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Everything posted by bandit29

  1. Like it or not you are/were a casual anime fan. I hope you can live with yourself...
  2. Can't wait for Guilty Gear XX# Reload for the PSP. Love that series. Street Fighter Alpha/Zero 3 pics for the PSP http://www.the-magicbox.com/0509/game050902a.shtml
  3. Sounds like some of you guys are in denial. "I like X number of shows/OVAs/ movies but.... I'm not an anime fan. How dare you call me that..." Please Belonging to a messageboard discussing a 20 year old plus anime franchise is anything but normal. I'd say that is more geeky than say talking about GITS SAC or Samurai Champloo. Not that I really care what is considered "normal". Normal is boring. I've been watching anime since I was 10(31 now). I still enjoy it. I don't go nuts over anime though. I don't get into to all the technical BS details. I try not not to get into heated discussions about anime. If someone needs an opinon of a show etc that I've seen, I'll give it. That's usually where it ends. I like all kinds of animation. Family Guy rules all. SpongeBob makes me laugh. I laugh at cosplayers. They all suck. And the fat virgins in the DBZ/InuYasha button down shirts...go take a shower..you smell.
  4. That's because, like you, he's considered an a-hole. Glad to see I made your blog. Made me laugh. I'm sure your MW ass kissing pals are thrilled about your blog.
  5. Here ya go. http://www.figure-world.com/items/detail.php?gid=240 fast packs http://www.figure-world.com/items/detail.php?gid=50244 1/48 VF-1S Roy both have a date of 08/25/05. Unless that's a preorder deadline?
  6. got this email this morning Babelfished (H-bar removed lol)
  7. You're an idiot. Ignorant fool. They movie will probably suck and tank but Jessica is worth looking at of course. HAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Well not sure if I should compliment on your really smart post, or on the fact that where I live in California, NASCAR isn't talked about because none of my neighbors have an engine block on their lawn... They also have all their teeth and no prison records which would disqualify them from being NASCAR fans. I really hope you are kidding A1. I know ppl who are NASCAR Fans and they are certainly not ppl that you just described. And I grew up in the South and in some instances it is true ppl have engine blocks sitting in their lawns but that is like most rural America. I sort of am... I think NASCAR is turbo lame in comparison to any other type of racing, but the hillbillies like to "see them American cars kick ass." Some people are into NASCAR that I respect though, so I can't be too hard on it. I can't decide though, does dejr8bud have human feces in his head, or dog feces? I was done here but since you brought me up by name. Go f,uck yourself, Douchebag One and f,uck this place. And I live near Chicago, I don't own a cowboy hat, dick face.
  8. You're an idiot. Ignorant fool. They movie will probably suck and tank but Jessica is worth looking at of course. HAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Well not sure if I should compliment on your really smart post, or on the fact that where I live in California, NASCAR isn't talked about because none of my neighbors have an engine block on their lawn... They also have all their teeth and no prison records which would disqualify them from being NASCAR fans. Your ignorance astounds me sometimes. Have a nice day.
  9. You're an idiot. Ignorant fool. They movie will probably suck and tank but Jessica is worth looking at of course.
  10. I have one, excellent the same as the original Saturn pad and only the select button is added. Anyone interested in the PS2-NEO GEO Stick. Cool thanks. I'll probably buy the Vampire version http://www.ncsxshop.com/cgi-bin/shop/CS1-0007.html
  11. Predicted shortages and $ 76 loss for the Xbox 360 http://www.gamespot.com/news/2005/06/06/news_6127039.html I'm kinda burned out on the next gen talk. Still not impressed with Nintendo even though I love those old games. I've been reliving mid-90's 2-D fighting goodness with Vampire:Darkstalkers Collection for the import PS2. farting rules. Anyone here own the PS2/Saturn pad? I was thinking of buying it. I just wanted to know how it compares to the original(which I loved).
