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Everything posted by bandit29

  1. http://www.cnn.com/2006/SHOWBIZ/Movies/04/...tion=cnn_latest
  2. The Xbox 360 will be more quiet and cooler in 2007 Xbox 360 getting new CPU
  3. Ace Combat for the PSP http://www.gamespot.com/news/6147653.html
  4. It's been awhile since I've seen it but I thought Aura Battler Dunbine was awful. The first half or so of ZZ Gundam, Gundam F91 and Gundam Savior should be forgotten.
  5. Akira Takashi shreds \m/ Loudness was just here(Chicago) a few weeks ago(of course I missed it). I thought they had a new best of CD out in the US. I'll have to go look.
  6. I bought the MPC Scott Alpha(I passed on the VF-1s)..and it basically broke the first time I tried transforming it. Paint job, parts fitting and molding was poor too. So save your money for more important things like beer, food or strip clubs.
  7. I gave up on the toy hunt awhile ago. Online shopping took its place for awhile. Nowadays I don't buy toys at all anymore. Old age(32) and life in general has killed that hobby lol
  8. I tried to like Megazone 23. After all the years I heard how good it was....ugh I thought it was awful. I did like the character and mech designs though. Oh well.
  9. Microsoft to Triple Xbox Titles in Japan
  10. Family Guy is just rehashed Simpsons skits. Little known fact: Nancy Cartwright (the voice of Bart) is the mayor of Northridge in Los Angeles. I believe she's a Republican though. 388245[/snapback] But Family Guy, for the most part, is still funny. The Simpsons hasn't been funny in years. This season has been awful to say the least. Too bad about Nancy...oh well nobody's perfect lol A Simpsons movie is long overdue. They should have had at least done 1 or 2 already.
  11. Ya Nintendo is doing fine. Thanks to the DS and few other things. Nintendo annual profits biggest since 2001 IMO they still need more 3rd party support to get me interested. They obviously don't need it though.
  12. That's because we here in Chicago cheer for the bad guy lol But I wouldn't cheer for HHH though. Never liked him. And besides Cena f-ing blows. One of the worst WWE champs ever. Truly forgettable. It has happened here before. Back in the day when the Hart Foundation were heels, they were cheered endlessly here for beating the crap out of the British Bulldogs. Same goes for Macho Man vs Hogan or Ricky Steamboat.
  13. Minmay stinks. Looks too cluttered.
  14. Which is something I don't understand. The purpose of UMD movies is that they are portable. Also I think they would look horrible on a big TV. Sony wants to fight piracy but yet they make CD/DVD burners, recordable CD/DVD media etc. I did pick up Sin City on UMD for 9.99 at Sam Goody. Alot of those stores are closing. DVDshrink wouldn't rip Sin City Recut(the original release of Sin City did rip when I rented it) so I said "who cares 9.99". Of course later that night I found a program that would bypass the copy protection lol
  15. Not to surprised. Mostly crappy movies and way overpriced. Some cost more than the movie on DVD when first released. They should have been 9.99 MSRP. Plus the fact you can rip your own movies to a memory card make UMDs just about worthless. Unless there's a movie you really love. Sony is/was considering a download service for movies.
  16. PS3 for me and maybe a Revolution. I'm kinda down on Nintendo. My Gamecube hasn't been used in nearly a year and the N64 era was awful. Maybe I'll just buy a DS-lite when they come stateside for my Nintendo fix. The X-box 360?? Never bought the original so why start now?
  17. Ya I saw COB back in 2004 opening for Shadows Fall and Damageplan and I'm going to see them tommorow at the House of Blues in Chicago. And again with Slayer in June and possibly July. and Bromgrev.....up the Irons!!!!
  18. Hey cool! Is that a husky? I love huskies. ;D yes he is a husky. aka pain the ass Cool dogs but they can be alot of work. They have alot of energy. 384858[/snapback] Really? Thought they were low maintenance. They're the closest things to wolves that you can have as pets. 384876[/snapback] ha ha... read this: http://www.shca.org/shcahp2b.htm
  19. Hey cool! Is that a husky? I love huskies. ;D yes he is a husky. aka pain the ass Cool dogs but they can be alot of work. They have alot of energy.
  20. Me and my dog, Bandit.
  21. Just turned 32 last Wednesday. Married and no kids. Ya I'm old but I'll play videogames to my grave.
  22. I way outta the RT loop...where is the dog character from?
  23. No not yet. The Revolution and the big N will have to show me new games before I really consider buying it. Not just games that I've been playing for 15-20(perhaps 25? ugh..I'm old) years.
  24. The movie is going to premier at Lowes Motor Speedway May 26th... hooray... I think I will pass on this when I'm there that weekend. The movie will probably have more interesting racing though.... http://www.thatsracin.com/mld/thatsracin/14169857.htm
  25. This is the best "Valkyrie" game behind the Macross title on the PS2. The VF-X series could only dream of being half as good as BattleCry... 383698[/snapback] The import PS2 Macross game is really good...for a Macross game. Battle Cry was alright. The VFX series and Macross Plus for PSOne are just awful. Horrible controls, terrible graphics etc. M3 for the Dreamcast was garbage too. I haven't played any 2-D shooters in awhile. Einhander and Raystorm for the PSOne were cool. Defender and Sinistar were my favs back in the day. Does Tempest count as a shooter?
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