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Everything posted by bandit29

  1. GGXX #Reload came in the mail yesterday. It's a port of the console versions. Mostly in English except for the story mode and winning quotes. Kinda lazy since an English script does exist and since PSP games are region free you would think they'd include an option for those two modes. The controls are much more resposnsive than Darkstalkers for the PSP. The analog nub can be used. Not bad but not as precise as the D-pad. Visually the game looks good. It doesn't look stretched out like Darkstalkers. The character graphics could be a little sharper/cleaner. Of course the music rocks \m/.
  2. http://psp.ign.com/articles/655/655563p1.html
  3. I wonder if this new dub will contain any "enhancements"? By that I mean ADVs overuse of the words : poo, fart, bitch and whore... Some of their dubs are awful.
  4. For me, old anime is 70-80's & early 90's. But mid-late 90's anime is getting there though. Macross Plus & 7 came out in 1994-95. Escaflowne was from 1996? Berserk 1997-98? I know I'll feel old when Last Exile, Samurai Champloo or Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex are considered old or classic anime lol Those 2 shows are good examples of mediocre forgettable 80's anime. But you should check out Armored Trooper VOTOMS. That seems to be something you'd like. Old school mech anime from 1983. CPM should re-releasing it the near future.
  5. Some good laughs but not as funny as some of the TV episodes.
  6. Saw it last night. Some really good kills. The guy getting the bottom half of his face blasted off in the diner ruled.
  7. That's basically my feeling about it. I just leave the encode on my computer. I usually delete the original ripped file. UMD movies seem to be selling well enough in the US/Canada. Maybe the geek factor is too high for ripping, transfering etc. I just ripped Stewies Untold story last night. Guilty Gear XX# Reload for the PSP should be here(meaning my house) soon. Anyone pick up the import version Ghost in the Shell for the PSP? I'm wondering if its any better than the crappy PS2 game.
  8. Berserk for the PS2 is pretty good(assuming you're a fan). Menus/options are mostly in English. If you're into old school, Sonic Gems. The Sonic games aren't that great(except for Sonic CD) but its worth it for the 3 Streets Rage/Bare Knuckle games. The whole game disc is in English and Japanese. Depends on your language settings of your PS2.
  9. Looks awesome. can't wait for mine. Might have to order another
  10. Suikoden 1 & 2 for the PSP being http://konami.jp/gs/game/genso/I_II/ http://psp.ign.com/articles/651/651407p1.html Don't have the links(check gamespot or ign) but Katamari Damacy and Samurai Warriors coming to the PSP as well.
  11. I already have enough remote controls at home. Looks like the one that came with my Samsung HDTV. Nothing wrong with trying something different but I dunno about this. Wasn't a fan of Nintendo's last two controllers...
  12. Xbox 360 launching Nov 22nd in the US, Dec 2 in Europe and Dec 10 in Japan http://www.gamespot.com/news/2005/09/14/news_6133265.html
  13. I don't buy into the older is better BS and I've been watching anime since the early 80's. There's alot of old shows that are forgettable garbage. Just like today. some shows/movies to check out: Last Exile Berserk Requiem from the Darkness Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex Ghost in the Shell the Movie Princess Mononoke Record of Lodoss War OVA Gungrave Spirited Away Escaflowne the TV series. Movie kinda blows Samurai Champloo Rahxephon Yukikaze Blue Submarine No 6 Vampire Hunter D and Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust Armored Trooper VOTOMS
  14. SegaCD was NOT a failure. It is UNREASONABLE to compare SegaCD sales to those of standalone consoles, because it ISN'T a standalone console. It is an EXPANSION. It's ENTIRE available market consisted of Genesis owners, whereas a standalone console's market consists of everyone. It wasn't considered a failure until post-Dreamcast, when people started explaining how Sega was a total screwup that couldn't do anything right and was doomed from day 1. I'd say it was a failure. I owned one. I know how horrible it was lol It was an expansion that took up space on retail shelves. The expansion itself and the games didn't sell well. In other words a failure. Sega really farted up when they were selling Genesis, Sega CD and 32x games all at the same time. Talk about consumer confusion..
  15. Well that's partially true. But Sega's reputation in the US was anything but good. After a number of failed consoles in the US, not many consumers/game companies/retailers had faith in Sega. A failed console and A failed expansion to a highly successful console. As far as I know, most of America is unaware that the Master System even existed. 327432[/snapback] Not many people I knew had the master system....b Sega had 2 failed exapansions for the Genesis, the 32x and the Sega CD. The Game Gear also failed(even though I liked it) vs the Gameboy. And the Saturn of course failed here. I'd say thats enough failures for people to be cautious. They finally got it right with the Dreamcast but by then it was too late. The casual gamer and all those FF/Square fanboys/girls weren't interested in the Dreamcast.
  16. I had an original PSX. First two games were Ridge Racer and Battle Arena Toshinden. 10 years already? fart I'm old I think I owned at least 5 PSXs including an import PSone. At least my launch PS2 still works.
  17. Well that's partially true. But Sega's reputation in the US was anything but good. After a number of failed consoles in the US, not many consumers/game companies/retailers had faith in Sega. I loved the Dreamcast. Probably the most underrated system ever. Soul Calibur, Sonic Adventure 1, Shenmue 1 & 2, Tech Romancer, Darkstalkers, DOA2, Guilty Gear X and Berserk were some of my favorites
  18. For the special dork in your life..... only 12000 yen http://www.yamato-toys.com/items/detail.php?gid=788 and this looks to be custom 1/12 Scopedog contest...I think http://www.yamato-toys.com/event/2005votoms/index.html
  19. bandit29