  12. Ya it was alright for a Dover race. I like Greg Biffle. Not a fan of Roush racing but I like him, go figure. Jeff Gordon admitted he lifted on the gas. That's why Tony Stewart got into him. I was at the crash fest known as the Coca-Cola 600. Despite what some of the drivers are saying the racing was much improved. More passing in the straightaways. More side-by-side racing. Normally its a follow the leader type of race. Lots of aero push. Of course I had to sit through the American Idol prerace show...ugh but I did get to see Robosaraus tear a car in half and set it a fire. That was on Thursday night after the crash car race that was after qualifying. I think they did it on Sunday too. Thankfully the track lets you bring in your beer(food too) so I drank a disgusting amount of beer on vactation.... I had about 15 at Sundays race and about 18 at the Busch race on Saturday and then qualifying...
  13. Sure its chunky but at least we'll (most likely)have a VF that doesn't fall over with the GBP armor attatched. The 1/60 was a wobbly mess. Too bad Yamato didn't just make a 1/48 VF-1J GBP armored figure. Then the armor wouldn't have to be compromised as much.
  14. Personally, I just think his new stuff sucks. The old Megadeth is great though. It's the same with Metallica for me, because anything without Cliff Burton from them is just worthless. Jason Nutsweat couldn't play a bass to save his life. Dave Mustaine is a such a whiner. Hate that guy. Megadeth is done. The latest CD was supposed to be released without the Megadeth name but due to contractual obligations it had to be a Megadeth CD. Mustaine apparently wants to be known as a solo artist....whatever. Metallica(aka the token metal band)...the day Cliff died is the day they died.
  15. Perhaps but Star Wars fans are known for seeing any SW film multiple times during an opening weekend. Some people I've talked to have seen the move 12 times already. Get a life.
  16. Eric left for Africa. The show is still going on next year. Topher Grace as a villian.... uh ya...Who will he be? The Nancy Boy or Dumbass.
  17. Note to self: avoid firmware updates. can't, supposedly newer games coming out will automatically update your firmware, whether you want to or not. Actually, you can choose not to, but that just means no more new games... Hate it when they do this Yep it'll be required for newer games eventually http://psp.ign.com/articles/617/617340p1.html
  18. Until guys like Hideo Kojima (MGS) or companies like Square or EA stop making videogames that won't happen. I'm really tired of all of the lame cutscenes, CG movies and the 3rd rate stories. I usually hit the x button or whatever. I wanna play games not watch them.
  19. Meh. Not bad but not terribly exciting either.
  20. Well after reading this interview with Miyamoto, sounds like Nintendo wasn't ready for E3. And are also content on being small. http://cube.ign.com/articles/617/617000p1.html
  21. Oh, yeah, there are plenty of LV's floating around...IF YOU WANT TO PAY A GRIP TO GET ONE... I don't think these will be anything like the LV release, but the LV is a bad example to use in your argument. really? casue it actually took a full year and a half before the LV's started getting rare....not collectable rare but just seeing one in a store. just ask soze how long it took him to move his stock of LV's? i think he sat on them for a good year or so before people finally took them off his hands. also, no one that bought LV's from him paid $300+, his asking price was $155 plus shipping before the LV craze hit. The LVs were around for awhile. IIRC I got mine from Twin Moons for 128.00 (w/o S/H), 6 months after they were released. Sold it for 250.00 last summer. I really wish Yamato would re-release the Hikaru VF-1S, I'd like another. I don't want to buy one from TISINC for 225.00 or whatever.
  22. He does?!!? time to throw in my order. He does but make sure you go to the preorder menu. There's no "add to cart" button on the 1/48 CF page itself. How many u ordering? 20?
  23. Kevin has them up for preorder at the Valkyrie Exchange @ 150.00. Go to the preorder menu
  24. Might as well pick up Samurai Warriors then too. You can play as Nobunaga, Mori Ranmaru and Hideyoshi(in Samurai Warriors Extreme Legends.) IIRC Capcom's Devil Kings(Sengoku Basara) will feature them also.
  25. Ya I agree but it just looks wierd. Same with the "new" emperor in ESB or the new voice of Boba Fett.
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