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Everything posted by bandit29

  1. The bigger problem is for those who are buying the regular edtion. They'll be getting the DTS disc. That means you'll only be able to watch the 2.0 English track and no extras on the disc. Not everyone has DTS (like me).
  2. Further proof that no one here can read
  3. Reported over at animeondvd.com. This farting bites. I guess Manga's bad QC has been rubbing off on Bandai. http://www.animeondvd.com/
  4. No they are not and that is why the game mostly sucks.
  5. Watched Empire Strikes Back last night...wow it never looked so good. Most of the changes in this one are for the better. The new Emperor scene will take some getting used to. Why in ANH when Ben gives Luke his father's lightsaber its blue. Later on when Luke is practicing on the Falcon it starts out green? What happened here?
  6. Ah black lights are for dorks I know, I used to own one when I was 18-19
  7. I watched ANH last night. No encoding issues on chapter 26 or 27. The DVD did lock up twice around the 1hr 55 min mark Then the disc jumped ahead. 3rd time through that scene it played ok. Could be my cheap ass DVD player, I'll check it out in some other players. My DVD-ROM didn't read the disc at first. Restarted my computer and then it was ok. While watching this disc on there, it skipped alot. I have a hacked DVD drive so I dunno if this causing it or something else. Plus the drive is 5 years old. Anyone notice the difference in quality of some of the voices? For example: Leia's voice in most scenes sounds real clear(like they added more treble). While Hans sounds cloudy. It's kinda jarring when they speak in the same scene. The video looks really awesome but I noticed in the scene where Luke and Leia approach the bridge the video has kinda of a wave effect..hmm As far as the changes go..I'm not as hardlined as I used to be but the Greedo/Han scene still looks like crap and Jabba still looks like ass. The other changes/additions really don't bother me but most of them are really unnecessary.
  8. Mine's still going..enough. An SCPH-30001 with a flip top installed. I get a DRE every once in awhile. I'll pick one of these up when I get a chance. Im glad its top loading. My tray is worn out. I guess with no HDD this is their way of combating HDLoader. Also Sony really never did anything with the HDD anyway. and of course I just a bought a new Japanese PS2 a few months ago lol sigh
  9. I think the power supply is going to be external so that will help out some. So you'll have an AC adapter. They did this with the PSone.
  10. The network adapter is bulit in so you don't have to buy one. I wonder what they'll do about the HDD. There's alot of gamers that play this little known game called Final Fantasy XI..
  11. Just like the PSone now there's the PStwo http://www.scei.co.jp/products/new_ps2.html http://engadget.com/entry/8413288107686276/ http://ps2.ign.com/articles/549/549938p1.html?fromint=1 I need a new US PS2. My launch date PS2 is on its last legs
  12. Which swap disc are you using? The one for DVD games or CD games? I have a flip top and the Macross game works fine. I have a PS2 from the US launch. My swap discs are the 2.0. version though.
  13. Subbed. I don't think a dub has been done yet. Its pretty easy to follow. The plot is nothing to complicated or original. You might become nauseated with some of the dialog. That seems to be the biggest complaint so far from people who have seen it (myself included). The action scenes with Batou are really well done. Probably the only reason I'll pick up the DVD.
  14. Mine is on the way. Should have it tomorrow. Anyone order the R2 box set? I'd like to see/hear Star Wars in Japanese lol http://us.yesasia.com/en/PrdDept.aspx/pid-...section-videos/
  15. Ya I felt the same way. I was waiting for "Batou, if a tree falls in the forest and no one is around, does it make any sound"? Most of the dialog in this movie is asnine. Every other line seemed like it was in quotes.
  16. Saw it today in the theaters. Eh ok. It tries to be too many things. Sometimes its an action flick. Other times it just some philosiphical nonsense. And then it turns into a psychological thriller of sorts. The animation is great but its bogged down by constant philosphical dialog between the characters. If you ask me, Mamoru Oshii takes himself way too seriously. Its almost laughable. Oh and if any of you thought the first GITS movie was boring, don't even bother with this one. The pacing in this movie is awful. There are some really just down right boring parts in this film.
  17. Michael Cole got raped? jeez. Glad I went out last night. Who the hell would think that would make good TV? ugh
  18. I'm ready to throw mine out the window.. It'll be 20.00 by Christmas lol
  19. Ah fart the WWE..I'll be out walking my dog or playing videogames tonight lol
  20. Gungrave O.D. is coming out soon in the US and the MSRP is 14.99. I preordered mine at EB
  21. Wasn't Sword Of The Berserk developed by Yuke's? I believe so. This should have a chance to make it in the US. The first game was released when nobody knew what Berserk was. Now it has a following here. Now only if DarkHorse can get off thier ass and release a manga volume more than once every 4 months...
  22. Got the demo. It rules. Loaded with bloodshed... Preordered the limited box set. Comes out Oct 7. http://www.sammy.co.jp/berserk/#gentei http://www.sammy.co.jp/berserk/html/movie/index.html
  23. Piece of trash. I guess he never heard of a no kill animal shelter. Too bad the gun shot missed his farting head.
  24. Which reminds me. I recently got a hold of some HK's of the original versions on DVD. Video quality is a bit grainy, but nothing too terible. Looks like they were made from the laser disc definative collection. http://www.dvdbulksale.com/dvd/DVDSF05041003.shtml Took about a week to ship, and they come with covers & no cases. I've already picked up some double disc amaray's to pack them together with the box set when it comes out. I have an HK boot of the original ESB. Its not bad. It was taken from the LD. The only bad thing is every 2 chapters there's a slight pause(kinda like a layer change). It has some extra behind the scenes piece. I bought it off of ebay like 3-4 years ago. I did see some new bootlegs of the originals at Wizard World Chicago. 50.00 a set with cases artwork. I'm looking forward to the new set though. Not exactly thrilled about some of the changes but the restored video looks awesome.
  25. Well VOTOMS Scopedogs are about as old as the footage in your avatar lol. There's nothing flashy about these guys. Plus the show itself is rather dark and gritty. I'm surprised it was 52 episodes.
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