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Everything posted by bandit29

  1. My interest in anime is almost dead. Old, new, whatever. I find it hard to watch any of it now. There aren't many new shows catching my interest. Well I shouldn't say any, Basilisk looks kinda cool. And the old stuff I've seen so many times I'm sick of watching it. I'll be 33 soon so maybe I'm just gettin' old. But on the flipside my gaming has been way up lately. Funny how ya change in a year.
  2. ya its been known for awhile that import PS1 and PS2 games wont work on a US PS3. Kinda sucks but I'll have to keep my pearl white big bodied PS2 to play imports. some more PS3/PSP news http://www.the-magicbox.com/gaming.htm
  3. accessories for the PS3. http://www.gamespot.com/news/6160120.html
  4. Ya the first batch of games for the PS3 is really disappointing. Mostly sequels or recycled ideas.. yawn I'll be sticking with my PS2(a launch one no doubt) a little while longer. http://www.gamespot.com/news/6160192.html
  5. were there alot of people waiting around?
  6. Not a big deal but kinda annoying too. PS3 Bundled With Composite My Samsung DVD player didn't come with an HDMI cable either. Thank goodness for monoprice.com
  7. well this a came outta nowhere I guess official site http://www.gr-anime.com/
  8. haha I wanna be the Burger King. Aren't those games supposed to be really cheap? Ulitmate Mortal Komabt 3 coming to XBLA in Nov. http://www.gamespot.com/news/6159523.html
  9. PS3 preorders tomorrow. From a few boards I've read some losers are already camping out lol http://www.gamespot.com/news/6159525.html
  10. Trust me. Most sports fans thinks those guys are idiots. Same with the dolts that hold up D-tttt(Defense) signs. It's a D with a fence.. duh ya stupid I know. I can't stand cosplayers personally. Never seen a good one in all the years of going to anime or sci-fi conventions. You wanna do it, fine. I reserve the right to make fun of you. The worst non-anime cosplayers I've seen were two guys dressed as Xena and Gabrielle
  11. Ya its a great game. Most fun I've had in awhile with a videogame. I'm about 22 hours in the game and head to the captial city.
  12. Ya it connects via USB. Still don't see why they just couldn't include a slot on the PS3 itself...but will you be able store & use PS1/PS2 games saves off of the hard drive? http://www.the-magicbox.com/gaming.htm
  13. SD = standard definition.
  14. I have a 30" tube and that sucker is heavy and huge. Waiting for a the prices to come do a bit more before I get something a little bigger. 42" DLP most likely. I'm also watching DishnetworkHD via HDMI and SD channels are....meh. Kinda grainy and fuzzy. I imagine they'll look worse on a bigger screen. HD stuff looks great though.
  15. Some PS3 news today. http://www.gamespot.com/news/6159208.html http://www.jeux-france.com/news17721_ps3-l...ccessoires.html
  16. Hooray another WW2 movie. It'll probably be good but do we really need more. Between the movies and the games I'm kinda tired of WW2 Maybe in a effort to milk every last drop of WW2, Hollywood will start making WW2 comedies starring Martin Lawrence or Lesile Neilson... or they could make a WW2 FPS movie to combine the world of videogames and movies..sounds like a perfect project for Uwe Boll
  17. The King of Fighters OVA Another Day came with the Japanese version of KOF Maximum Impact 2 for the PS2. It was supposed to come with the US version(renamed King of Fighters 2006 since the first one tanked here so badly) but it didn't. I had heard it was a preorder bonus at Gamestop but I have yet to read anywhere that someone actually has it. Oh well KOF 2006 is only 29.99 in the US, think I'll get this one soon. The 3-D fighting arena really needs more games.
  18. Here are some pics of Blue Dragon. Not really a big fan of turn based Japanese RPGs anymore but it looks alright. http://www.the-magicbox.com/0609/game060926a.shtml and Naruto for the 360 http://www.the-magicbox.com/0609/game060926e.shtml And the Sonic demo has been released for the 360 http://www.gamespot.com/news/6158911.html
  19. more news HD DVD add on drive for the US is 199.00 mid-november http://www.gamespot.com/news/6158830.html nice bonus
  20. Upcoming games and more Xbox 360 news from Barcelona http://www.gamespot.com/news/6158809.html?...aking_news;link
  21. Anyway.. here are some pics of the Ninja Gaiden remake for the PS3. PS3 really needs new properties...I'm so sick of farting sequels and remakes. http://www.the-magicbox.com/0609/game060926d.shtml Games are most likely going to be 59.99. I hope games don't go up much more. I don't feel like going back to the days of paying 75.00 for a game. For example: Chrono Trigger for the SNES. http://www.gamespot.com/news/6158689.html
  22. Never owned one. My nephew had one. I used to play his. Nothing on it, except a few Mario games, really interested me. Plus I really didn't like that controller. 1996... still full of hopes and dreams...10 years already.... old man....
  23. I've hardly seen Macross at all at Best Buy. Which is strange since ADV's other titles are all over that store. Oh well I still have to buy volume 2 lol.
  24. I dunno the analog sticks work fine for me. I like where they are at. Its good for driving/racing games. But name me some games that benefit from truly seperated analog sticks. Don't get me wrong I'm not a Sony fanboy(or any fanboy of anything). I just go where the games I like are. Hell I probably end with a 360 before anything. I just get tired of reading that anytime someone likes a product of Sony they get branded as a twit or some other negative term. Granted Sony is deserving of some of the bashing with PS3, blu-ray BS, its price etc.
  25. that's what I thought. Maybe Yamato is selling Toynami's Voltron for the Japanese market. lol Again I ask who the hell would pay that much money. Voltron wasn't even good.
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