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Everything posted by bandit29

  1. Eh it looks alright. The Gerwalk mode is cool but the other 2 bleh. Kinda reminds of some lame Transformer toy
  2. I doubt it, unless Sony shared the profits with movie studios. Regionalization is designed to maximize the profits of the movie studios by allowing them to charge whatever the market will bear in each area, and to prevent access to the DVD version in a given region before the movie's been released in theaters. It has the annoying semi-side effect of facilitating censorship (e.g., I've read that the UK release of Eyes Wide Shut has footage that isn't in the US version) and, as we know, creating stumbling blocks for watching anime. (This gets into a bit of a peeve--why in the world do Japanese anime companies even bother to regionalize their stuff? Domestic Japanese releases probably have a higher margin than elsewhere, so it's not like they'd be cannibalizing more lucrative markets if they just made them regionless.) I'm talkin for games though. While still moneymakers.... there's not really a GOOD reason for region lockouts on games... aside from obvious language differences. Though I'm sure the reasoning makes more sense to a Sony exec than me. Oh.. yeah... the EWS thing... I liked the new footage. Back when the first Playstation came out, EB decided they were going to sell import Playstation hardware and software (Ridge Racer and Battle Arena Toshinden were the first 2). That idea got stopped fast by SCEA after game developers/publishers(Capcom, Namco etc) and other retailers(Toys R' Us, KB Toys) complained to SCEA that they'd lose out on potential income. Too bad game systems aren't like the cheap DVD players out now. Where all you do is a couple of button presses and your region free.
  3. Heres MPC Rick Armor auction ... http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...5912153983&rd=1 152.50 jeez
  4. And speaking of AC Formula Front WTF? some PS2 and PSP pics http://www.the-magicbox.com/0408/game080104e.shtml
  5. Ya I had been avoiding the simulators pretty much up until that mission. The one time I did it I had one Wanzer left and one helicopter. The damn helicopter kept on moving one sqaure away from my firing range. The legs for my Wanzer were crap and had short range. This went on to about turn 75 and then my head was ready to explode. I shut the game off in disgust. You can only level up so much in the simulators. I mostly do it for the money. The simulator pays out alot of money which you will need to buy more expensive parts/weapons, computer upgrades etc near the end of the game( ya big surprise lol) And about Tenchu Kurenai. I heard it was coming in Dec in the US. Some fanboys are upset that Rikimaru isn't in the game(since it takes place before Tenchu WOH) I like it so far. There is some bad slowdown in the game. Think Dynasty or Samurai Warriors. From Software owns the Tenchu franchise completely now. They bought it from Activision.
  6. I just got Front Mission 4 this weekend. A little old school with the grid-based map and turn-based combat, but very nice graphics (for SRPGs) and the voice acting actually does not suck. It's like playing Gundam 08th MS Team without the annoying sidekicks and the hokey, forced romance. Have fun. I'm just about done with FM4. Its fairly easy(I usually suck at SRPGs). If you spend alot time in the simulators the game is easier to get through. Some of the simulator missions are harder than the in-game ones. I like the linking of Wanzers during combat. Be careful, you can get your ass kicked by the enemy this way too. The only thing I don't care for really is all the time you spend in set up screens. I know its the nature of the beast but it can get annoying after awhile. Also some battles can take up to an an hour an half(depending on your Wanzer setup, levels etc of course). Thank goodness for the quicksave option. After this I'll be losing sleep over Tenchu Kurenai
  7. After watching MegaZone 23 Part 1 a few more times...I will say I'm less than impressed..Probably won't bother with the rest of the OVA..
  8. Ah Macross World... more melodrama than girls high school bathroom. lol Ban this guy already jeez. what a tool
  9. Looks kinda neat. I'm sure my nephew will whine to get this lol That's when I'll check it out. I'm more interested in the PSP. But I haven't been exactlty thrilled with Sony. For every good PS2 game there are at least 5 bad ones. The industry seems to be headed for another crash.
  10. Affirming the obvious (Macross7 is the suck) and following someone around and taunging them with personal inuslts are two different things. So I guess you've never insulted or taunted anyone here? Like Keith or Hurin? http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...opic=9784&st=20 using the term "girlie man" is insulting. You're just like you beloved 1 term Arnold lol Your other smart ass taunt to Alindsue in the M7 thread http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...opic=9322&st=80 stop the BS games that you play
  11. Hey A1 you ain't no angel. "Participate" in any Macross 7 threads lately? But I do admit they make me laugh. And Haterist you egg on Hurin sometimes. Don't play the "What did I do" BS You aren't very good at it. Hurin isn't innocent either btw.
  12. Anyone buying Showgirls V.I.P. Edition? lol
  13. Some suggestions: Mint from Mospeada. Shut up. The damn screeching. Ed from Cowboy Bebop. If I wanted to hear someone mumble and make no sense I could go to a videogame store or Bestbuy lol Haro from Gundam 0079 Bart and Lynn from Fist of the North Star TV. Especially Lynn. Always whining "Ken!!!!!!!" and from a Manga series is Puck from Berserk. He's that little annoying fairy that follows Guts around. Always whining and crying.
  14. I guess the WWE writers are getting lazy or have run ot of ideas with that HHH vs Benoit match last night zzzzzz
  15. Don't like either really. I always thought that pic was kinda boring. Also I think the spine clashes terribly with the sides of the box. Edit: If the blue line art is still being used.
  16. The Chicago Comicon is coming up soon but we never get any good guests. Every year its Lou Ferrigno(the Incredible Hulk) and Virgil from the WWF/E. He sits there and plays videos of himself from the late 80's. loser We have been getting David Prowse lately. He's still bitching about Star Wars lol
  17. We'll see. I hope AC Nexus is good. I thought AC3 and AC Silent Line were garbage
  18. From the few issues I have owned of Dengeki Hobby, they should rename the magazine Gundam Monthly..it gets kinda boring afterawhile.
  19. The Underworld DC has some new scenes throughout the movie. Not that they made the movie any better mind you.
  20. Nice cover. Kinda Escaflowneish.
  21. In another case of WTF happened to this wrestler...Chyna or Chyna Doll(as shes called now) was on Howard Stern this morning....oh boy...she is in really bad shape. Incoherent for most of the interview. Also she thinks she can sing too.....my ears... She said that HHH just picked up X-pac out of rehab and might be headed back to the WWE....why? Oh the best news...."She" might be releasing a sex tape of her and X-pac(her ex). Where's my puke emoticon?
  22. Actually I saw this section on Yamato's website about a month ago...it seems it was buried not to be found lol
  23. In another desperate attempt to get ratings.... lol. Who will be next on the show? Patrick Stewart(Picard) or Jonathan Frakes (Riker) lol http://edition.cnn.com/2004/SHOWBIZ/TV/07/...reut/index.html
  24. There were a few complaints of this at the animeondvd.com forums as well. I see another lame ADV trade-in program. Can hardly wait for mine so I can send it back to ADV edit: make that alot of complaints http://forums.animeondvd.com/showflat.php?...rt=1#Post586333
  25. bandit29


    Yamato was never our "friend" to begin with. They are in business to make money, not friends. If they were out to make friends they'd sell 1/48s for 1000 yen or less lol
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