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Everything posted by bandit29

  1. You're such an asswipe. Star Wars fans aren't exactly known for their toughness. Most of them are still living at home in their parents basement (whining about George Lucas) and still virgins. Like most Star Trek fans. LOL, you seem to have mistaken the number of Star Trek fans with the number of Star War fans. Rather like comparing the Milwaukee Brewers to the New York Yankees. Whether you liked the prequels or not, most people adored the original trilogy. Hell, even my Grandma likes Star Wars. Everyday people, those who you work with, those who you pass on the street, even people in your own home are Star Wars fans. Trekkies, well, Trekkies are just plain pussies. Actually I am a Star Wars fan. Just not a diehard/hardcore. Looking forward to the next movie. The trailer was sweet. Star Trek, well most of it sucks(TNG was decent). The Yankees, well they got their asses handed to them by the Red Sox(finally). The Yanks probably could have used a juiced up Giambi...
  2. You ain't kiddin. UPN is the worst network. Other than a few reruns, that network has nothing worth watching. Smackdown hasn't been really good in awhile. RAW has been doing ok though lately If the WWE can't get a TV deal for both shows, I wonder if they'd consider combining the RAW/Smackdown rosters back together again.
  3. The Best Buy in my area is opening at 8:01 AM on Thursday(I assume the rest are too) Since we are gonna be slow this week at work, I might be able to get there in morning. So how long will it take for Vivid, Wicked etc to release some porn in the UMD format? Or better yet how do I transfer mine?...
  4. You're such an asswipe. Star Wars fans aren't exactly known for their toughness. Most of them are still living at home in their parents basement (whining about George Lucas) and still virgins. Like most Star Trek fans.
  5. So when is the WWE leaving Spike TV? There's not much worth watching on Spike otherwise(MXC has become really stale).
  6. We've been getting some of those lame guests for years at the Chicago Wizard World. The only time anyone cared about Lou Ferrigno is when the Hulk movie came out. I talked to him once, he was alright I guess. Virgil just usually sits there bored running old WWF/WCW tapes while wearing a worn out NWO T-shirt. We have had David Prowse(the body of Darth Vader) and Peter Mayhew(Chewbacca) the last couple of years. Both were whining about Georg Lucas..
  7. Have you tried Logitech's wireless PS2 controller? For me, it's not that I'm leary of wireless as much as I am of third party controllers. But the Logitech controller for PS2 is actually really good... better than a regular Dual Shock 2. Better, even, than Nintendo's vaunted Wavebird. I've had zero lag and zero missed button presses with it, plus it just feels natural in your hand. Yep. That controller rules. Hell, the signal goes through walls.
  8. Part of it was the tie-in sales rate, but the contest changed, simply because other stores are selling their stuff. Personally, I picked up Need for Speed Underground Rivals already. That said, because the company didn't expect people to want to buy stuff for a system they don't own, they didn't priority ship any of the PSP stuff, so even though other stores have a lot of different stuff, we just have some Pelican accessories and NFSU Rivals, so far. We'll be getting shipments everyday though... I hope all the games will be in by Thursday. If not all of them, then at least Wipeout. dejr8bud, how big is your Best Buy? Most metro-area stores, especially bigger stores like Best Buy, are a lot bigger than the Gamestop where I work. And like I said, my store's getting 70. If the store is big enough and in a big enough area, 300 isn't impossible. I'm not too concerned with Dynasty Warriors' reviews. The reviews might not look good when compared with other PSP titles, but compared to the other Dynasty Warriors games, the scores are par for the course. Scores from Gamespot: Dynasty Warriors (PSP) - 6.9 Dynasty Warriors 4 (PS2) - 7.1 Dynasty Warriors 3 (PS2) - 7.1 Dynasty Warriors 4 XL (PS2) - 7.4 Dynasty Warriors 3 XL (PS2) - 7.1. Dynasty Warriors 5 will probably score lower than a 7.0, because (even fans of the series have to admit), Dynasty Warriors is just getting old. I loved 3, and I enjoyed 4, but (especially after playing Samurai Legends), even I'm beat. I don't plan to get DW5. The only reason why I'm getting the PSP version is because it might be more fun to play in bite-sized chunks on the crapper. I live/work in the suburbs of Chicago. The Best Buy near my work is pretty large. Ya I had heard most stores like EB and Gamestop were only getting 60-70 units, so when I heard 300 I was kinda surprised. If I strike out at Best Buy, there's a Circuit City, Walmart and Targert less than 1/4 mile away.
