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Everything posted by bandit29

  1. You'd probably be taken to the hospital for alcohol poisioning lol make it a double everytime JR slobbers out " Mrs. Foley's baby boy"
  2. Taken from the other thread: Saw the Hellboy trailer this past weekend at the theaters...ugh the only competition it has for worst movie of the year is the Punisher lol. Saw that trailer too. I didn't know Frank Castle was gay.... Hellboy looks really fake and cheezy on the bigscreen. Kind of like the Hulk movie.
  3. Saw the Hellboy trailer this past weekend at the theaters...ugh the only competition it has for worst movie of the year is the Punisher lol. Saw that trailer too. I didn't know Frank Castle was gay....
  4. Yamato's website isn't that hard to navigate through. They have added some English to the categories. Helps a little. Plus there really hasn't been much new Macross stuff added. I don't see a section for the Q-rau in their what's new section. But back to the topic. I didn't know the VF-1J had any problems. I wonder if Yamato is going to start selling parts again for the rest?...doubt it though lol
  5. Well I was 20 in 1994 when I saw Macross Plus and I'm almost 30 now(barf). when was the first YF-19 released 4-5 years ago? I was around 25-26 then. I'd say I'm Yamato's target range.
  6. I think I'm going to order both. Definitely at least one. If I had to choose it would be the Mikimoto.
  7. wow those are some great looking boxes. Great work guys. I'll be buying both of those.
  8. Well I would say its only an annoyance if you are trying to use DVDsubber with the FX DVD. Since the script is timed to the region 2 DVD you have to retime the script about 4-5 min or so with the FX DVD. No one would know the Emotion, Toho screens were missing. Even a little of the black screen at the beginning is missing from the FX version. Not a big deal really but noticeable if you are trying to use a DVDsubber script with it.
  9. WWE did a horrible job of selling WM 20 last night. I'm still not sure if gonna buy it. RAW was barely watchable last night. Just awful. Too bad about Hercules Hernandez. 45 and dead jeez I think normally the PPVs are 34.95. I think on Dierct TV its 39.95. WM 20 is an hour longer but yeah too expensive. Especially since you'll probably see the some of the same matches on RAW or Smackdown the next night or soon after
  10. anyone care to translate this properly?
  11. Here are some pics from the PS2 trailer. They are a little blurry as is the trailer
  12. What's suprised have to do with anything. Vostok 7 Just look at her!!!! And I see no camel toe... so she is either a girl or a neutered(sp) man. lol there's another pic of her squating down from the back...and Ill just say she...shaves well
  13. You sure that's not the same woman without the wig?
  14. Does anyone on MW have the first GITS game they released for the PS1? I had the game. It was alright. The new PS2 game you can actually play as the Major this time. I don't see why this won't come to the US. These figures are coming to http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljpage.cgi?ALP33166
  15. bandit29

    1:48 TV hands recast

    Got my 4 sets today. Thanks Rohby. These are some great recasts.
  16. Ya I thought they were kinda creepy but funny when you watch the trailer. There's also a trailer for the PS2 game. Hopefully this comes to the US.
  17. These pics are taken from a trailer for the offical log book from the recently re-released region 2 DVD of the first GITS movie. There are some more shots that are a bit cheeky...lol Nice 5 minute trailer of Innocence on there too.
  18. I would think most of us would agree that Q-rau should of came with a better looking, more posable figure. The current figure has the face of a Kubrick figure...in other words ..unpleasant. but very little is known at the moment of this new figure.
  19. This was in the latest Yamato newsletter babelfished Last week to inquire to customer service, while receiving from, we introduce many ones where especially it is the inquiry. Q: "Are part sale for damage correspondence" of マクロス 1/48 VF-1J and "defective correspondence" once upon a time and others? A: It is from around the earlier April.
  20. Hooray I'm... I'm....Gamlin
  21. Rikimaru is in the XBOX version because its a port of the PS2 version, Tenchu Wrath of Heaven. Same story lines etc
  22. I think it has 2 more stages and a new boss. Some new abilities like being able drag dead bodies like in Tenchu 2. The PS2 game Tenchu Kurenai comes out sometime this year. No Rikimaru in this game just Ayame and some other girl. It takes palce between Tenchu 1 and Tenchu 3. Tenchu 2 was a prequel btw. http://www.the-magicbox.com/Mar04/game030304d.shtml
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