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Everything posted by bandit29

  1. From what it sounds like HG is using the old audio they found and using the remastered video. And using the timecodes on where to edit, cut/slow down etc the animation. I was reading on RT.com that not all the scenes that are in the original Japanese versions will be in the new extended versions of RT. Only the scenes that they have audio for.
  2. Here's some more from Steve since he doesn't post here anymore ... http://forums.animeondvd.com/showflat.php?...sb=5&o=&fpart=5
  3. If ya want to watch a show with some balls, check out Berserk. Some others RahXephon Inuyasha Last Exile Devil Lady New Fist of the North Star OVA (bootlegs only available right now) Heat Guy J Witch Hunter Robin
  4. Ya I'd say so. I watched it last night...much improved.
  5. Macross fans must like boring covers. lol j/k The SDF Macross covers are extremely dull and boring. The R2 and R3 covers are gorgeous. The Macross Zero covers aren't even real illustrations. They are a cut, copy and paste of existing character art smashed together. Talk about uninspired and lacking imagination. but covers aside its content that counts. And hopefully Macross Zero ep 3 will deliver.
  6. Hmmm...I wonder if they'll finally give some story/design credit to Studio Nue and Artland? Nahhh. lol I doubt that.... but I wonder if ADV is recutting the originals into Robotech.
  7. Oh man that's brutal on the fans who bought the original DVDs and were told they couldn't be remastered but this has me curious
  8. Of course they´ll look familiar , it´s been less than a year since the last AC game came out and you expect Kawamori to suddenly change his style back to what it looked like 20 years ago ? I wouldn´t expect him to do such thing. Of course young lads won´t give a sh*t about Macross , they hardly know it. I personally am happy that Macross isn´t aimed at mindless young kids and that we don´t get a new series every single year that passes by like Gundam solely to satisfy that audience , at least that keeps the quality up. I wish we had more Macross 7 bash threads more often , at least those kept the nitpickers busy for a while instead of bashing every possible detail they can come up with for whatever new thing is released. Every time a new Episode comes out everyone is like : OMG ; OMF !!! ; HOLY MACARONI !! that was an awesome episode ; can´t believe this is so beautiful...bla bla bla , yada yada yada... and then the double standard comes out of the closet when all those people start to nitpick about some irrelevant crap. I could understand why people would bitch about M7 , I myself didn´t like some aspects of it , but now that we at last get a decent series again after M+ , everyone jumps on the ¨bashing-van wagon¨ now that they got bored of bitching about M7...that´s just pitiful really. Sorry for that rant but I don´t like when this sort of things start to happen. I wouldn't expect it either. I just thought they looked familar. The character designs on the otherhand....if your not going to make them retro at least make them attractive to the viewer.... I think having gaps in Macross releases has hurt the franchise's growth. Too bad Macross didn't have a sequel in the mid to late 80's. I like Macross Zero. I just don't blindly love it, like some do on this board. and btw Mao is only 11? jeez I really hope there isn't any fanservice of an 11 year old..... Sara's was bad enough and pointless. Did she really have to be naked to sing that awful song lol
  9. I rented the newest Spongebob game last week, my wife liked it alot. I'll stick with kill.switch. Girly games? How about that Matrix game lol You could try Tetris. There's always the EyeToy...which I heard can be fun with alcohol and half naked girls lol
  10. A slight update 1/72: 2(soon to be 1) 1/60: Just a Super O(soon to be 0) 1/48: 5 (VF-1S Roy, VF-1A Hikaru, Low Viz and 2 Hikaru VF-1S, one custom and one new. 4 sets of 1/48 armor.
