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Everything posted by bandit29

  1. Perhaps some toy elitists but there are also some here that if its not at Walmart or TRU for 19.99, they won't buy it. Don't get me wrong I'd like that too but that isn't the case with Macross toys. They are always expensive and most fans knows that going in. I really wish they weren't. I think every fan should be able buy something from Macross without have spend so much. Its just not that way unfortuantely. I usually unload stuff on ebay for extra money. The Q-rau most likely will be my last big Macross purchase.
  2. Hey now. The music may be fairly trite, but at least Mari Ijima has a set of pipes that can sing. Unlike her Robotech counterpart, that is... Meh.. me being almost 30 (sigh)I just have no interest in listening to a preteen/young teenage girl sing awful songs. Not that I liked them when I was younger really..and I never said her RT counter part was any better...she's worse... but that's like saying Jeff Gordon sucks more than Rusty Wallace...they both suck in the end.
  3. I know some are complaining (valid complaint)about the price and I'd like it cheaper too but aren't any you aware that the US dollar is weak againt the Japanese Yen. Has been for awhile. A year ago this probably would have been 15.00 cheaper.
  4. yeah, all opinions that disagree with yours are just so much mindless, pointless bleating. People can make valid points about the good quality of new Yammies such as "it rules" but no one could possablly point out negatives... they must be just saying "no, no, I DON'T LIKE ANYTHING" Trust me I've been hard on Yamato before and I'm sure this release will have a few quirks. I believe I called the YF-21FP a piece of crap last week lol
  5. as usual...with every new release come the complaints Just to add. Its obvious some of our members don't understand currency exchange rates. The US dollar is weak vs the Japanese yen right now. Has been for awhile.
  6. Thanks Graham. Very appreciated. Can't wait until it gets here.
  7. bandit29


    Is it me or does Miria's face look like a Kubrick figure? lol Thanks for the pics CF.
  8. ugh nice picture. fruitballs. Anything good on Smackdown last night? I was out walking my dog lol
  9. Funny... I always found this song to be the most unberable of Minmays song..... every time I hear the Kyun-Kyun thing.... I fill like hurting/wrecking something. HERETIC! Thou shalt not blaspheme against Lynn Minmay. Only Robotech fans hate Minmay. Be glad it was not "We Will Win" or "To Be In Love" you were listening to. That is such bullshit. grow up fanboy
  10. bandit29


    Ya that could be it. Just by looking at the pics you can tell that its not very posable. Stability? Could be. It seemed to be standing on its own in the wonderfest pics.
  11. Funny... I always found this song to be the most unberable of Minmays song..... every time I hear the Kyun-Kyun thing.... I fill like hurting/wrecking something. That song drives me nuts too..doesn't matter who sings it. Kyun Kyun Puke Puke... Actually most of Minmei's songs are brutal.
  12. bandit29


    Oh no why?!? Vostok 7 Aw crap... what's wrong?
  13. I'm no expert on this so someone corect if I'm wrong For years it was Harlock. Toei's finally releasing the original series on DVD in Japan and its called Captain Harlock. I always thought that the manga spelled the name Herlock. In The Cosmo Warrior mini series it was spelled Harlock. The new DVD series is great so far.
  14. bandit29


    Awesome. I'm really looking forward to this one. Finally something that isn't a VF-1...Love the color on the Q-rau.
  15. HLJ has them up and so does ncsx.com. I think they are coming out in April.
  16. Great job. Looks awesome. Oh if I had the talent....
  17. Ya no kidding. Its just the same crap they push on RAW & Smackdown. And I find Smackdown unwatchable. RAW is just tolerable.
  18. its 9999 yen. Around 100.00 I think. Can't wait for this. too bad the figure doesn't come with another head so you show Miria ,Millia ....whatever without her helmet on.
  19. or this
  20. You could always have this
  21. Gundam interest dying in the US? I dunno I don't hang out at playgrounds. I do see some toys/model kits at TRU but not as much as few years ago. Once SEED hits there will be more. I really don't have a problem with kids not being into old Gundam series or old anime for that matter. When you were a kid did you want to watch something that was 20-25 years old? I doubt it. Its just common sense that Bandai push SEED over Zeta. Sure the old veteran anime fan will be pissed but Bandai isn't selling toys to them.
  22. Goldberg's spear was by accident, Lesnar's F5 was deliberate. Therfore I would say Austin would be more pissed off at Lesnar. But the "character" of Austin doesn't care that it was an "accident." He'll probably beat on Lesnar too. I just wish Austin could have some sort of match. His sheriff/commissoner/non wrestling roles are getting tiresome.
  23. last nights RAW yawn... talk about boring...I guess we'll see a Y2J vs Christian grudge match at WM20. And Kane vs Undertaker at WM20....i've seen this already. Maybe a Hell in the Cell match? Mick Foley interview/rant was crap. And a prediction for WM20. Since Austin is the special guest referee in the match of Goldberg vs Lesnar at WM20. Austin will give Goldberg a stunner getting revenge on him for spearing him on RAW. Causing Goldberg to lose the match. Rumors are going around that Goldberg will be gone from the WWE after WM20.
  24. Wow the VF-0 is even uglier in the real world. Its ugly to begin with btw. The front landing gear looks bad. I know its a work in progress...hopefully it will turn out better. The Q-rau looks bad ass. I might buy two of those.
  25. LMAO
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