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Everything posted by bandit29

  1. well maybe the PSP games are not region free after all.. http://www.techjapan.com/modules.php?op=mo...article&sid=740
  2. Get him some Macross gashapon figures or worse ..a Jack Archer YF-1R Robotech MPC
  3. I read rumors of this on other boards but I guess its true http://www.animenation.net/news/
  4. I doubt a poll of Japanese fans would be much different. Probably the only old show that would be on that list would be Gundam 0079(since they've been beaten over the head with it). Maybe throw in the first Gatchaman series but the rest would most likely be newer shows.
  5. as of now the games will be region free but the movies will be region encoded. and I think the US launch is in March
  6. Some shots of people waiting for the PSP in Japan. http://www.the-magicbox.com/0412/game041212d.shtml http://www.gamespot.com/news/2004/12/11/news_6114900.html
  7. I thought the first GITS movie was ok but the second was really bad. Most of the animation is nice but the second rate philosophical babble was really annoying. Oshii takes himself way too seriously. It's laughable. The action scenes with Batou are the only good things in the second movie. I'm liking GITS SAC so far. Its entertaining. Too bad Bandai can't release a volume that doesn't have Q/C problems Never read the manga. Any good? I though about picking up the rerelease from Darkhorse. And the the GITS SAC PS2 game is barely ok. Graphics are nice but the controls are awkward and targeting is bad. Plus most of the missions are boring and the A.I is really dumb. Look for it on ebay for 29.99 new. That's where I got mine. It ain't worth more than that.
  8. Ack that list is crap. Gundam SEED? Wolf's Rain(I do like the show), Excel Saga? Best of all time? lol please. and yet Robotrash is still there.
  9. yawn... snore... zzz Are things that dead around here?
  10. I really don't see the point of the PSP playing movies. What's going to entice the buyer to buy a movie they already own DVD? Short clips etc I can understand but who'd wanna watch the Lord of the Rings or Spider-Man on a PSP lol
  11. Feel free to PM me your insight I'd love to read it.... And (unfortuantely for me)Motley Crue is going out on tour... Damageplan was supposed to do a show for Toy for Tots this Friday morning at the House of Blues in Chicago with Kenny Wayne Shepperd and Saliva. The show is still going on though.
  12. <span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>F,uck you stupid a-hole</span> Sorry, but the last I remember, the dude was a proudly open drug user, and I have little to no sympathy for known drug users. I regret that he went out the way he did, and I hope he did not leave a wife and any children behind either. This definitely is a first in the rock and roll world. It's old news in the Crap and Hip Hop genre, but totally unexpected. According to the MTV article. the club had no metal detectors. And isn't it ironic that these nutcases always pick the lamest reasons?. Apparently, the dude jumped onstage, screamed something about Pantera breaking up, and capped DD several times. Sort of like that idiot that shot John Lennon, supposedly becase he scribbled an autograph for him earlier in the day. Freaking lunatics, and at least the nutbar got shot shortly afterward, so there is some justice in the world. You took a cheap shot. No class. Thats why you pissed me off. So go f,uck your self some more. You'll get no respect from me jag off. And Dimebag was killed on the same day as John Lennon. kinda weird If I get banned for this so be it...
  13. When I saw Damageplan a few weeks ago at the House of Blues in Chicago, they searched everyone with metal detectors. Plus they had real cops there. But this is Chicago. Not sure how its done in Ohio.
  14. F,uck you stupid a-hole
  15. Pantera is/was one of my all time favorite bands. Dimebag will be sorely missed. I just saw Damageplan a few weeks ago. I had always hoped that Vinnie, Dime, Phil(Superjoint Ritual) and Rex would settle their differences and reform Pantera.. R.I.P Dimebag... smoke one up and have a Black Tooth(crown royal and coke, his favorite shot) if ya gotta it..
  16. ah just stick to PSP discussion. thank you and drive through
  17. gamespot has a hands on preview of the PSP. http://hardware.gamespot.com/Story-ST-11721-1274-4-4-x I'll most likely wait and see what games are coming out before I buy a PSP. The Nintendo DS I wasn't too impressed with so I'll be passing on that for the moment. While I never had a problem with either my first generation PSX or PS2(my 30001 still works) I might wait for Sony to get the bugs out of PSP.
  18. Just a side note: (not really a huge MGS) here's some figures coming out from Yamato. I'm sure these will see a stateside release. http://www.yamato-toys.com/items/detail.php?gid=635 http://www.yamato-toys.com/items/detail.php?gid=634
  19. I'm not being nor am I homophobic. I've had gay friends for years. Even they say stuff like this. I'm from the North , ole "GWB" is an idiot and so are you. back to the topic
  20. Never saw the show did ya? Sorry it aint gay. Gay would be the VF-19 Fire Valkyrie. Scopedog looks good but I'll wait for the US release in Apr/May. Is the Chirico figure out too?
  21. No Basara is just annoying... well... because he's annoying. And I do understand his motives. Doesn't change the fact (yes fact) he's a tool and a loser lol
  22. Cool. I wonder if this will be sold like the 1/60 version. VF with armor and armor only. The 1/48 will be huge with that armor on it.
  23. The Shadow Fighter from Toynami looks good for the most part. I dunno if I'd buy one though. I wasn't exactly thrilled with the Scott MPC Alpha.
  24. So it has long cutscenes and more dumb dialog than gameplay? There's a shocker... pass
  25. I saw them at Suncoast tonight, wasn't impressed. Kinda crappy looking for the price. I'm a Bebop fan. If you live in the US you can them cheaper than ordering from HLJ.
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