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Everything posted by bandit29

  1. Ya I'd throw in a few bucks to see that lol. I wouldn't mind seeing Trish Stratus nude but she wants to be taken seriously as a wrestler so she won't do it....lol x 1000...she will some day. Anyone see the clip of her singing on the new WWE CD no one will buy...and I thought her acting was bad lol. Wow Austin's a sheriff now(lame)...HHH actually had me laughing when asking if Austin would be like Rosco or Barney Fife. Then HHH went back into a-hole mode very quickly... A word to the WWE: NOBODY CARES ABOUT A RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CHRIS JERICHO AND TRISH STRATUS.
  2. Ya he's confirmed that he is no longer in the WWE. Ugh I hate him. He'll probably team up with Scott Hall again in NWA-TNA :puke: ( I miss this one) http://kevinnash.net/nash010803.html But in other good news:
  3. Bandai's US Yukikaze site is now up. I'm still undecided on this show... http://www.yukikazenet.com/
  4. Well part of the reason for some of the price increase(at least for the US) is the that the yen is stronger against the dollar. 1/48s are about 10.00 more than they were 6 months ago when comparing currencies(14,800 yen = 135.00 approx). I've seen the Low-Viz on ebay listed at 200.00. Just because a seller lists it that price doesn't really mean its worth that much if no one is going to buy it. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...&category=16467
  5. There's a pic of someone wearing this on Yamato's website. http://www.yamato-toys.com/macross/pilothel.html This just screams major dork. Sorry I think this is really a wasted effort on Yamato's part. I don't think this was meant for use on a motorcycle.
  6. bandit29


    Here's somes new sorta...Kevin at the valk exchange has them up for preorder @124.99 http://valkyrie-exchange.com/Yamato/yquead...adlunn_rau.html Now If I'd stop spending my ebay money....
  7. The 1/48 is a display piece more than a true toy. But as a display piece the quality of the 1/48 should be better. Plus no stickers. More details should have been painted on the 1/48. Plastic molding should be cleaner cut etc.
  8. bandit29


    Well we don't know if it can or can't stand on its own yet. Since that's all about it does, I would think the final product would be able to stand. Unless this comes with a display stand and no I don't mean the clear boxes lol
  9. http://www.the-magicbox.com/game123003b.shtml Comes out on March 25th 2004 in Japan. I'll take a guess of next summer/fall in the US.
  10. You're signature is suddenly very ironic. Vostok 7 lol true I guess. But I'm not really whining. Just kinda curious of the effects of adding more armor onto an already unbalanced floppy toy, the 1/60 VF-1 in Battroid mode.
  11. Custom stickers are usually the way to go. Takatoys are great. But if you have to use Yamatos awful things, heat them up with a hair dryer. That makes them sticker better. Just be careful not to overdo it with the heat or they will wrinkle.
  12. Really? What's wrong with your VF-1J? I bought one without the FP and its near perfect. There's a small nick in the head visor (not much to complain about really). And underneath the rim(behind the cockpit/above the heat shield) of the chest plate, part of the plastic is chipped. Not a big deal really since you can only see it when its being transformed. Other than those 2 small nit picks, my VF-1J is good. Tight joints etc.
  13. I wonder how sturdy this will be. The 1/60 is floppy enough without any armor on it. Add the Super armor, it wants to fall backwards. I'll take a guess that with the GBP armor on it, the 1/60 will be floppier than Michael Jackson getting a lap dance from an adult female stripper. Also I noticed that the hands can't hold a gunpod. Unless Yamato adds an extra hand. Very undecided on this one....
  14. Agreed. Rei is essentially Shinji from Evangelion, 10 years later. Ya I think I just had the same answer last week for this show.. lol I've had it with this type of anime male. We need more characters like Kenshiro(Fist of the North Star) or Guts(Berserk). Bandai America should sell Yukikaze under its translated name "Fairy Air Force" See how well it does.
  15. how is the seam on the head a Q/C problem? That is how it is made. One could argue it's a design flaw. At a normal viewing distance, the seam isn't noticeable anyaway.
  16. Who knows. Who cares. Porn stars can act better than Trish. And at least they get naked. Last nights show was ok but bringing Austin back so soon was kinda dumb. HHH vs HBK was just alright. A very slow paced match for two broken wrestlers. If I see another Final Fantasy X-2 commerical I'm gonna choke slam my TV. I think every commerical break had at least two sometimes three ads for that dumb game lol
  17. It's not a ship. IIRC, just shoot down all of the enemies and when they are all gone fly towards the purple marker. Then the next cutscene will start.
  18. bandit29


    I don't get the same scale/same price concept. Just because it's 1/60 scale doesn't mean its going to cost the same as a 1/60 VF-1. That's rather dumb to think that way. With that logic one could say that 1/48 YF-19 or 1/48 SDF-1(lol ya I l know its impossible) should sell for the same price as 1/48 VF-1. Part of the price we are paying is due to size and the size of the molds, boxes etc. Plus we don't know all of the material used in the Q-rau yet. Granted I think the Q-rau should be cheaper. It is cheaper than a 1/48 VF-1 but not by much. Also I think Yamato is making a mistake by not releasing a TV green version. The Blue Max version would be a waste. This could change of course since we don't know Yamato's plans for certain. You're not going to get a real answer on why it costs so much from Yamato. No company is going to reveal their cost. I wonder if this Q-rau comes with a display stand since every pic I'v seen its propped up by clear boxes.
  19. bandit29


    I don't see why you are bitching about a toy that you probably won't buy anyway..stop wasting MW's bandwith with your whining...
  20. Where else? home of the anime bootlegs..ebay. http://search.ebay.com/search/search.dll?M...ross+zero+3+dvd I'm sure Kevin at the Valk Exchange will sell it shortly
  21. bandit29


    then don't buy it. You are paying for the size. This sucker is going to be huge. Also you are paying for the chance that alot of Macross fans won't buy it because its not a VF-1 or a transforming fighter. Lower demand/higher cost. You can also thank the Yen vs Dollar. A few months ago 12,800 yen was about 110.00 US. Now its closer to 120.00
  22. Some bad grammar but you get the idea.
  23. I guess Edgar gets no respect form the HK bootleggers either lol Also the DVD case is clear and has some character info(Mao, Shin and Sara) printed on the reverse side.
  24. I recieved my Macross Zero 3 HK DVD today. Overall not bad. The video is good(and anamorphic like the R2), The subs are decent. Not as good as Infusions. Some wrong names and missed Macross jargon. Timing is good. No extras. Edgar's name is called Falker and Prof Hasford is called Najimka or something like that.
  25. I'm a poser lol 7.49507% - Poser
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