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Everything posted by bandit29

  1. Why 7 Max VF-1Js? 32 1/48s? you single? lol
  2. Ah Yamato probably just re-release the old YF-19 with FPs lol...
  3. Ya I'm a sucker for special packaging like that. I'll have to see if I can find one of those. Hey Solscud007 any idea what the "other" Japanese subtitle track is for? I haven't had a chance to watch to all of the DVD yet.
  4. Nah I wouldn't get a Macross kite tattoo or anything from Macross really. I have thought about getting a Guts(from Berserk) tattoo though lol I'm such a dork.. I have a few tattoos myself. I'd like to get a new one soon. The last one I got took 6-7 hours. I find it kind of relaxing... except for the needle that does the shading...gets annoying afterwhile. Mechamanic is 100% right. Go somewhere legit and clean. Avoid tattoo parties.
  5. That is not true. I watched some of mine (havent watched all of it) but the fight scenes and the anime part are in japanese but have english subs. Like when Oren speaks japanese when her and Kiddo fight. It is subbed. Of course the special features are not subbed. liek itnerview with animator and such. Ya I figured that out lol I was in hurry when I was checking it out earlier.
  6. I've seen a few of those slip covers on ebay. Pretty neat. 93.00 shipped is a good price for the boxset(I paid around 80.00 shipped from amazon.jp). Check ebay if you want to see insane prices. Some ended at 200.00. Other places are charging around 150.00. I have a pet peeve. My R2 DVD came with a discount ticket for Kill Bill 2 when it opens in Japan. You'd think the US version could have came with one....
  7. Payment sent. Thanks MN.
  8. I dunno last night's RAW was zzzzzz. It wasn't terrible but it wasn't great either.
  9. There's no English subs for the Japanese dialog on the R2 version?!!! Arghhhhh!!!!!! Oh well, I'm gonna have to order an R1 version as well then so I can have English Subs for the Japanese bits, then pop in the R2 disc when it's time for the big fight. Oh well, that means I'll have bought a R1, R2 and R3 DVDs in my quest for the perfect Kill Bil vol.1 home viewing experience.......sigh Graham Actually after further review the subs are there but you have to turn them on. But then all of the dialogue is subtitled. Unlike the R1 version where they pop just for the Japanese dialogue.
  10. http://www.animeondvd.com/ I also had read somewhere on AoD that Giant Robo is being remastered in Japan.
  11. My R2 boxset showed up today. pretty cool. its a shame the US doesn't get a box like this. I'll take some pics tonight. Video/audio quality are the same as the R1 disc. It has English subs but when the characters talk in Japanese there are no subs. Plus it has a Japanese dub. There seems to be more extras on the DVD too. I'll compare when I get a chance. About the color fight scene. Much better. Plus there are few different angles as well. Also something I noticed. When Uma has Sofia in the trunk of the car, they show her cutting off Sofia's other arm. Blood sprays all over the trunk etc. Saw vol 2 this past weekend. Pretty good. I was entertained. Its a contrast to the first film that's for sure. More story/character driven and more realistic violence. I'd like to see a version with the two films edited together. EDIT: Actually after further review the subs are there but you have to turn them on. But then all of the dialogue is subtitled. Unlike the R1 version where they pop just for the Japanese dialogue.
  12. No don't own one. I haven't been transformers fan since I was a kid the 80's. The Takara Prime does look good , I'm just not interested.
  13. lol oh well its not like he was adding that much to the show really. Him driving around on his ATV was boring and his enforcer/commissioner role was nothing great either.
  14. Ya that's what I thought when I saw it the theaters. Uma Thurman handling a sword and kicking ass is laughable. Thankfully that ugly ass Lucy Liu is dead. When I think of Japanese crime bosses she ain't it...But I liked the movie regardless. The ridiculous amounts of blood and cheezy lines etc. Hey I love Fist of the North Star and Berserk so..lol I'll be checking out vol 2 sometime this weekend and my premium R2 box set of vol 1 has shipped from amazon.jp hooray!!
  15. Sorta, kinda, not really. I liked the Punisher comics as a kid but the guy playing the Punisher/Frank Castle in the movie looks like a weenie or he just stepped outta the closet.... oh and wrestling fans take note...remember Kevin Nash is in the film barf...
  16. Panic huh? lol I thought you hated the 1/48 SPO? I'm sure there will be more.
  17. Ya I bought the DVD last night. Best Buy had a thing where you could buy Resivoir Dogs with Kill Bill for 19.99. I had some extra paypal money so... My region 2 copy will be here some time next week. The Japanese release date is April 16th. The sound is awesome. The video looks great. I've read a few bad reviews of the video. I dunno what they are talking about. Extras are a making of the film and that lame Japanese band playing some tunes...not much.
  18. Give it a rest.... and smores and beer don't mix
  19. Silly me. I read wrong (or mis-interpreted). Thanks for pointing out my folly, dejr8bud. I can always count on you to keep my feet on the ground! trust me you aint the only one. I had to reread that PR a few times. Members at AOD forums were confused too. 60.00 is alot though.
  20. both discs will be in anamorphic widescreen
  21. http://www.animeondvd.com/news/pr.php?pr_view=329 Me thinks I will just be getting the regular edition since I don't have DTS.
  22. Ya I ordered mine from amazon.jp awhile back. approx 80.00 shipped EMS
  23. I think its not so much a debate of which is better, subs or dubs. Its more the quality of the dub or its accuracy to the original Japanese script. Ya know fanboy stuff lol. This Megazone 23 trailer is typical ADV..
  24. Whoa 200.00 for the Rick MPC..damn.. If I buy an Alpha, I'll wait for the price to come down bit or some reviews. I don't think there are that many NewGen/Mospeada fans out there.
  25. Last night's RAW....I'm glad I stayed home. I could have gone to see FOZZY play. They were at the Metro last night. Its a club near Wrigley Field.
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