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Everything posted by bandit29

  1. I wouldn't mind a pinned or ongoing videogame thread. We have a lot of gamers here. And talking about Macross videogames (unless there is a new one) is kind of boring.
  2. Pricing for the UMD movies has been announced and House of Flying Daggers will be released on UMD http://www.gamespot.com/news/2005/02/16/news_6118718.html
  3. The price is unknown. Bandai-Ent has yet to confirm this release. The Japanese release is what was talked about before.
  4. http://www.animeondvd.com/ Dunno if I'd double dip on this one. I already own the perfect sessions box from Bandai.
  5. Basara's "secret" life style
  6. You can watch Naruto(dubbed of course) on Cartoon Network http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/
  7. Zodd after a tough battle with Guts lol
  8. Ya ShoPro is affiliated with Viz so expect 3 episodes per disc like Inuyasha...
  9. Freaking hilarious. One thing is for sure they didn't like Lois much.
  10. Like others have said..Last Exile. What a great show. Some others: Berserk Requiem from the Darkness Wolf's Rain RahXephon
  11. Read this. Dunno if its true but it is funny Tales of an American teacher in Japan
  12. Article at IGN says the US will only be getting a value pack http://psp.ign.com/articles/584/584983p1.html
  13. Well looks like the PSP is coming out on March 24th...at 249.99 value pack http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/050203/sfth050_1.html
  14. while I like boobies..not sure about the rest
  15. Great news. Maybe they'll take some time off...like 20 years
  16. Cool review. Thank you.
  17. Some do. I don't watch much Star Trek anymore. I haven't watched Enterprise regularily since season 2. And Star Wars isn't exactly setting the world a fire...its lame too. Hopefully Epiosde III will be good.
  18. Jolene Blaylock was in Playboy(not naked ). She did the 20 question interview and she said that this season will most likely be the last. Oh well the show sucked and Star Trek needs to go away for awhile until they can come up with something watchable. Instead of throwing out half assed sequels.
  19. Also... Needs more Southern Cross. Then you really want the new RT to suck. The new footage really doesn't do anything for me.
  20. jeez couldn't they have made the psp a little bigger so this problem with the square button wouldn't happen A preliminary US PSP manual has been submitted to the FCC http://psp.ign.com/articles/582/582378p1.html and EB has starting taking unoffical preorder bundles for 400.00 http://www.ebgames.com/ebx/product/520683.asp
  21. I got one of those. I had most of my 1/48s in there but I took them out for the time being so I could play with them more lol
  22. That pretty much jives with everything that we've heard about the end of the film. What I'm more concerned about is whether or no James Earl Jones will reprise his role for whatever dialog Vader will speak. Damn secrecy! Ah they'll let David Prowse do it. Finally he'll be heard And then maybe he can stop bitching at the conventions.
  23. According to George Lucas in an interview in Entertainment Weekly. Darth Vader(as we have known him) will only be in the film approx for *spoiler* 3-5 minutes . The interview was done around the time the Star Wars OT DVDs were released. Hell snippets of the article were directly linked off of AOL's start up page. So much for secrecy. I posted a link to it in the thread about the DVDs along time ago.....
  24. That's the only part of Appleseed I didn't like . That part didn't ruin the rest of the movie though, IMO. The rest was pretty cool. And your criteria for DYRL? being a success in the US is delusional.
  25. For me, that means I probably won't see the movie lol Ugh can't stand her. I dunno about this one. The trailer looked alright. I always liked FF as kid. I wonder if She-Hulk will make a cameo.
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