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Everything posted by bandit29

  1. I'll check mine for cracks. I have to finish making back up copies of the Macross set. Seems cracking DVDs aren't that uncommon: http://forums.animeondvd.com/showflat.php?...sb=5&o=&fpart=1 Macross DVDs are mentioned here too.
  2. Activision sold the Tenchu franchise to From Software. From Software showed some interest after publishing Tenchu 3 in Japan. That's why I thought Agetec might publish Kurenai here since they publish the Amored Core games in the US for From Software. And why the hell I know all this useless crap is beyond me lol edit: some impressions of the Japanese version of Red Ninja....don't sound good http://boards.gamefaqs.com/gfaqs/genmessag...&topic=19601844
  3. Cool. BTW, I noticed that the AllState Arena (formerly Rosemont Horizon) has hosted WWF shows for several decades. How come WWE hasn't moved to a newer venue like the United Center? Here in L.A., WWF used to host shows at the Sports Arena, but went on to the newer and larger Staples Center (former WCW stomping grounds). I dunno why they haven't moved to the United Center. Much nicer place even after all the changes at the Rosemont Horizion/All State. I used to go to the WCW Monday Nitros at the UC. I haven't been to a Raw/Smackdown/house show in awhile. WWF has been going to Horizion for years. I used to go to the house shows back in the 80's all the time. Saw matches like Hogan vs Piper(when it was good), Hogan vs the Macho Man, Ricky Steamboat vs Macho Man, Hart Foundation vs the British Bulldogs etc AWA was also there. Saw the Road Warriors vs Larry the Ax & Curt Hennig in a table match. Also the RWs vs The Freebirds. Now that I think about it I've been going to that arena a long time. Hell I saw Iron Maiden there in 1987 and 1988 w/Megadeth....
  4. Wow, I'm playing the same games too. Thinking about picking up DMC3, although I had yet to finish the first one... Most Tenchu fans seem to enjoy Kurenai/Fatal Shadows. It might not have lived up to some fans' expectations, but it was definitely a worth addition to the series. Kudos to Sega for bringing it over here. Added: Famitsu scores are usually very fair. They don't become the #1 publication in Japan for being kiss-asses. As for camera issues, in some games they matter more than others - stealth action being one of them. Maybe its camera problems were worse than in the new Tenchu game, which is almost a year old in Japan, so Famitsu didn't cut them any slacks. While I'm glad Sega brought it here(even though I think From Software/K2 could have used Agetec as a publisher), I wish they'd would have improved it from the import version, Kurenai. The slowdown wasn't fixed. And the item placement/ enemy layouts are exactly the same. The import version of Tenchu Wrath of Heaven(known as Tenchu 3 in Japan since Tenchu WOH is kind of a redundant title) had a few differences than the US version. I was kind of hoping the same for US version of Tenchu Kurenai since the game came out last July in Japan. Overall I like it. Most Tenchu fans are digging it despite no Rikimaru. I'm glad for that since the "professional" reviewers are dead wrong about the game. There's going to be Tenchu PSP game coming. and Tekken 5 kicks ass!!!
  5. I might go. I haven't been to a Wrestlmania since the second one in 1985...ugh I'm old lol. Thanks for the heads up.
  6. lol they must have heard my bitching lol I'm sure other fans were bitching as well. I don't like the guy but some of the best feuds in the 80's were Hogan vs Piper & Orndorff w/ Bobby Heenan.
  7. Yep... I am a fan again. Ya and it sucked. What a boring layout. Debbie Gibson has nothing going on. Now the Jillian Grace layout was worth looking at
  8. The new Logitech wireless PS2 controller is awesome. I love it. Best PS2 controller if you ask me. I have another Logitech PS2 controller that's decent. The Action controller with turbo , I bought at Circuit City for 9.99. The D-pad sucks(its too stiff and the circular pad is indented in the center) but you can use the thumbsticks in digital mode(non analog supported games). I can see why after how horrible the D-pad is lol The stock PS1/PS2 pads are ok. Depending what your are playing. Of course they suck for 2-D fighters. The PS1/PS2 controller was more designed for 3-D games. The Dreamcast controller I never really liked. Too big. Thumbstick in odd place. Wasn't a big fan of buying jump packs and VMUs that plugged into the controller. Too heavy. The 6 button Genesis controllers are one of my favorites. The Saturn ones were nice too. And the last good Nintendo controller was from the SNES. Nice and simple. The N64 controller was awkward. Thumbstick placement was a bad idea. I hate the Gamecube controller. All the odd shaped buttons are annoying. Our 'cube has been collecting dust lately. Don't own a X-box yet. Waiting for a price drop to 99.99 lol
  9. 3 million dollars to save that lousy show? ugh That money can be be better spent... on me of course
  10. That was expected. Nothing beats Tenchu when it comes to ninja games (except maybe Ninja Gaiden). Eh those scores for Red Ninja make it sound like its an average game. I wasn't expecting 10's. Saw some more movies on G4TechTV, looked like it could be fun. I'll pick this up when I get a chance. I'm busy playing Tenchu FS and Tekken 5. And while I like Ninja Gaiden, I like the Tenchu series a helluva alot more. Tenchu Kurenai/FS is great despite some of the poor reviews its getting in the US.
  11. Well at least something down the pipeline is coming. It'd be great to own a Yamato VF-1 with GBP armor that is stable and legs that don't fall off lol. I wonder if they'll do the samething they did with 1/60 version: armor only and armor with VF-1J?
