldn't be high end toys. I just think there should be more options for fans. Not everyone wants to blow US 200.00 plus on a 1/60 YF-21 for example. I've been through that "special" feeling you talk about. After awhile, that turns into "This stuff is too expensive and not worth it". For example, NASCAR has companies that produce different grades of 1/24 die-cast cars. You have the crappy 20$, the average 60-70$, and the high end 100-150 or more 1/24 scale. Macross is still otaku country though. That mostly means small runs and expensive products. Toynami's junk doesn't qualify as middle ground. I have had gashapons that were made better lol
  18. Wow.. comparing Ferrari to Yamato... in a nutshell: Why are Macross Figs so expensive..small fanbase, crappy exchange rate (as of now), cost of raw materials has risen and Macross fans will over pay for just about anything Macross ...myself included IMO Macross has always needed more middle ground toys. For awhile now, it's been high end, overpriced Yamatos or junky POS gashapon figures from CMs, Bandai etc. Maybe the new 1/100 line from Bandai will help. But even that is a bit high given the exchange rate and international shipping. IIRC the 1/100 VF-25 is around 5000 yen before shipping...
  19. Not yet. Word is that Valkyria Chronicles is getting its own anime series this spring now the new Street Fighter II hd trailer http://kotaku.com/5082672/street-fighter-i...-the-bestaround and screen shots http://kotaku.com/5084504/akuma-fei+long-a...agat-in-full-hd awesomeness maybe this will launch soon since Capcom is getting its own section on the PSN..
  20. Speaking of the eventual double dip http://www.blu-ray.com/news/?id=2055 What a bunch of BS. Now I just might wait for the extended versions...
  21. I ripped the R2 DVDs of the OVA and the movie, added the subs (that I found here) and converted them to AVC/M2TS files so I could watch them on my PS3. Came out pretty good. I had the KAA fansubs of the OVA, they are good but I wanted a rip of the DVDs I already had.
  22. I guess I can hold off on the JP Blu-ray of Sin City. Transformers Extended cut? Megan Fox topless... umm naked? http://www.blu-ray.com/news/?id=2047
  23. Early bird at HLJ 4800 yen http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN954818 sorry if this has been posted along with international shipping (probably at least 2000 yen) and a crappy exchange rate...grrr
  24. Dyrl? for me. Macross Plus Movie/OVA a close second. I did like Macross Frontier more than I thought I would..
  25. Not directly at you but... yawn...when will 20-30 something white guys get over his lame tired ass...
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