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Everything posted by bandit29

  1. Ya I read june/july. but like u said I haven't seen any preorders.
  2. Also the subtitles for the Japanese track were mistimed on episode 3. I think the dub track on the first volume was in 4.1 instead of 5.1. I remember sending those back for replacements. Ya most of Mangle's DVDs have some sort of problem. Either technical or some sort of editing. Ghost in the Shell, Blood : The Last Vampire and X: the movie were problem free. Even the very first release of Ninja Scroll was messed up(massive macroblocking, blurred scenes).
  3. it exists. I used to own it.
  4. Then why do you like U2? They have a political agenda.. I already listed my favs on the other page..ya know Pantera, Iron Maiden, Slayer, Lamb of god, Shadows Fall, Machine Head etc...main stream music sucks and Dave Mustaine from Megadeth is a douchebag.
  5. That is true. But it is a perfect excuse to raise prices though. well guys like Kevin (VE) and Tam (TMP) they don't make much money back...pretty much just enough to keep themselves in business... if you want to blame anyone then blame their supplier, the current economy, etc...but there are sellers who do cheat people...just like the guy tryna sell the Tenjin Hidetaka art book for more than twice its going price every where else...but it all goes down to what you're able and willing to pay, that's also a factor of driving up prices...just economics, no matter how much we hate 'em sometimes Well I am not naming VE and Tam in particular. It is ppl like BBTS and tinsc that irks me when they say they can raise the prices. More so against tinsc. The one problem that BBTS has is that they are in the midwest...fuel/delivery costs have gone up on everything around here(I'm in Chicago). We get shipments in from the west coast (Califorina /Washington) and prices have gone up alot in the last couple of years. Most frieght companies are adding 1.5 to 5%surcharges on fuel now. Add the weak dollar vs the yen and well...but BBTS does have great service though. Great news that a 1/48 CF is coming. I'll take a bet this a mass release. Yamato doesn't need to release a poop colored CF and a tan CF again.
  6. but IIRC you don't like any dubs I think for its time, the mid-90's, the dub is pretty good. I don't like Myung's voice though. And the English version of "Voices" sucks ass. The rest are fine despite the script changes. This box set I probably won't buy unless the video/sound is remastered and the subtitles are now yellow instead of white. And they better keep those anti-drug PSAs from KISS on there too lol too bad they can't put Macross Future Chronicle(contains footage from the SDF Macross) on there. Its on the Japanese DVD of the first Macross Plus episode and some of narration/text is in English IIRC.
  7. And they probably had an unlimited amount of men as well ...lol
  8. BSG? Whats that? Anyway if you are using PSPvideo9 to convert to MP4 you should be able to get lower than 375MB for 45min. I got Macross Plus episode 1 (about 40 minutes) to 141MB and the quality is pretty good.
  9. Spiderman 2 was only supposed to come with the first million units...so I guess that means the PSP has sold over a million? The PSP is completely gone in my area, 20 minutes outside of Chicago.
  10. Change the settings to either anime 0-2 hours or movie 0-2 hours. I use the movie settings. For some reason when I use the anime setting it throws the voice off. You should be able to squeeze down a 23 minute episode to 83-86 MB. I can get 5, 23minute episodes on a 512MB card You can also download DVDshrink to shrink the orignal VOB file down and then run it through PSPvideo9. The file will be the same size (83-86MB) it just won't take as long. For example an episode of Last Exile is about 1.5 GB I shrunk it down to 500MB and then ran it through PSPvideo9. The quality was the same when compared to an uncompressed version.
  11. My order for the 1GB Sony card from Dell got pushed back again...now to 06/15/05. What I have for my PSP The system and all that stuff. I have a 512MB card wich currently has the first 4 episodes of Last Exile on it. Games: Darkstalkers Dynasty Warriors Ridge Racer I had Untold Legends but I ebayed that. Might pick up Hot Shots Golf. I dunno what other games I'll pick up. I don't like professional sports games (except for NASCAR). Probably buy Armored Core in June. Tenchu for the PSP Import is coming out at the end of July. That's a must buy for me. I also read that King of Fighters Maximum Impact is coming to the PSP eventually. Movies: Spiderman 2 Resident Evil 2(should of just ripped the DVD I guess) Logitech case is coming soon.