  12. Yesasia.com sells only official products. I've never seen bootlegs there. Bought from them a few times. No problems. BTW the exchange rate sucks right now.
  13. Funny you should mention the official R2 version, cuz I was wondering that myself. I can't imagine it looking much better than the fx/perfect one. But, if it's a different and official transfer, I guess it would be! Do region 2 DVDs use NTSC (30fps) or are they PAL (25fps)? I think, from what I've read in Ali Sama's thread, that I would need to shift things around because the island scene is different. And if the DVD is R2, more conversions may be necessary. But I still plan on giving it a try. BTW, what's the deal with the ending credits on the fx/Perfect one? I hate 'em. That concert footage is so jarringly grafted on there. What's the ending like on the R2 DVD? Does it just end with Minmay counting off "One, two, three, four." Regarding "Progressive Scan" problems. I haven't noticed anything when I play the fx/Perfect DVD in my table-top player. I do notice some "hitching" when I play the original DVD through my computer onto the TV though. While the FX is a rip of the Region 2 NTSC Japanese DVD it is slightly different. The R2 DVD has some more start up screens(Emotion/Bandai/Toho logos). Also it goes right into the movie. Unlike the FX DVD which goes to the menu. There's also a few more seconds of the black screen on the R2. So basically your timed script to the FX DVD will be off if you used it with the R2 DVD. And the ending on the FX is the same on the R2. The video there doesn't look that good. And for godsakes when will these damn liscensing issues be over and done with so Macross fans don't have to resort to this BS just to watch an hour and half movie. All the companies involved in that mess can go suck the big one.
  14. I watched about 10 minutes of RAW last night. Saw the predictable finish/outcome of HBK/Orton vs Edge/Christian.....yawn Anyone getting Wrestlemania 21? That's in a few weeks isn't it? As you can tell I've been barely watching lol
  15. damn the scopedog and its accessories look great. I noticed that the red shoulder version is in the NY pics. I wonder if that's coming to the US too..
  16. Eh they could have naked women on the cover I wouldn't be embarrassed.. to each his own I guess here's some trailers for Red Ninja http://www.gametrailers.com/gamepage.php?id=1090
  17. Looks like the purple Scopedog is coming to the US. August 2005 http://www.yamatotoysusa.com/
  18. Ugh. first the Teen Titans and now this crap.
  19. Does that mean we are not getting all the PS1 additions? I'd assume they wouldn't be there since they are arcade ports.
  20. Its called Tenchu Fatal Shadows/Kurenai. Ayame and Rin aren't exactly hotties... lol. Rin looks like a homeless boy.. and Bobe-Patt there is no hidden character as of yet in the US version of Tenchu FS. I doubt there will be though. sorry for the derail but Tekken 5 is going to include arcade versions of Tekken 1,2 & 3
  21. Ideally, I think Sony would have been better off approaching UMD the way they did with mini-discs... make them blank, and sell the software/hardware to take video you already have (like DVD or even avi etc) and put it on a UMD to watch on a PSP later. Of course, since the PSP is likely to increase demand and lower the cost of Memory Stick Duo, you'd kind of have to wonder why they'd even bother with movies on UMD at all. The PSP already supports the playback of MPEG-4 off the Memory Stick... why not just take all the fansubbed anime we've been getting via bittorrent, change it over to MPEG-4, and watch it on our lunch breaks at work instead of being chained to our computer desks? When the PSP first comes out, a 1GB Memory Stick Duo Pro will go for around $150. A UMD can only hold a gig and a half, anyway. That's a cool idea. I like that. I probably won't buy a PSP come launch. Need to save money for other games(Dynasty Warriors 5, Red Ninja, Devil May Cry 3) and a widescreen HDTV. I also heard rumors that the value pack is only going to be sold at launch. Once they are gone, thats it for the value pack. Then the PSP will be sold by itself without the accessories.
  22. I wouldn't mind a pinned or ongoing videogame thread. We have a lot of gamers here. And talking about Macross videogames (unless there is a new one) is kind of boring. Yeah, but we have a ton of pinned threads as it is. We can't have the first page of the "Other" section be full of pinned threads. Usually new games are allowed to be talked about, but they're just given their week or two and they die on their own. True but there's a couple of those pinned threads that have out lived thier usefulness...cough...MPC....cough...HG legal.....cough....screw those lame transformers lol...cough thats why I thought maybe an ongoing thread if not a pinned thread (like the WWE thread) could exist.....
  23. Ya Tenchu: Fatal Shadows came out the other day. I've been playing the import version, Tenchu: Kurenai since last July. If you liked like Wrath of Heaven you'll like this. No Rikimaru though. This game has been getting beat up by the "professional" reviewers but most Tenchu fans seem to like it.
  24. Is it just me or is it kinda crappy of the WWE not inducting Hulk Hogan into the hall of fame? I really don't like him but if it wasn't for him wrestling would be nowhere. Hell the guys(Orndorff, The Iron Sheik, Volkoff etc.) that are nominated this year all benefited from him
  25. I think you'll like it since its like between Shinobi/Kunochi and Tenchu, it has more action then Tenchu, less than Shinobi, but more Stealth than Shinobi, less than Tenchu Sounds cool I'll check this out. Big Tenchu fan here. Theres another stealth ninja game coming from the original Tenchu team Acquire along with Spike(Way of the Samurai 1 & 2). I think its called Shinobido or something like that.
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