    Heads up!

    Awesome. I wanted to get another one of those. Thanks.
  20. Nash...the ratings killer? More old WCW has beens? RAW the other night...zzz Carlio getting his ass kicked by Grandpa Flair?..yeah right. I love ya Ric but hang it up...please. The only enjoyable wrestling show is Hogan knows best lol j/k
  21. That's not entirely true. My wife has friends down there and she asked about this. For years, everytime it came to vote to use more money to fix the levees, the people voted it down. The local and state governments are to blame as well. I can't stand Dubya but ya can't blame him for everything. By any chance did Sean Penn drown? Douchebag.
  22. Anyone here pick up Bleach 2 for the PSP?
  23. Trust me I know the feeling. Been to enough anime shows or Chicago Comicons in my life. When you see 30-35 year old men dressed as Xena & Gabriel it wants to make you run out the door and question yourself "What the F am I doing here?" Edit: I also saw Sailor Bubba in person. Google it if you dare lol I only bring up MW because thats where we are at. Most of the nonsense here I ignore. Hell I've hardly been here in two months. Not sure why I came back...
  24. .By your logic simply because I have watched a few episodes of Star Trek in my life that makes me a Trekkie. Awfully defensive. I'm sure you've watched more anime than just Macross. I said you were a casual anime fan. You even said something similar about yourself on the first page. Please correct me if I am wrong. What I get a kick out of(and my original point) is some members here who think that discussing a 20 year old forgotten about franchise is less geekier & more normal than discussing new shows & franchises. Got news for ya'all: you're(myself included) actually considered bigger geeks. Keep in mind that I don't care about what is considered "normal". I like old shows as much as I like the new stuff. I don't get into that "older is better BS". All relative. And I wouldn't call you a Trekkie....that's low...even for me. IMO, 1 Trekkie is worse than 50 otakus playing Yugi-oh eating Pocky.
  25. It's not about being a fan. It's about being embarrassed of the "fanhood" thanks to the sheer stupidity of so called "uber fans/otaku". 325948[/snapback] Your always gonna have that in any fandom. Hell I can't even talk to other Dale Jr fans..they're morons.
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