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Everything posted by bandit29

  1. bandit29

    Hikaru VF-1S

    And who said Macross fans are nitpicky complainers.... <_< Did you try pushing the chest plate down?
  2. Very true. I'm sure my biker buddies would give me alot of crap about Macross 7. My wife sure does lol
  3. try http://www.ncsx.com/ around 60.00 is the price every where it seems overall its pretty good for a Macross game. Hell, even my wife likes it and she hates Macross lol
  4. Macross II in a nut shell: Annoying but good looking characters Ugly mechs probably the worst of the Macross universe Decent music rehashed story of DYRL Last time I watched it I fell asleep but back when it first came out I liked it alot. Its more enjoyable than Macross 7... but thats not saying much lol Just stick with the classics Macross DYRL and Macross Plus
  5. To get the Max VF-1A beat "Pine Salad" with an S ranking and then go back beat TV missions 1-5 with an A ranking or higher to get a Max VF-1J. Use the Max VF-1J on Pine Salad to unlock Miria's VF-1J. I got an A ranking that time to get it.
  6. Just to clarify...using the Flip-Top case and Swap magic disk, you can play PSX import/backups in your PS2 and nothing else is needed. Correct? I wrote this on the last page. I have a flip top The PS2 gameshark V2 PS one disc is a read only disc for PS one games being played on a PS2. It worked for my back ups of the listed games above. I'm not sure about original imports though.
  7. Here is a pic of the box next to the Yamato vending machine http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...4&t=2051&st=280
  8. http://www.theonering.net/staticnews/1068240351.html
  9. Here is my experince with the flip top: My PS2 is a SCPH 30001 With a PS2 gameshark V2 ps one disc, I was able to play my burns of Macross DYRL and Tenchu Shinobi Gaisen. I dont know if it works with original imports since I don't own anymore. The Swap discs didn't work for my Region 2 DVDs. Not a big deal for me since I own a region free player The Swap disc worked fine with Macross PS2 game Game shark V2 codes will not work Gameshark V2 will not boot PS2 Imports.
  10. These figures are kinda cool. The transformable VFs are so small. I like these much better than the Banecrapos.
  11. No its not candy. Don't eat it. Its chalk-like substance to keep the moisture out. Kind of like silca gel.
  12. This thread is a perfect example of why I don't like to discuss Macross toys on MW anymore..... Don't like it, don't buy it. Can't wait for the Hikaru VF-1S If Yamato were smart they'd sell extra VF-1S heads on ebay, like I did http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...item=3149233035
  13. Join the club lol I dunno WTF that ending was all about. There are rumors of a third season floating around.
  14. bandit29

    1:48 VF-1J

    No fast packs for me. I don't like the Hikaru VF-1J with FPs. Besides, I have 3 soon to be 4, 1/48s with FPs. The VF-1J will be my last 1/48.
  15. bandit29

    Macross for PS2

    http://ncsx.com/ that's where I got mine and up the irons!
  16. I like the Hikaru VF-1S box. The black boxes are too boring. The Hikaru VF-1J box is alright.
  17. Cool. I just found a new avatar
  18. single huh? lol The aftermath of this topic header Just started watching M7 with my GF and now I'm A) single B) sleeping on the couch C) divorced D) out of the closet
  19. Here ya go a special 1/55 CF prototype blown by Bandai lol http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...&category=16467 ] EDIT: oops never mind didn't see it below
  20. My .02 cents that this poll has the worst topic header lol From what I've seen, I like Inuyasha. I've seen about 30 episodes.
  21. bandit29


    Say "no" to mechs with hats I never understood the love for that POS. Its ugly.
  22. Neither version. I'm noy paying to play any game. Also I don't like RPGs that much anymore, especially Square ones.
  23. I'm 29 and will be 30 in March. And maybe by time I'm 40 Macross Zero will come to the US when I don't care anymore lol
  24. I've been collecting Macross stuff since I was 11 in 1985....
  25. Gotta agree with that. I'm sticking with the bootlegs for now. I own a region free player and did own the region 2 of Macross Zero Vol 1. I sold that. Macross Zero isn't worth 5000 yen(around 50.00-55.00) a disc.
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