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Everything posted by bandit29

  1. Yuck. The CG looked liked it was from a Playstation game from 1996....
  2. you ain't kiddin. I was just watching the news here and some guy at the Best Buy(North Riverside IL where there was 300 people) which is less than 10 minutes from my house started swinging a metal pipe at 3 people he accused of jumping the line.
  3. Kinda what I thought. no biggie. Maybe I shall understand all that is Macross 7 someday someday
  4. One of the jerks was pushed out of the car by his fellow robbers for some more news including guns, tire irons and stab wounds. ugh http://www.cnn.com/2006/US/11/17/playstation.ap/index.html
  5. Patrick now? Or Squidworth?
  6. Well here are your douchebags of the day. Grow the hell up already http://www.smashmyps3.com/
  7. Ugh great here we go again with the "I need to write a 1000 word essay to explain Macross 7". I'm surprised the old argument of "you don't understand M7" hasn't come up. It's a damn anime show and a shitty one at that. Spongebob is better written and definitely more entertaining lol
  8. Ya I agree. Most videogame stories annoy me to death. That's one reason why I don't play Japanese RPGS anymore. Okami is a tad wordy but the game is still great. Yakuza's story was tolerable. At least he wasn't looking for sailors every five minutes lol... Nintendo hasn't wowed me since the SNES. I have a lamecube...its very dusty. The Wii looks interesting but I'm not ready to blindly buy one.
  9. Yet another story 1 shot in Conn. Playstation waiting line One shot and 15-20 people robbed at gunpoint. I haven't heard anything like that yet around here in Chicago. The only story here that has been reported to death is some stupid pregnant woman who is selling her PS3 so she can have a nursery. She hates videogames. She's expecting 3,000. I was supposed to go as a bodyguard for one of my wife's student aids last night. Luckily(for me) she decided to get her PS3 in the next shipment at the local EB.
  10. WTF is wrong with people.... Three PS3 campers and news reporter hit in drive-by shooting at least no one was hurt and if you have a PS3 game that is 720p and an HDTV that can't display 720p your game will be downgraded to 480p... PS3 Downscales 720p on Incapable TVs Only in Wisconsin lol http://www.jsonline.com/watch/?watch=1&amp...06&id=14503
  11. If Sony is trying to improve their image, this half-assed launch isn't helping. I did see a PS3 display at Target last night(next to a Zune). The PS3 wasn't working lol. I'll buy one eventually though.
  12. Don't like either of them really. Macross II is a poor remake of DYRL? with lame VFs. Macross 7 well...Basara, generic anime cast(sans Max and Millia), the ridiculous amount of singing, really lame villians....etc etc. But if I had to choose..I'd take Macross II. Don't really care if Kawamori wasn't involved. He was with M7...look how that turned out....I'm still not sure if I even like Macross Zero.
  13. Personally I can't stand Motley Crue but this actually might make me go see thier movie lol Christopher Walken to Play Ozzy in Crüe Movie and Val Kilmer will be playing David Lee Roth in the movie lol I know there's a few Iron Maiden fans here. Do yourself a favor and go buy thier new CD "A Matter of Life and Death". It's proabably their best since Seventh Son of a Seventh Son. And Bruce Dickinson still is the best metal vocalist, period. And he can pull it off live unlike that clown Vince Neil...
  14. [attachmentid=37919] http://www.akibablog.net/archives/2006/11/37.html some Japanese PS3 campers. Comes out Saturday there? I won't be buying a PS3 right now. I still have a pile of PS2 games to finish. Also the launch PS3 titles don't really interest me, except for Ridge Racer 7.
  15. In no order of importance... Berserk Record of Lodoss War OVA Macross DYRL Fist of the North Star movie Macross Plus Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex Last Exile Princess Mononoke Requiem from the Darkness
  16. That's good. One of my wife's students Xbox 360 got killed from the update and it was unmodded according to him.
  17. Anyone here kill their 360 with the fall update? Microsoft is releasing a fix soon.
  18. Gotcha beat. We had 2 kids show up. And my neighborhood was busy with kids except my street lol. My wife and I went out to dinner since it was our wedding anniversary.
  19. here are some short reviews of some PS3 games. Some engrish included http://www.the-magicbox.com/gaming.htm
  20. At least we have been spared one most likely bad videogame movie Halo movie indefinitely postponed but of course here's another most likely bad one coming New Street Fighter movie 2008 revolving around Chun Li
  21. Here's the list of the first downloadable games for the Wii. I wish they'd use the arcade version of Donkey Kong not the NES version. No Streets of Rage....bleh. I wonder that in a few years any Dreamcast games will become available. http://www.gamespot.com/news/6160819.html
  22. Ugh I hate EA games. EA selling in-game money for Godfather 360 They intentionally left out the cheat so they can sell it to you....great
  23. This is bad... ouch way to go Sony.... Important Notice: Lik-Sang.com Out of Business due to Multiple Sony Lawsuits
  24. Battlecry isn't horrible. The escort missions just bring it down. Its better than all of the 3-D Macross games except the PS2 game from Sega. The VFX games, especially, are pure anime liscensed crap. Bad then, bad now.
  25. I went to RAW last night(first time in about 5 years) eh it was alright. Took my nephew to his first wrestling show. It's all new to him. I envy him for that lol. Dark match after RAW went off the air was Booker...er I mean KING BOOKER!!! vs Batista. Decent match with a cheap finish. Booker disqualified himself. Super Crazy vs Charlie Haas was the best match before RAW went on the air. I got to see K-Fed in person....wow I'm surprised he wasn't pelted with beer. Chicago crowds are usually pretty rowdy.
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