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Everything posted by bandit29

  1. I have the 8 inch figure. One of my favorites. I haven't seen the series yet. I'll wait for the US release. There is another PS2 game coming, Gungrave O.D. The first game was good but not worth 50.00 MSRP.
  2. Miria MPC with armor for a low BIN of 150.00 lol http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...3190214428&rd=1
  3. bandit29

    Part 2

    Cool. I have a preorder at ncsx.com. EDIT: just to add it looks like ncsx.com took their preorders down.
  4. The Ninja Scroll Jubei statue looks kind of neat. I really like the Jubei Yagyu one. And Van with his feathers looks like he belongs at a New York rave party blowing bubbles and dancing with cross dressers lol
  5. I want to get this but the VHS dump to DVD has me wondering ..are there any bootlegs of the R2 discs around and whats the "quality" if there are?
  6. So now were looking at Valkyrie's butts and thighs.... In the VF-0 thread there's a zoomed up pic of the crotch area... I don't wanna know what you guys do alone with your toys lol So what's the word on the paint job and overall Q/C. I'm kinda on the fence with this one.
  7. Yes but not at the cost of progressing the Macross universe. Imagine if Macross looked like Last Exile. That would get some heads to turn. Keep the voice tracks if possible but rerecord(not change) the bgm music and Minmay's songs. Don't get me wrong I love old anime but if there was a chance to reanimate the original I'd be all for it. And please don't hire the character designer of Macross Zero
  8. Same here. The series lost me when they went into space.
  9. and for Mospeada fans http://www.itmedia.co.jp/games/g-toys/news...2/05/index.html
  10. Here are some more pics
  11. A little stuck up aren't we?
  12. It looks dated but so does Macross and everything else from the 80's I hope Toycom decides to bring this over. They are bringing over that GM....Ideon and no one really knows what that is or where its from. VOTOMS at least has a small following. The DVDs are being remastered, dubbed and will be released in the fall, IIRC.
  13. If you'd like to send your complaints. I did... http://www.spiketv.com/interact/feedback/feedback.jhtml
  14. This sucks ass! lame ass college kids. another show ruined.
  15. hopefully the added Tony Hawk stuff isnt too lame
  16. Also throws out my theory of video game only mechs not being produced lol Love the Scopedog from VOTOMS. Hopefully Toycom will pick up this one for US release. I mean they picked up that GM... I mean Ideon ....
  17. I wonder if its a new edit or just the two films spliced together. IIRC wasn't Kill Bill intended to be one movie? And then it was decided to be cut into 2 parts?
  18. Keeping with Transformers tradition... that "jetfire" is butt ass ugly. The news of the Konig monster is good though.
  19. lol some of our members are just lazy I guess "So when is Macross Zero coming to the US?" "Is there a dub on the Macross boxset" "Will the import Macross game work on my US PS2?" Anything after M Zero? I heard that the next incarnation will be a group of young pilots who use hip hop music to kill their enemies. I know it kills me.. Anyway Macross Zero hasn't exactly set the world afire. Since its an OVA, its kind of in obscurity. Macross needs a new TV series(13 or 26 episdoes I guess) where more people can see it and gather new fans. Doesn't look like that's going to happen anytime soon....
  20. I guess you can call it the "collectors mentality". Of course, you can buy the region 2 DVD by itself but when I saw the box and its content, I wanted it. lol pfff the Macross box set is the worst looking box set I own. To each his own I guess.
  21. Ya me too. That's awesome. Great work.
  22. am I missing something here?
  23. Ya its a great set. I love mine. I wonder what they'll do for vol 2. There's alot more extras on the R2 disc than the R1. Thanks putting up the pics... my camera died
  24. Let's see: 1) Its hard to transform 2) the posibility/articulation is poor/very limited 3) dragon mode looks bad 4) poorly balanced in Guymelef mode 5) rubber cape is too heavy and sometimes will drag down the arms but ya can get high off of the fumes when you open the box.... easliy the most disappointing toy I've bought in years. What a piece of crap.
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