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Everything posted by bandit29

  1. Appleseed was only shown in 31 theaters. GITS 2 was shown in 47. Plus GITS already has an installed somewhat mainstream anime fanbase. I thought Appleseed was pretty awesome. One of the best anime movies I've seen. It wasn't the bore fest that GITS 2 was. DYRL? wouldn't do any better than either of these films. Face it DYRL's time has passed. The only chance it would have at better numbers is if the Robotrash fans showed up to heckle it.
  2. Back from the dead!!!!! looks like Austin's "return" is to annouce a 3 movie deal...yawn http://www.lordsofpain.net/news/2005/articles/1106017223.php RAW from Canada last night ..eh alright. When will the Canadian fans let it go? The Bret Hart/HBK nonsense is about 7 years old. It's getting old guys.
  3. Here's some numbers of EA vs /Sega ESPN and info http://www.gamespot.com/news/2005/01/18/news_6116499.html
  4. Eh no Macross stuff for me. There's not much more I'm interested in aquiring. Tax refund will most likely be used to pay off some debt.
  5. Oh come on. Most, if not all of those songs aren't very good. Only a handful are actually listenable/tolerable. "My Boyfriend is a Pilot" makes me want to stab my ears with a dull knife. That being said, DYRL? is my favorite Macross piece. I just fall asleep everytime Hikaru and Misa land on Earth lol
  6. Here it is uh ya...whatever... I can make my own http://www.toysrus.co.jp/toys/cat_detail.s...ME=TAB_TOP_0001 And the purple Scopedog is up for preorder at hlj http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljpage.cgi?YMT33643
  7. With that mod do you have to leave the lid open on the new slim PS2?
  8. No license issues thankfully. Yamato's domestic (US)releases usually come a few months after the import. Why? I dunno. lol
  9. Ya heard about that. Cool. Always wanted to read those.
  10. Because you got a liberal monster, mine leans to the right so I think it's conservative... The way it slings missles, it's more like a neocon. Maybe the monster has the WMDs
  11. Ya there's a connection: They are both underage and we've seen them naked ...
  12. Purple is ok. duuno if i'd buy it
  13. CHRIST NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! How about Jakks-Pacific or Matchbox? Would those be better? lol
  14. I have the FX version. The subs are mostly ripped from the other HK boots. I have the 1-4 individual DVDs so I checked them versus the FX DVD. The video is really nice though. Better than the others. All 5 episodes are on one DVD. IIRC, its a dual-layered DVD. Bought it for about 10.00 shipped of off ebay from sundevildvd. Here's two up for auction: http://search.ebay.com/macross-zero_W0QQso...ntrypageZsearch
  15. The only reason Star Wars won is because of everyone complaining about it or the fact(yes fact) no one gives a rat ass about Star Trek.
  16. "Captain Picard" 89 800 vs "Captain Kirk" 226 000 Kirk wins "Chicago Bears" 2 430 000 vs "Green Bay Packers" 1 730 000 Bears win unlike in real life lol
  17. Nope Zeta still wins as most overrated Gundam series. Could be nominated as a most overrated anime series in general, IMO. Its good but not great. Didn't say it was bad... its just for years I heard "Zeta is THEE Gundam series" I watched it and thought meh its ok I guess. I'm not really a fan of Tomino anyway. Gundam MS08th team was more of a side story than say Zeta which was a sequel. That's why the story really went nowhere. Like Macross Plus for example.
  18. I take it that you have never seen Quess Paraya? (Wonder if I got her last name correct...) Kou Uraki is a wishy-washy character, but if you have not see Quess... You have no idea what a "worst Gundam character" is like. Yeah, I know Quess. I suppose I'll change my wording to "worst OVA Gundam character" Those two are pretty annoying. My favorite Gundam would be Gundam MS 08th Team. Ground combat, good characters, good action etc. Gundam 0083 is good too except for Kou Uraki lol Ugh somebody punch this guy. I thought Char's Counter Attack was disappointing. Zeta. The overrated UC Gundam series. Its good but not great. Camille is annoying. ZZ Gundam. The first 20 or so episodes kinda suck. The rest is ok. To me, this series kinda ruined everything that Zeta established. Gundam 0080 and F-91 I find unwatchable. The original Gundam movies are decent. I like the third one the best.
  19. I said it before and I'll say it again: Macross needs a new full length (26 or more episodes)TV series before Bandai will even consider pushing Macross again. Macross Zero wasn't enough since its an OVA. That's out of the mainstream, for fans only. With the anime market becoming more global, Bandai couldn't even market Macross outside of Japan since we have the whole BW/HG fiasco. Why would Bandai(toy division) want to get involved with that mess when they can just keep on with Gundam and other toys.
  20. I heard Bandai is making a brand new line of Macross toys since the 1/55 resissues sold so well...
  21. One word would have been enough for the YF-21FP: crap
  22. Bad f'n ass. Really cool
  23. ah... its the return of the MW I know and love Its been so quiet around here lately.
  24. the Monster is the Scopedog's bitch I do like the Gerwalk mode of the Monster, its the other two modes I don't care for..oh well looks nice anyway.
  25. Oh you have got to be kidding..... I was thinking about buying this one just for the animation (considering how much I hated the 'story") but if that's the kind of subs I can expect, I'll stick with my fansub copy. And here I was hoping that Dreamworks-imported anime would be a good thing. No not kidding. The subs were not like this in theater when I saw it. [wimper, dog barking] lol The subs are good its just that this CC stuff is kinda annoying. I'm looking around for a DVDsubber file. Or I could just watch without subs since I really think the story isn't that good. GITS 2 can be rather pretentious also and btw, could they have made the gynoids anymore unattractive? Flat chested with a beer gut and a fat ass lol
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