  9. I still haven't decide if I'm getting a PSP this week. Didn't preorder one. The Best Buy that is by my work said they are getting 300 PSPs. Could be BS. That's alot. I thought about getting Dynasty Warriors but for the same price I can get Dynasty Warriors 5 for the PS2 a week later. I'll probably pick up Ridge Racer, Lumines and Darkstalkers for the PSP.
  10. EDIT: Fixed for the retarded. bah, who cares if a Gamespot writer isn't a Macross Purist? All I know is that, being made by Bandai: No Gundam = Crappy game. What's Aido? I've never heard of it. Also, does anyone know who, if anyone is fansubbing this one? I care. I'm tired of Robotrash. All Bandai games are crap. Even the Gundam ones. This one will probably suck too. IIRC, the Aibo is a virtual pet dog. I do like the mech designs for this show but like Graham and others said I'm really tired of the young angsty mech pilots. But this show wasn't aimed at me (an almost 31 year old American). Kawamori's "save the Earth" message can get heavy handed sometimes. Why does Kawamori feel so compelled to preach enviromentalism? I'll give this show a chance though.
  11. Another article with pics of the PS2 game http://ps2.ign.com/articles/596/596749p1.html
  12. I don't think its too much to worry about. The anime market has finally leveled off. Every industry has point where growth stops for a bit.
  13. What the hell are you talking about??? VFs are designed by Shouji Kawamori, the great "God" of Macross, not Robotech... HG bought his Macross TV version design and messing with it... He has nothing to do with Robotech... In fact, he doesn't like Robotech. I didn't write the article. I just didn't put quotes around it. Learn to read.
  14. The video game is coming from the designer of Robotech? ugh...ah it never ends does it, for us Macross fans... The show starts on April 4th according to the article. http://www.gamespot.com/news/2005/03/15/news_6120473.html EDIT: Fixed for the retarded.
  15. Ya mine used to do the samething. I don't own the game anymore so I can't try it on my Japanese PS2.
  16. Ya for this game I would but I already have one. My Lamecube has been collecting dust lately. I didn't buy RE4 yet. Dunno if I will.
  17. Yawn another Star Trek movie...ST Nemesis was awful. Why would they do another prequel to TOS? Maybe they should fill some of the gaps between TOS and TNG. Ya I used to be a somewhat of a Star Trek dork lol
  18. I just bought a Samsung 30 inch HDTV Widescreen. Overall I like it. My old TV was a Sony 27 inch from 1996. Just a word about Sony. The quality has dropped alot on their mid priced consumer electronics. Since the mid/late 90s when videogames became their bread & butter.
  19. Yes, its called 'Super Dimension Fortress Macross". Perhaps you've seen it. LMAO
  20. The Macross game for the PS2 is the best one. That's not saying alot since most Macross games aren't that good.
  21. Some more movies coming that I won't be buying lol. http://www.gamespot.com/news/2005/03/07/news_6119891.html
  22. I'd go for the MPC Prime. I owned the Escaflowne and that was probably the worst toy I ever bought. Its hard to transform and its not very balanced. Its posability is very limited.
  23. I dunno if I'll buy a PSP right away. Interested in some of the games. Don't care about watching movies. I have a portable DVD player. And if anyone here can play imports, Capcom is releasing a Darkstalkers/Vampire collection for the PS2 in May for around 5000 yen. Its all of the arcade games. Might have a chance of coming to the US. Probably alot cheaper too.
  24. Nah couldn't beat him. I could kick the crap outta everyone else though. He was a great boxer, no question, but its amazing that pieces of garbage like Mike Tyson get more chances. Whats next? Him appearring on the Surreal Life 5 on VH-1?
  25. Awesome custom. I love it.
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