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Everything posted by bandit29

  1. I'll rent this when I get a chance or wait until it goes down in price. Looks like it could be fun. There's so many games coming out that I'm more interested in the next few weeks/ months: NASCAR 2005, Gran Turismo 4, Berserk (import), MK Deception, Samurai Warriors expansion.
  2. After messing around with the fighter mode some more, the parts are starting to sit/move together better. Not as tight. Some of these parts are overly tight when you first get it(at least mine was, it reminded me of the YF-19 1st version from Yamato) . . It doesn't look so squashed or saggy anymore. Also I missed this earlier.. you have to lock the rear landing gear into place. Move them completely forward. This helps the body to clear the ground just a little. But overall the landing gear is too short. Overall I think the Alpha is ok. The sculpt is good. The parts fitting could be better but that problem is common with all transforming toys, even the 1/48. The paint job on mine is sloppy is some areas. The Alpha is not a piece of crap (that honor belongs to the VF-1 MPC or the YF-21 FP ) but its not great either.
  3. For the record, I'll just add mine doesn't have floppy arms. They are actually quite sturdy. And I do like the hands. They hold a gunpod better than any Yamato hand(sans the fat TV hand that came with the 1/48 VF-1J). Its too bad that you can't do two handed gun poses. So either Toyanami set the shoulders too far back or made the arms too short or the chest too big. Also, is anyone else's sensor hatch loose to the point where it comes off? I think on mine one of the tabs broke or was snapped off when I got it. During the very first transformation it fell off...
  4. Alright which one you dorks did this? lol
  5. um if these are the same complaints as the VF-1 MPC gets then how can the Alpha be an improvment over the VF-1 MPC? And they are apples & oranges in terms of design anyway. The only thing they have in common is Toynami's crap QC. That being said I don't hate my Alpha. The missile hatches are cool except the ones on the forearms. I like the Battloid mode alot. Fairly posable. The Guardian mode is ok too. I'm really disappointed in the Fighter mode, the sloppy paint job and the poor parts fittings in some areas.
  6. Here some Austin news. I'd like to had seen this fight lol The Los Angeles Times is reporting that Steve Austin and ex-girlfriend Tess Broussard were involved in another incident earlier this month. Austin and business manager George Vrabeck brought Broussard to California, with the intentions of presenting her with a $1.5 million check. In exchange for the check, Broussard would move out of Austin's life and agree not to pursue legal ramifications for any past incidents. "I'm not a rocket scientist," Austin told The Times "But I knew I had to get out of this relationship....The plan was to go out, have a nice steak, hand [broussard] a check and get on with my life." After eating dinner at Mastro's Steakhouse, the two went to meet Vrabeck. However, Broussard's mood changed. Austin's former girlfriend claimed that they were not breaking up, since they had a wonderful night. She started getting irate. Broussard then got on top of a table and tried to stab Austin with a steak knife. Everyone went down in a scuffle, before Austin's security guard was able to handcuff Broussard. Vrabeck was cut in his arm, while Austin banged his head. Softcore porn actress, Broussard, is now claiming a lawsuit worth $10 million has been fired against Austin for luring her to the restaurant to stage an assault. The lawsuit also brings up one of the domestic abuse incidents from Texas. Tess' story claims that Austin threw her back into her chair, before the guard came and knocked her down. She then saw Vrabeck stabbing himself, to the point where he started bleeding. The guard then said "I saw you stab him," indicating that she'd been set up. More comments from Broussard included, "[Austin] turned into another character — mean, horrible, violent and emotionally abusive. He drank every night, beginning at 6 p.m. until he would pass out around 1 a.m." When it was noted that Austin claimed she had a problem with medication, she responded, "He got me started on pills. He'd open my mouth like an animal and stick the pills in my mouth. He said, if I'm taking them, you're taking them too." On the subject of why they keep seeing each other, Broussard offered, "I was naive. He'd apologize and say he'd change and go to counseling, but he never did. He told me I was his soul mate, so I kept going back and really believed in the relationship. But it was a lot of empty promises." Austin stated, "I kept seeing her because, as kooky as she was, I still loved her. I feel like I've been a pawn on the chessboard. I was too trusting and too nice, and that's what I'll have to live with." Austin currently lives in Los Angeles with Diamond Dallas Page, and will be seen on the screen in Adam Sandler's "The Longest Yard." http://www.lordsofpain.net/news/2004_/arti.../1092756995.php
  7. The hatches on the forearms popped off on mine the very first time I opened them. I'll leave those shut since you can only see a 1/3 of the missiles The side profile in Fighter mode looks like some one stepped on it. The nose points up too much. The middle sags. The legs point up a bit. When transforming back to fighter mode, its real hard to push the legs up so that the arms will line up with them. Even the dopes who packaged my Alpha couldn't do that. The arms and legs were misaligned when I opened the box. Also I wonder how long it will be before those knee cap tabs break..
