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Everything posted by bandit29

  1. Well since the Busch race is under the red flag due to rain I thought I'd go to ncsx.com to see whats new....no comment lol http://hh141.hiphip.com/templates/frmTempl...subFolderID=179
  2. Anyone notice the drawn pic of the Elint seeker in Battroid mode behind them? Wtf is goin on here?
  3. most of us can rest easy http://www.animeondvd.com/
  4. Ya I have all four of the Blackswordsmen figures. The original(without the back drop piece), Millenium Falcon version and the 2 2nd edtion versions. Plus the Guts Hawks Soldier(red cape without back drop piece) plus the 2 newly released Guts figures. And the mini figures...I think I have a Guts fetish lol I thought the sculpt on the action figures were slighty better than the 12 inch mainly due to the lack of details in those girlie arms. But the 12 inch has real material. Not just molded on plastic like an action figure. Also I have Zodd human form and Griffith, Caska action figures. The two Behilt(sp?)pendants. My Skeleton Knight and Femto figures are on the way. lol Is there a bloody version of the 12 inch figure? I know that art-of-war likes to add blood to their action figures on their website even though the final product doesn't have it.
  5. What 1/60s? I don't have anymore and I had most them(sans the Elint and VF-1D). I was just running out of room. When I had them though I used to display them on their own shelf.
  6. ya just reading about that. This blows http://www.animeondvd.com/
  7. I'll be nice.... but this poll.... Uh just go find some real women. That's what I prefer.
  8. The leg armor is snug since it fits over the pants. Same goes for the foot armor that fits over the boots. Torso armor is tight. The shoulder armor is a little loose but you can tighten them up a bit by pulling(gently) the strap through the buckle. But they loosen up when you move the arms again. Since(I think) these were attached by hand, results could vary on how tight they when you first open the box.
  9. Ya thats probably my only complaint about it. The arms could use some more details(i.e. muscles) lol
  10. last one. pic of the extra head
  11. Guts vs a 1/48 Hikaru w/FP
  12. a close up
  13. a look at the back
  14. another
  15. Here are some pics of my 12 inch Guts figure from Berserk
  16. Whats the word on this set? Just curious. I was reading at RT.com and alot of people don't like the remastered version. Either its the upgraded/changed sfx audio or pixels in the video due to compression are the common complaints.
  17. Manga Macross Plus movie release is comparable to the R2 release? uh... uh no... I've owned both. The Mangle version was a VHS dump. The Bandai R2 version is nice and clean transfer.
  18. saw this at animeondvd.com. This is a good show. http://forums.animeondvd.com/showflat.php?...sb=5&o=&fpart=1
  19. oh well at least its coming soon. Bandai can slap around Mangle if they start f-ing things up. The thing about Manga is that their releases are either great or piss poor.
  20. I won't buy them. I have enough Macross stuff from Yamato. The last super posable I had from Toynami the legs fell off and the paint job sucked.
  21. Oh...stop whining about Yamato doing repaints. All the "repaints," as you call them now are legitimate valks to sell, they all showed up in the TV or DYRL? movie (with the exception of the Low Viz, but all I've read and heard was praised even though we don't even know that it will appear in Macross Zero). Live with it. No kidding? Really? I kinda referred to that in another post after the one you quoted. ugh this board today...
  22. Funny Yamato does the same thing... repaint... after repaint at least yamato hasn't realsesed that 3 laser headed freak of nature thing, oh, and their products dont suck true but all Macross VF-1s are repaints. and to imply Toynami is the only one doing it is kind of unfair when Yamato has been doing it for the last 3 years. Not that I'm complaining, I love my 1/48s. Gee I must have missed the part where Toynami designed 2 completely different scales and designs for transformable VF-1s, not to mention accurate representations of the anime they're based on. Not to mention that the sculpts were never, ever thought to be a "clone" of an older toy or model's design. Not a very fair comparison. Toynami has been a pretty crapass toymaker and we all know it. "Gee" no need to be an ass... I know Toynami blows. I wouldn't buy their stuff anyway. I wont buy these DYRL toys. The one super posable I had fell apart. The MPCs are junk too which I never bought. Ugh I'm getting too old for this fanboy bullshit...
  23. 3900 yen? ugh Well I guess I can get at least one.
  24. Funny Yamato does the same thing... repaint... after repaint at least yamato hasn't realsesed that 3 laser headed freak of nature thing, oh, and their products dont suck true but all Macross VF-1s are repaints. and to imply Toynami is the only one doing it is kind of unfair when Yamato has been doing it for the last 3 years. Not that I'm complaining, I love my 1/48s.
  25. Funny Yamato does the same thing... repaint... after repaint
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