  12. Here's the pic if anyone needs it http://www.the-magicbox.com/0505/game050502b.shtml Very uninspired. Reeks of laziness. Akira Toriyama needs to reinvent himself.
  13. I didn't like Dynasty Warriors that much. I like the series but this game eh..plus slowdown on a hanheld is torture. Probably gonna ebay his one. Anime is coming to the PSP Appleseed the Movie 19.99. Same price as the DVD http://www.rightstuf.com/1-800-338-6827/ca...tem/66447/4/0/0 and Samurai Champloo. Two episodes for 14.99 http://www.rightstuf.com/1-800-338-6827/ca...tem/66448/4/0/0 Both are due in July. I don't think I'll buy them on UMD since I could rip the DVD to my memory card. But if I didn't have a 512MB card(hopefully a 1GB card soon...Dell bastards) and the capabilities to convert I'd consider buying them.
  14. Sigh.. notice that the name "Macross" doesn't appear anywhere in the ad. Well except for the email address. But the valk isn't advertised as a "Macross" product. I wonder if the name "Macross" name would have been on the box. Or would have it been called a just Strike or Super Valkyrie.
  15. This thread needs to die lol There's post from me from 2 years ago lol and Yamato still loves big boxes....the Scopedog box is about the same size as the 1/48 box. The design is the same too with flap and window.
  16. Man, you kids today... You just have no clue what the world was like before you graced it with your presence, do you? Seriously...maybe next you can comment on some old silent B&W movie you saw on late night PBS, and marvel that people "actually watched it." Or perhaps you can test drive a car thats more than 25 years old, and report on how disappointing its 3-speed manual tranny was. Or you could pick on 8-tracks, AM radio, carbureted engines, and betamax. You're free to share your opinions here, but you're going to have to realize that you have zero perspective on how the tech we have today came to be. Saying that you take things for granted is putting it lightly. Well did say he had a Commodore 64 and Odyessey those are old. The 2600 and Colecovision were my favorites back then. Ya Atati 2600 games are to hard to play now. I don't find them interesting like I did back in the early 80's. The 2600 had the worst versions of Pac-Man and Donkey Kong ever lol I've seen some worse versions surface. Usually as poorly-done efforts at making a flash game. Impossible lol. Donkey Kong looked liked a turd at the top of the screen and Pac-Man didn't even look like Pac-Man. KC Munchkin looked like it more lol. I remember my Dad bitching how bad Pac-man was for the 2600. After that we soon got Colecovision where my Dad was addicted to Zaxxon. Colecovison also had an Atati 2600 adaptor that you plugged into the front expansion bay. Imagine that nowadays lol
  17. next. the forearms extend. They are spring loaded.
  18. Here's a few quick pics 1/12 Scopedog next to a 1/48 VF-1S
  19. Man, you kids today... You just have no clue what the world was like before you graced it with your presence, do you? Seriously...maybe next you can comment on some old silent B&W movie you saw on late night PBS, and marvel that people "actually watched it." Or perhaps you can test drive a car thats more than 25 years old, and report on how disappointing its 3-speed manual tranny was. Or you could pick on 8-tracks, AM radio, carbureted engines, and betamax. You're free to share your opinions here, but you're going to have to realize that you have zero perspective on how the tech we have today came to be. Saying that you take things for granted is putting it lightly. Well did say he had a Commodore 64 and Odyessey those are old. The 2600 and Colecovision were my favorites back then. Ya Atati 2600 games are to hard to play now. I don't find them interesting like I did back in the early 80's. The 2600 had the worst versions of Pac-Man and Donkey Kong ever lol
  20. Just got another delayed shipment email about the 1GB card from Dell. "Unseen circumstances..." yeah right How is the Logitech case?
  21. It is a domestic release. Kevin and TwinMoons had them for about a 100.00. other places I've seen them online for 120.00. The import price (if you bought it from HLJ) is about 170.00 I think. I'll try to post some pics tonight since I'm broke and have no bar money but the fridge at home is stocked with beer lol
  22. Ya I got mine from Kevin the other day too(thanks Kev). The Scopedog is badass and huge.
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