  8. While cursing Toynami I watched RAW....ugh HHH just beat the crap outta Orton. Notice how the crowd didn't care either way lol tonight's show was crap overall. Oh well NASCAR is heating up and NFL is around the corner see ya WWE.
  9. Got mine today. eh not bad. not great. This sucker is heavy. I think Soldier mode is probably the best. The pegs don't always want to stay in their holes. If the fists aren't closed properly in fighter mode the pegs won't go in at all. This is due to the bicep contracting inside the forearm. It pushes against the hand. The pegs on the bottom of the wings that snap into the back cockpit in Soldier mode don't go in very well. The landing gear blows. Too short. The two back gears sometimes collapse inwards. The 1/60 VF-1s do this too. Even with the front landing pushed out all the way the body barely clears the ground The legs and feet have awesome posability. But the arms don't. No two handed gun poses. They are kinda short. And the hands are cool though. The feet are really too big. Paint job is ok. The special blue on one of intakes is farted up. Looks like another color dripped on it The dark blue looks nice. Some fuzzines around the edges. The missile hatches are really neat. The hatch on the back(or the shoulder depending on which mode your in) sometimes falls off. Is it supposed to have 2 pegs or 1? Mine looks like one of them snapped off Also is the pilot figure supposed to be looking off to the side? Mine is. Kinda dumb
  10. Got the Yamato news letter this morning. I assume this means older 1/48s as well. babelfished
  11. Hate to burst your bubble..you're wrong
  12. HLJ's price is the preorder price. Note :Early Bird. The regular price is 14,800 yen. The other price includes tax Still too high if ya ask me
  13. Sorry but couldn't stop laughing when I read your post. This is very hilarius. I thought it was funny for the most part. I hate that figure. I guess a 5.00 figure was no match for a 1 year old, 70 lb Siberrean Husky lol
  14. I'm waiting for the Japanese region 2 box set of vol 2 in October. I'll wait for the the next region 1 release..what and whenever that is who knows
  15. Ugh the Virtual Boy. I was in Toys R Us trying that out one day....I took it off and I felt like I was drunk lol I'm more interested in the PSP but I'll wait and see. I like the list of games released so far. Not exactly thrilled that the games are 49.99(at least they are now at EB) or the rumored price tag.
  16. Ya the Sara figure blows. The solid hair version leaned over so far it knocked Mao over. And then worse, the Sara figure then fell of the shelf and my dog chewed it up. Also both of versions of my Sara figure have brown splotches of paint all over their dresses... lol kinda gross lookin' lol Who's the idiot who put Sara in that pose anyway?
  17. lol sad thing is I am a long time fan and I've lost interest. I've been a fan of wrestling since 1982. I went through this crap in the early-mid 90's. please not again lol
  18. WWE has been beyond awful this past summer. Nothing has been worth watching. Its all crap. Same ole boring junk every week. WWE needs an over haul. The wrestling industry needs to change. And Ted Turner bringing back washed up wrestlers no one likes ain't the answer.
  19. I won't say its a great price but its less than I was expecting. I was thinking this was going to be around 20,000 yen. Now the question for me is" Am I a big enough fan of this to buy it?" That I dunno.
  20. Ya I don't think the baby boomers are selling off any Macross toys. I doubt most baby boomers even know what Macross is lol I'm 30 so I'd be a Gen Xer. I have sold off most of my collection. My Macross collection is rather small right now. I still collect anime based toys but Macross is kinda "eh" to me right now. Which is kinda wierd since I have been collecting Macross stuff since the mid 80's.
  21. We have some real "intelligent" ones here at MW.... What a horrible crime... over nothing really
  22. AVP: Whoever wins the viewer will probably see a lousy movie and lose 10.00 This movie looks retarded.
  23. Maybe he's referring to this thread...where VF-19 pilot!!! spouted off about the 1/48s being reissued,,again... no real proof though http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=10081
  24. Saw these up at HLJ. no pics up yet though Is this that 1/10 Minmay figure? And they are cheap 15.00 or so Wow a cheap Macross product for once... coming in September. http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljpage.cgi?SEK39922 http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljpage.cgi?SEK39923 Oh yeah the tHe 1/60 Max Q-rau looks like its been pushed back to September according to HLJ.
  25. Most video game systems will never be region free. Isn't the PSP going to have territory lock out too? I wonder if the PS3 will be backward compatible. That was a big selling point when the PS2 came out.
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