  11. And here we go again... What´s all this fascination with 1/48 scale for everything ? not everything is gonna be good because it´s big ,specially a 1/48 M0 or M+ valk. THEY WOULD NOT BE THE SAME AS YOUR 1/48 VF-1s they would double its size and the ammount of die-cast would be minimal , moreover the toy itslef would be too cumbersome to even transform , and as a display piece it wouldn´t have anymore detail than what Yamato can actually do with their VF-1s , and for that price it wouldn´t sell well , hell , if the curent VF-1 toys are limited collection item the M0 or M+ toys will be even more limited within that market. just as an example of th size of this things : do people realise that a 1/48 YF-21´s nosecone would be just as big as an entire 1/72 YF-21 toy ? I certainly wouldn´t buy such a big and expensive monstrosity. Let´s not talk about the M0 valks , those even bigger lol no one seems to understand scale vs size on MW. I don't think they'd be double a VF-1 but bigger none the less. "I'd like a 1/48 SDF-1" lol....... <_< And with the increasing value of the Japanese yen, Macross toys will become more expensive. On the subject of uniforms give me DYRL. But I think Yamato will crank out more TV sculpts since the 1/48 Max and Miria will probably come out someday
  12. Ya I thought the samething. The mechs look familar. I see the trend of boring Macross Zero DVD covers continues. When does this come out? next week? On the subject of character designs of Macross Zero....other than Mao and Shin, most of them are ugly....especially Roy, he looks terrible. Macross Zero should have used a more retro style of character design which has been used in newer anime shows of old liscenses(Harlock, Mazinkaiser etc.) Let's face it, most young anime fans aren't watching Macross Zero. Like today's kids and Star Wars, they don't care.
  13. Yes, the four disc only version. The Gollum statue was no interest to me since I bought the huge talking Gollum at Toys R Us.
  14. And that's like a big deal? who cares what they think For a Macross game, its pretty good. Best 3-D one of the bunch. It could use more mission variety and less clunky controls. Its more enjoyable and less annoying than Robotech Battle Cry was.
  15. lol I'm 29 and have been playing video games since the Atari 2600. This game is easy. Its tough at first but once you figure out the patterns its easy. Only one more S ranking to go (on movie stage 7).
  16. I really doubt that a VF 5000 would be profitable. Most casual Macross fans don't even know what it is or where its from. The VF-19A from Macross VFX-2 was just a simple repaint with little cost to Yamato probably. Same goes for the Low Viz(well not a repaint but plastic molded in a different color). The 1/48 Hikaru VF-1J will probably be my last 1/48 VF-1. I wouldn't be surprised(like many) if the a Max and Millia 1/48 VF-1Js are around the corner. I'd like to see a 1/48 Max VF-1S even though I bashed the release of the Max VF-1A lol
  17. Another Macross game? Geez the new PS2 game is less than a month old lol I wouldn't be surprised if the YF-19 etc are downloads later on. They could of left YF-19 or YF-21 in the game instead of the useless ElintSeeker and Super O or ugly VF-4...at least Basara and the VF-19 aren't in the game... Here's what I'd like to see in the next game: Adjustable difficulty S rankings are not that hard to get. Especially in Free Battle More variety in the missions. Too many flying missions, not enough ground missions. Keep the arcade style I like the arcade style of the game. I wouldn't want it to turn into a sim game( boring) I like the unrealistic weapons load. It makes the game fun. Just like in the TV series/Movie, the VFs never run out of missiles lol Piloting enemy mechs It'd be pretty cool to be a Zentran/Meltran pilot like in Macross VO
  18. Nope don't like it. I tried many times. I find the characters extremely annoying. I do like RahXephon alot, a show that's constantly compared to EVA.
  19. Ugh we've had enough of this BS. Give it a rest.
  20. Ya I just unlocked Max and Hikaru VF-1S's tonight. I think by the time I get Roy, I will have had enough of this game and go back to Castlevania or NASCAR...lol. I have to get S's on the last two stages of the movie section...
  21. You need 18 S ranks to unlock the Hikaru VF-1S and 16 to unlock the Max VF-1S
  22. that would be me. 51.99 to be exact. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...item=3149233035 Anyway I usually just remove the boosters/strike cannon before I transform it. And sometimes the left booster. I'd remove the boosters completely but that right one was a bitch to get on/off even on the new Hikaru VF-1S The 1/48 is kinda cumbersome to transform with all that armor on it.
  23. Thanks for the heads up Kevin.
  24. Lets see a crappy E machine with win 98. 533 MHz 13 gig hardrive, 64 MB and a region hacked Samsung DVD-ROM that works most of the time. lol I'm not much of a computer guy. I'm a console gamer anyway
  25. I have 13 S rankings right now only, mostly in the TV series. A few in the movie section. I found that very little damage or no damage helps for an S ranking. Hit% helps too but on one mission I had a 74% hit rate but the damage bonus was around 16000 so I only got an A. And on P 04 I only got a 15% hit rate but no damage and got an S.
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