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Everything posted by bandit29

  1. No Schwarzenegger = not good movie Well, in a way every superhero movie is about Arnold. I mean Arnold is the closes thing we have to God, Jesus, or Superman, so the movie doesn't really need to have Arnold in it to have the Schwarzenegger influence. You have Arnold Schwarzenegger bed sheets and pillows don't you?
  2. I wonder what DC universe movie will be next...Aquaman starring Jack Nicholson. Or maybe a Wonder Twins movie..
  3. A "zany" Green Lantern movie?....WB is really missing the boat here. I like Jack Black but this will probably be a turd.
  4. bandit29

    CMs Limited Ver

    What a waste these are. How about CMs rereleasing the first set? So those who missed out can get them at decent price. Luckily I did get mine the first time around.
  5. I had that VCD set awhile back. IIRC a few scenes are edited. The Minmay shower scene and Millia squashing that Zentran's head are a few.
  6. Here's some pics of the premium vol 2 box set and its extras http://us.yesasia.com/en/PrdGrpDept.aspx/p...section-videos/
  7. Two years for a tread? ouch thats a long time in the world of fickle fanboys. But its nice that they have considered it.
  8. Looks good. Pretty cool of Toynami to show off the Alpha for MWcon 4. I'm glad I preordered it.
  9. Holy crap, we were at the same con! That guy you bought your tape from was he reeeeaaaally fat and wearing a (if I remember right) stormtrooper t-shirt with some sort of a mullet? That was the guy I got mine from before the sales floor opened on the first day. He had all his tapes in these like long cardboard boxes. ... and might you remember a dealer with black dobie gillis hair, mustache and glasses and his helper who was a tall, annoying flock-of-seagulls swoop haired looking dork? That tall swoopy gen-x looking scumbag was me! The fat guy sounds familar(who'd think a fat guy wearing a Star Wars T-shirt would be at a comic convention selling VHS bootleg tapes lol) He'll probably be at this years Wizard World or a clone perhaps... I dunno its been 10 years( I was 20 in 94) with alot of late nights that have inolved alcohol and other substances that ruin your memory..lol
  10. so true. You'd think with the chance of making some money, these two companies would solve their differences. I'm sick of it really. I'd think most of us are. My R2 DVD will have to do for now.... I saw COTB in 88-89? I was in high school then. I didn't see DYRL until 94 when I bought a fan sub tape of the LD at the Chicago comicon(which has become Wizard World Chicago). Its still one of my favorite anime films.
  11. http://www.imax.com/spider_preview.html This should look and sound awesome at an IMAX theater
  12. Anyone yell Freebird at the show? or how about Slayer?
  13. here's a list of the mistakes in Spiderman 2...35 so far lol some of these though are questionable http://www.moviemistakes.com/film3843
  14. lol just what we need. another Macross 7 and what were you thoughts thread..
  15. Keith Burgess: "We're working on it." Which translates too "We ain't doin nothin" Was there any talk of Macross Zero at AX this past weekend?
  16. Wow! Toymani looks to have a winner. I'm glad they didn't go with the metallic paint scheme. The current blue is much better. I might have to buy one of these...
  17. I'm a bit behind on my legal Macross knowledge. What are TP and BW still fighting about? I guess Macross Zero is in limbo too.... Macross: the most mishandled anime franchise..
  18. After being banned for 3 years my membership still works lol SHADOW FORCE FIGHTERS UNITE!!!!!! I wonder who or what the new adversary is.
  19. Holy crap the movie made 40.5 million on its first day... http://www.eonline.com/News/Items/0,1,14432,00.html
  20. here's another reason the for sale section needs rules... he's trying sell. its turned into an ebay/ethics on bidding thread Amped's low viz
  21. Eh they look all alright. The Skull on the FP for the VF-1S is painted yellow.....
  22. Not bad, not great. Kinda fun. I saw it at Toys R Us for 19.99 btw
  23. bandit29


    Very true. The dollar is weak vs the yen right now. There was an article I read in the paper awhile back stating that Tokyo is the most expensive city for Americans to visit. London was second.
  24. Just got back too. Awesome. Really cool. A few nitpicks but overall excellent. and again if you have to bring a diaper bag to a theater leave the kid at home .....
  25. lol heathen be gone!!!!!!!!!
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