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Everything posted by bandit29

  1. Square is giving away FM 4 demos http://www.the-magicbox.com/gaming.htm http://www.square-enix-usa.com/seui/index....egisterFM4.html also Samurai Warriors from Koei has been pushed back from March 23 to May 6 So much for my B-day present...
  2. I thought Sony or Palm Pictures owned Manga? How much would it cost to buy Manga anyway 1.25 US? Manga's doing the distribution(Bandai's doing everything else) for Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex. I think they are involved with GITS 2 movie 2 too. They are alive but just barley it seems. Are the Macross Plus OVA DVDs out of print? I haven't seen those in the stores in ages.
  3. No, Manga wouldn't have to get permission. Being the distributor, they can distribute to whomever they please as long as the company they distribute to can legally sell retail products. Well I understand that but I'm just curious if BW would get pissed and pull the Macross Plus license from Manga. Japanese companies have pulled the US liscense before from US companies. Most recently, Toei pulling Sailor Moon from ADV.
  4. Its odd because it has Big Wests name and copyright on it... remember, HG blocked the sale of Plus toys. I am starting to think that perhaps an agreement has been reached. Exactly. Unless there's been a deal, it would seem unwise for HG to market a product from another company which they claim infringes on their trademark. Also, assuming dejr8bud is correct, HG needs to have worked something out with Manga. So basically, I think there's been a deal, but there's no telling what implications it may have for other products. What we've seen with the DYRL superposables and now the Manga video could be a sign of anything from BW throwing HG a bone to avoid further litigation, to BW essentially giving in to HG's position on the Macross intellectual property rights. If Manga is distributing to HG's store wouldn't Manga have to get permission from the original liscense holder, BW? BW could always pull the liscense from Manga. If something comes out of this so be it. The Macross franchise isn't big enough to have several companies fighting over it.
  5. Ah its been worse. I've been coming sround here for 2-3 years. I know a few members have been banned recently. The toys forum has been a mess lately though.
  6. Well you do need a resale or wholesale license/number for one thing. HG could have made a deal with Manga to sell thier DVDs or bought from somone who distributes for Manga. But from what I know Manga does that themselves...
  7. here's the link Macross Plus Movie Edition Just Mangles version http://www.robotech.com/store/viewproduct.php?id=151 Just a guess but maybe all of the companies involeved finally figured out that the Macross pie isn't big enough to be fighting over.
  8. Let's see... about 6-7 years ago I bought a Takatoku VF-1S 1/55 for 550.00 at Wizard World Chicago. Then 575.00 for a 1990 Bandai Super VF-1S of off ebay. At the time they were going for 800.00 to over a 1000.00. But the box was slighty messed up but toy was mint. 275.00 for a 1/55 Hikaru VF-1J of off ebay. 200.00 for a Destroid Conversion Kit. I was living at home with my parents at the time, working full time and no real bills. So it was easy. I live on my own now, work full time and have bills, mortgage etc. I've sold off the vintage stuff(to lose some money due to reissues and crap economy etc) to buy other Macross stuff. I did have almost all of the 1/60's but sold those off to buy 1/48s. The only thing I've bought recently that was overly expensive was the 12 inch Guts figure from Berserk. 180.00 aprox. I only bought that due to a loan I got. After buying the Q-rau and whenever the YF-19FP comes, I'll be done with Macross stuff I think. Of the known Yamato products, nothing interests me. The CM figures vol 2 I'm buying though.
  9. another report of Lesnar leaving the WWE to the NFL from FoxSports.com And Golberg news And some backsatge fights at the Smackdown tapings lol
  10. Well Yamato would sell in the US if they could ..legally So technically Japan is their target market, even though we all know that isn't exactly the case. and you are right the Macross liscense issues are a complete fiasco to the point I don't care anymore.
  11. So true. Macross Zero and the New Fist Of the North Star OVA are good examples
  12. Well I guess Guilty Gear Isuka is coming to US but who knows that could change http://ps2.ign.com/articles/496/496121p1.html?fromint=1 Also found the petition. Do these ever do anything? lol http://www.petitiononline.com/snkseca/petition.html
  13. No kiddin. I own a PS2, Gamecube, GBA SP and if the Xbox drops in price I might buy one of those. At least the Gamecube was only 20.00 (It was on sale for 80.00 at Walmart's thanksgiving sale and it came the Zelda collectors disc. Sold that on ebay for 60.00 ) And I still have a Dreamcast. Have to finish Shenmue 2 one of these days...PS2 is still my favorite. Buy the system that has the most games that appeal to you. PS2 has alot of games but alot crap games mixed throughout. X-box and the Gamecube have their gems plus better graphics(if thats your deal). Also there are so many games coming the prices are dropping fast.
  14. And Tenchu but that's on the X-BOX too now. Ninja Gaiden probably would look terrible on the PS2, if it could handle it that is.
  15. No more 2-d games in the US from Sony? How about no more crappy 3-D platform games ugh So I guess Hyper Street Fighter 10th Ann. isn't coming here either. http://www.ncsxshop.com/cgi-bin/shop/SLPM-65496.html What about the Guilty Gear games for the US? Those blow Capcom's 2-D games outta the water. Too bad about Metal Slug. That bites. Anyword on the 2-D Samurai Spirits/Showdown game?
  16. Awesome news Kevin. Congrats. Now you have someone else to help pack up boxes lol
  17. Bah I want another Darkstalkers game.
  18. I was at Wrestlemania 2 in Chicago. Had 7th row seats. Wrestlemainia 2 took place in 3 locations(New York, Chicago and California) You got watch the other segments on huge screens. Kinda boring actually. It was a ripoff of NWA's Starrcade '84 or 84 IIRC. Favorite WM moment? I've seen so many of them they are kinda of a blur lol. I'd say Macho Man vs Ricky Steamboat at WM 3 was great. So was when King Bundy beat up the midgets at WM 3 lol. Hulk Hogan vs Sgt Slaughter(WM 7or 8?) was awful. That was during the first Iraq war and the Sgt turned on the US. Austin vs Bret Hart where Austin bled and passed out was decent. That was WM 14? and in Chicago too but the rest of the show was terrible. I didn't go to that.
  19. bandit29

