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Everything posted by bandit29

  1. Never a problem with DHL. I did read that AOD members terrible ordeal with DHL..ugh god. My Macross Plus box set set was shipped Fed Ex from AMJ. Which is a first.
  2. ya and the new Macross Plus box sets have no English tracks. I presume the Macross 7 box sets don't have English subs either. While it doesn't hurt to ask, you are asking a company to spend money that they really don't have to. How many people are importing? 1000? 500? But then again, the JP Five Star Stories DVD has English subs and is region free so anything can be possible. I just don't see it happening.
  3. The latest PSN updates. I'll be buying that ninja gaiden add-on http://www.gamespot.com/news/6178354.html?...newstop;title;3
  4. They don't care. They aren't going to add subs. Stop wasting your time.
  5. lol ya but I have some of those games and JRPGS suck so no thanks. I am looking forward to Castlevania, Sega Rally and GOW though.
  6. The CM figures are good enough. And most Yamato action figures break. Macross characters aren't very dynamic or exciting. They'd make boring Revoltech figures.
  7. Daxter PSP slim pack is out now and the Star Wars PSP slim pack wont be out until Oct 9th. http://www.gamespot.com/news/6178189.html?...newstop;title;2 Is it me or is this system just dead? I bought one at launch, played alot of games, converted videos etc but right now theres almost nothing new worth playing on the PSP. Still waiting for that God of War demo though
  8. For me it depends what it is. DYRL? and Macross Plus I've seen them so many times I know whats going on. So no subs, no problem. But those are also my two favorite Macross productions so I'd like to have the best possible DVD releases. And I have a region free DVD player(actually a few) and a JP PS2. Or I can rip them onto my harddrive and burn them onto a DVD+R. So its not a "meh" to me but I see your point. The Animeigo SDF Macross set is good enough for me and Macross 7 sucks so I won't be buying that.
  9. Grandpa Flair has quit the WWE http://www.lordsofpain.net/news/2007_/arti.../1188962043.php Says he discouraged by lack of push...um.. Ric you've had your time..hang it up please.. don't lose all your dignity. and rumors are that WWE is pursuing Chris Jericho to come back.
  10. Just create an account at Amazon JP like you would anywhere else. I live near Chicago. No problems with Amazon JP or Amazon UK(I buy there sometimes too). But even though you can search in English at Amazon JP, its better to search in Kanji. English searches usually don't show everything.
  11. Amazon JP listing for the DYRL? box here merry farting christmas AMJ listing for the TV series here
  12. I agree ...yuck
  13. lol Eugene has been released. So has Cryme Tyme. No reasons given yet.
  14. Anyone try Tekken online yet? Its not bad. There is some lag. I'm way out of practice. My ID is bandit29 if you want an easy victory
  15. What about Eugene? Sgt Slaughter? Lilian Garcia?
  16. Ouch Lair 4.5 at gamespot. I wonder if its that bad http://www.gamespot.com/ps3/action/lair/re...tml?sid=6178017 take this for whats its worth http://www.gamespot.com/news/6177923.html?...estnews;title;3
  17. PSN updates. Some good ones. http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3162450
  18. Thought about buying that. What does it look like on a PS3? lol I really wish they'd hurry up and release a Samurai Spirits/Shodown collection. I like that series more. Or release the Last Blade collection in the US. There's always Garou: Mark of the Wolves too.
  19. wow that looks awesome in fighter mode. Really sharp looking. The others are meh ok. too bad about the hinge. sounds like a personal best from Yamato. QC problems in... what? 24-48 hours of being released?...
  20. Price drop on the Spider-man blu-ray box at Amazon. preorder for 65.00 http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000UR9T8...8605251-1971943
  21. Cool. I should have mine on Monday. Don't really care about the lack of dubs or subs. I've seen Macross Plus enough to know whats happening.
  22. Sounds like Heavenly Sword is getting so-so reviews. http://ps3.ign.com/articles/815/815031p2.html Considering I disagree with most "professional" reviewers, I'll still buy it.
  23. Ya know I really should go downtown(Chicago). They've been shooting here most of the summer. Reports are that Christian Bale is a pretty good guy. Most people here don't even know who he is lol. I'll just leave my wife at home.."oh he's so hot" whatever lol I like the new pics and costumes. Looking forward to this one.
  24. for those too lazy to click back a page lol http://www.tmpanime.com/index.php?main_pag...=20a&page=1 I don't buy big expensive toys anymore but I like to pass along info for those interested although that Red Shoulder for 80.00 is tempting..
  25. Hooray!! my order for the Macross Plus box has shipped
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