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Everything posted by bandit29

  1. bandit29

    Q-Rau price

    12,800 yen is 114.25 US according to the listing on HLJ. http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljpage.cgi?YMT00030 It is too expensive for what it is but I'm buying it anyway since I like the Q-rau in DYRL colors alot. Macross toys have always been expensive though(not saying its right). It was no secret that the Q-rau would be around 120.00. Its been known for months
  2. The R2 has a layer change but its better placed. Its where Isamu falls to the ground and looks to the sky after Lucy leaves. When the screen pans towards the sky and it stops to where the screen is just blue sky. Only slighty noticeable. Depends on the player somtimes too. Sony players are terrible at handling layer changes. My cheap Daewoo is alot better.
  3. Anything extra on the R2 version? Not really. Just the movie trailer, trailer for the PSX game and a few still shots from the movie program book.
  4. IIRC the mangle version also had the 2.0 track as well. The 5.1 or 6.1 wasn't that good anyway. I sold that coaster awhile back and bought the R2 version. I'd just burn the VHS to a DVD. The quality probably would be about the same and the cost cheaper.
  5. k thanks for the smackdown recap...looks like MXC reruns I watched were more entertaining
  6. I thought it was March 14th?... shows how interested I'm in it. Anything good on Smackdown last night? I was watching reruns of MXC that I have seen 1000 times instead lol
  7. bandit29

    Just got my Q-Rau

    ummm ummm this topic could have waited until had you the pics to post..
  8. I know the bootleg Macross DVDs had the "Macross Special" version of episodes 1 & 2. Not sure if they were ripped from the LDs or the R2 DVDs though.
  9. Funny that link was up the other day for the first set. Maybe they stopped taking orders.
  10. http://www.animeondvd.com/news/pr.php?pr_view=310
  11. according to an article on IGN. Namco got tired of waiting for ole Sammo http://filmforce.ign.com/articles/496/496320p1.html
  12. ya I read a few articles that said Foley told Orton not to hold back. Oh well Foley's a tool(I met him) and so is Orton(didn't meet him but I can guess lol). So far WM 20 doesn't look that interesting...
  13. A Soul Calibur movie? why? Where's the demand for that? I could be wrong but I don't think SC fans were clamoring for a movie. And we all know videogames turned into movies, blow.. Jack Black as Mitsurugi and Kirsten Dunst as Taki... Anyone go back and play Soul Calibur or Soul Edge lately? SC still looks good but time hasn't been kind to Soul Edge. Still fun to play though. I wish Namco would release a collection package of the games. Port SC to the other systems etc.
  14. http://www.animeondvd.com/news/pr.php?pr_view=309
  15. Just admit it the only reason you don't like season 2 is because Cartoon Network was involved I like Big O but the first season is better than the second. The ending was kinda lame. And the second season really didn't answer many questions from the first season. It just created more. Maybe watching all the episodes back to back would help. A movie do over wouldn't be a bad idea.
  16. RAW was yet another snooze fest. Not terrible but not real interesting either. Like I predicted, Jericho vs Christian at WM 20. and Austin hasn't forgotten about the spear that Goldberg gave him. You watch at WM 20 Austin turn on Goldberg causing him to lose the match against Lesnar lol The Rock being back...yawn Victoria being the womens champ and womens matches in general... double yawn Austin on his ATV... triple yawn
  17. So true. The latest uproar over the Q-rau has left a bad taste in my mouth about this fandom. Especially since 99.99% of us don't even have it yet. I'd like to see a DYRL version of the SDF-1. A transforming version in 1/3000 scale. Anyone who owned(like me) the non transforming small Takatoku 1/6300 scale SDF-1 knows how boring a small SDF-1 is. But overall I'd say the chances are slim since the molds couldn't be used over & over again.
  18. I had that version of DYRL. It looks nothing like the R2 or FX version. Its not anamorphic either. It is a legit DVD though. Funny thing about that disc is that all the menus are available in English but no English subs. Actullay I think thats what was used in the MI bootleg.
  19. This what I found at animeondvd.com http://www.animeondvd.com/reviews2/disc_reviews/440.php
  20. IIRC the first runs were in 4.1 audio(instead of 5.1) and the subs were way off on vol 2. I had to send mine to Manga for replacements. That was like 4-5 years ago. I don't think any of those are on store shelves anymore.
  21. Cool poster. The first vol on DVD comes out on April 13th IIRC I'll be getting this version http://www.geneon-ent.co.jp/movie/killbill/box.html
  22. ya that would be it
  23. Finally. screw Fox. they canned it once they shouldn't get a chance at this show at all. http://dvd.ign.com/articles/495/495464p1.html?fromint=1
  24. We really need a FAQ about this. The FX is a rip of the R2 version. That's why it looks so good. The MI version I think was taken from the offical HK version DVD. The subs are better on the MI version. The FX looks better plus its anamorphic. last weeks thread about this http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=5643
  25. Less moderation? MW is fairly tame. Shawn closed the old thread..the owner of this site I 'don't blame him considering all the dumb BS that went on in there. Ya ex Robotech mods in here cracking down on Macross fans...whatever
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