    Q-Rau price

    Ya thats what sucks about buying imports. We hardly ever get discounts in the US unless we wait for prices on ebay to drop. We always pay MSRP and then some. The Q-rau will be may last big Macross purchase. Well if the YF-19FP ever comes out but of the known future products: the stand, 1/60 VF-1J GBP, 1/48 M&M and Macross Zero VF-0, I'm all passing on. Anything after that who knows.. I'm kinda Macrossed out. That would be me but I just unloaded a bunch of stuff on ebay to help pay for it. Also there has never been a Q-rau made before. Therefore I want it. Only one though. No doubles and I have no interest in a Max Q-rau or any other version really.
  20. The re-release of the movie has English audio and unfortunately English dubtitles (so did the original R2 release). They follow Manga's dub both in text and in timing. The English audio had added dialogue in some scenes where its silent in the Japanese audio. So when you watch it in Japanese there are times where the subs pop up when no one is speaking. Why they used it when a better sub script exists is beyond me. But it was only 35.00 and for a region 2 DVD thats cheap considering the original release was 9800 yen. There is a new box version that came out too for about 55.00. I guess Bandai re-released the first two Patlabor movies on DVD cheap too. Maybe they'll re-release DYRL cheap? There was talk of Manga releasing a 10th anniverasry DVD here(like they did with Ninja Scroll). I haven't seen much of GITS SAC. Just a couple of episodes. I've like what I've seen. For once I'm gonna wait the US release. Bandai is still in charge of the DVDs etc but I guess Manga in charge of distribution. And the second GITS movie just came out in Japanese theaters I think.
  21. Damn, you beat me to it. I saw this thread and thought "Haruka Nayuta did a much better job". Is that the models name? Does she do a lot of cosplay work? I don't know what else she has done. That's just the name they list for her in ARMS. Actually, I had to look that up. What I really thought was "that arms chick did a better job" Edit- A google search reveals that she, as far as I can tell, is an AV star. (AV being "adult video" for those not in the know). That's odd. Haruka Nayuta did the TV commercials, too, but she obviously looks different/better on the magazine cover. So it is the same woman? Maybe they stretched her face for the magazine cover lol. The trailer on the GITS DVD I have is titled TV ad for that offical log DVD/Bookset. Yes, she did the commercials (15 sec. and 30 sec.) for the GITS SAC Official Log 1. The Official Log 2 has a making-of featurette on making the commercials. PS It's not a wig; they show the hairstylists spraying her hair purple I just bought the offical log 1 & 2 DVD sets. They should be here in a few days. What else is on there?
  22. I may be the only one in the world who really liked the Hulk... The end loose it a little bit but the overall experience was very fun. Internet nerds just like to bash on stuff. like yourself? Actually, no. That's why I find it funny. See, when I bash, its something I've experienced. Ah I gotcha
  23. I may be the only one in the world who really liked the Hulk... The end loose it a little bit but the overall experience was very fun. Internet nerds just like to bash on stuff. like yourself?
  24. Damn, you beat me to it. I saw this thread and thought "Haruka Nayuta did a much better job". Is that the models name? Does she do a lot of cosplay work? I don't know what else she has done. That's just the name they list for her in ARMS. Actually, I had to look that up. What I really thought was "that arms chick did a better job" Edit- A google search reveals that she, as far as I can tell, is an AV star. (AV being "adult video" for those not in the know). That's odd. Haruka Nayuta did the TV commercials, too, but she obviously looks different/better on the magazine cover. So it is the same woman? Maybe they stretched her face for the magazine cover lol. The trailer on the GITS DVD I have is titled TV ad for that offical log DVD/Bookset.
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