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Everything posted by bandit29

  1. Give it a rest fanboy. There are plenty of VF-0 threads already.
  2. That's a good question. Me personally, I really don't care if SK is involved with every Macross project. The fanboys would be out with their pitch forks and tortches and tissues most likely though if he wasn't. The reason I don't like Macross II isn't becuase he was not involved. I think the show is just mediocre. And to be honest SK really hasn't done anything good since Escaflowne(TV series). Macross 7, Spring & Chaos, Escaflowne the Movie and Arjuna are all clunkers. Macross Zero is just average.
  3. Oh boy...lol Doesn't Kawamori know that mech heads don't give a crap about the environment..we want stuff blowing up.. more teenage pilots? To save the earth no less....What an original idea.. oh well at least it will look cool ... I hope
  4. Most likely. As along as HG stays out of the "creative" side of things I don't care. I wouldn't like to see Shin turn out to be Rick Hunter's cousin.. Let the pros handle it(Bandai, Pioneer/Geneon).
  5. That really isn't surprise, is it?. Anyone who thought otherwise was fooling themselves. Animiego was working for HG. Kind of like how Rhino works for other companies in remastering/releasing DVDs(Battle of Planets,Transformers etc). It wouldn't do any good for Animeigo to own the remasters outright, they couldn't distribute it without HG being involved anyway.
  6. Like this topic hasn't come up before..... in a nut shell: Both soundtracks have some good and bad BGM. The RT Minmei songs suck but the Macross Minmei songs aren't much better(mostly awful). The Macross opening is rather cheezey but I'll take that over the lame RT opening anyday. Just to add. Macross Zero's music is really boring and uninteresting. It doesn't add anything to the scene. I don't think anyone would miss it if it wasn't there. Macross Plus has the best soundtrack.
  7. Pretty cool case. http://dvd.ign.com/articles/489/489472p1.html
  8. I gave up on RAW a little after the second hour started and went back to watching my Xena DVD box set. How did RAW end?
  9. Anything from the Kenshin OVAs has some good stuff. Especially the first episode of the first OVA. Berserk. There's so many killings through out the series but the episode(s) of Gutsu vs the 100 men rules. Then the ending of the series.... Of course Fist of the North Star the movie. Sure some of the are pointless lol The best part is when Kenshiro first comes back to rescue Lynn. Also when Rei slices off this dudes arms. Ninja Scroll the Movie. When Jubei goes nuts vs Genma's men after Kagero is attacked. The first scene with Jubei vs Tessai rules.
  10. If MW is down I usually check out the animeondvd.com boards, VEX forums, HLJ ebay and some of websites/forums of bands that I like.
  11. One reason it would more expensive than a 1/48 VF-1 is because the VF-0 is bigger than the VF-1. The VF-0 is about the same size as a Macross Plus Valk. Why the VF-0 would be that big in Macross Zero doesn't make much sense continuity-wise. The other is lack of variants. IIRC the VF-0 has only 2? Correct me if I'm wrong. The VF-1 has several and is the franchise mech. The VF-0 is barely two years old and most likely not as well known. Shelf space? huh whats that? lol I'm running outta room as it is. Between NASCAR, Macross, LOTR, Berserk and other figures, I have stuff all over my house lol
  12. The current size of 1/100 is fine with me since I'm not a huge fan of the VF-0 in general. But if it were going to bigger 1/72 is good. That's a good standard scale. You 1/48 fanboys would be the first to complain once the price of a 1/48 VF-0 became available anyway.
  13. Ugh You gotta be kidding me? lol its the law. not my job. Save your nonsense for some other board.
  14. that's right, I was, but now I see the light, I should express the same emotion as the rest of you on all subjects from now on. I mean, what was I thinking? being disappointed? no macrossworlder has got time for that! Once again, thank you I'll have to remember that I am lame AND a drama queen. Bless you for pointing this out to me. Now you are re just being an a-hole lol
  15. drama queen. <_<
  16. Ugh unbeliveable. You're really something.... if I was Graham I'd say to hell with MW. Especially with this current crop ungrateful whiny SOBs. He doesn't need this crap. Right now my Yamato purchases are just the 1/60 Q-rau & YF-19 FP. After that is wait & see. The VF-0 has me mildy interested. Scale and material isn't a problem with me.
  17. Eh it looks alright. It looks better than the one I saw at Comic-con over the summer with the metallic paint scheme. I won't be buying it since I'm not much of an RT New Gen/Mospeada fan. The price is high(like many have said) but this is a Toynami product so it will be 40-60% off in 6 months.
  18. If I get money back this year I think I'm gonna buy this http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljpage.cgi?AOW01012 I have enough 1/48s. And money for the Q-rau is already saved up
  19. Some favorites. Kenshiro from Fist of the North Star Guts from Berserk Roger Smith from Big O Spike from Cowboy Bebop
  20. How about no more f'n polls? <_
  21. An article at figures.com http://www.figures.com/databases/action.cg...show_article=65
  22. Last nights RAW was piss poor for the most part. The opening match was decent despite Orton screwing up the RKO. Its obvious that Flair needs to retire. Cool to see Benoit. And if I hear "Mrs Foley's baby boy" from Jim Ross again I'm going to throw my TV out the front door. Shut up and go away JR. Ugh I can't take it anymore. Its so bad. She's such a horrible "actress". Sable and Torrie will be in the next Playboy. The pic of them is in the upcoming section of this months issue. Hey I wonder if Jackie(I think that's her name) really flashed Renee Dupree(sp? the french guy) during the match with Rico or she had pastees on? Any pics?
  23. Here's an update on John Cena So HHH vs HBK fought to a draw? ugh At least Benoit won the Rumble. That's cool. He's been one of my favorites since he was in ECW. Here's some more stuff. Take this with a grain of salt of course
  24. X-Play. Kinda funny and they do a decent review of titles.
  25. Is the price for the stand 3900 yen? I think thats what it says in the pic.
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