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Everything posted by bandit29

  1. Ha. First you give out bad advice, I question you on it, then you personally attack me and I'm the prick? Ya ok . Like I've said before, I like the 360 games, its the durability of the console I'm not thrilled about.
  2. I guess it would be negative for some people, not me though. One of the guys(who was raised just by his mom) I know who uses the term "soulmate" is a biker loaded with tattoos. He's far from a foo-foo.
  3. Nope. I was raised by both my dad and mom. But in my circle of friends and such, I'm in the minority. And ya, some of the guys who were raised only by their moms use the term "soulmate".
  4. Hmm a PS3 Megazone 23 game? http://www.figures.com/databases/action.cg...show_article=35
  5. Such lovely people here. I'm done here. Go back to your broken console, farttard.
  6. Such babies around here. I'm happily married, douchebag.
  7. So you recommend wasting my time and money? Even Peter Moore skates around the issue. http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3159284
  8. Soul Calibur Legends for the Wii. Sounds cool. http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3159324
  9. Figures they're crap. Typical Macross toys. Its either cheap junky poo or overpriced toys with QC problems....
  10. or would it be Carnage? Unless the sample is used somehow to turn Dr. Connor into the Lizard-man? I guess 3 more films are on the way http://www.contactmusic.com/news.nsf/artic...0movies_1030158
  11. Stop being a baby. its only a few months.
  12. Cool. I'd stick with Amazon Japan though. With EMS included its still cheaper than CDJapan's price before shipping.
  13. Looks really cool(well except the bishop mode) but I have a feeling MWs recasters will be busy...
  14. I liked it. Not as much as #2 though. Action scenes were awesome and well done. Emo Parker was funny. For the most part the rest of cast was great. A few problems I had with this movie: Way too much crying lol. More than the other two movies combined. It seemed like every other scene someone was balling their eyes out. Crying doesn't always equal drama. And why couldn't the butler have said something sooner? That would have save some tears. Also having to hear Dunst sing twice was quite painful.... I guess they did the best they could with the origin symbiote. It would have taken another movie to explain its true origin. The villains really weren't all that threatening. Venom or Sandman should have had more depth/screen time. That might have helped. They'll probably make a 4th movie. With all the money this movie made they'd be fools not too. Next villains: Lizard man and Electro.
  15. Amazon Japan preorders are up for Macross Plus Macross Plus 7 is up too. Its the top 2 Macross 7
  16. Anyone esle sign up for the God of War UMD PSP demo? Why they couldn't just wait until a download is ready? oh well http://youtube.com/watch?v=sJrTVg-TG_M http://www.us.playstation.com/godofwar_chainsofolympus/
  17. I was stuck on that. There are two of them btw. Just watch the patterns of the blades. If you time it right you can go right up the cylinders without stopping. You can still get up them if you have to stop though. I would have done it faster if weren't for that damn beer lol
  18. You must be single. It doesn't work that way if you want a relationship to last. Most of the men and women I know who think they have to have ultimate control in a relationship are single or divorced. My wife never complains about me displaying stuff. She has her room for her stuff. I have mine. No big deal. We both try to keep stuff from entering other rooms of the house. Any good woman won't dump you over toys or other hobbies. Smart spending is the key though. A lesson I should have learned earlier in life lol.
  19. Yes my loss of saving a few hundred dollars and saving my time dealing with microsoft customer service A few of my friends and my wife's students have had bad 360s. That's probably around 20, IIRC. That's enough for me not to buy it even though I like alot of the 360's games.
  20. I think I'll get the Macross Plus remaster. With the never ending license battle, it probably won't be released outside of Japan. I wonder if they will include the dub on it like the current JP Macross Plus DVDs have. Don't really need it though or Englsih subtitles, I've seen Macross Plus few hundred times lol.
  21. meh its looks ok. the nose looks a little long in fighter mode . At least it doesn't look like some one stepped on it like Toynami's Alpha, aka the worst transforming toy I ever bought. I don't think I'll buying this CMS Legioss anyway.
  22. figures. I guess I'll pass on any version 360. I like the games too bad the system is such an unreliable piece of poo. http://www.gamespot.com/news/6169917.html?...newstop;title;1
  23. Meh its not like Eureka 7 is a good show ..its terrible.
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