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Everything posted by bandit29

  1. maybe Ryu and Ken are more than just friends?
  2. two more pics. ryu vs ken looks good http://kotaku.com/gaming/rumor/more-street...pics-331057.php
  3. and another vehicle for Motorstorm yeah!! http://blog.us.playstation.com/
  4. Jin-Roh on Blu-ray review is up at animeondvd.com. Sounds promising just not worth 80.00 US.. http://www.animeondvd.com/reviews2/disc_reviews/6854.php
  5. Yes, you don't see anything wrong. While personally I agree with you, the law states otherwise.
  6. If it is a movie I really like I don't mind spending 25-30. Anymore than that though, I'll wait. Most of my Blu-rays I've bought through some kind of sale(buy one get,one free or mail away etc.) Amazon seems to have the best deals. The MSRPs still need to come down though. Who wants to pay(or see lol) Delta Farce for 34.99? Sin City and Batman Begins on Blu-ray where are u?
  7. Ya proportions are weird. And with all those muscles good ole' Ryu wouldn't be too flexible for fighting lol
  8. Finally a pic... http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3164756
  9. Burnout Paradise demo out next week. For both PSN and XBox live here
  10. Im excited about them Now we just need some Guilty Gear or King of Fighters Revys
  11. and the game will probably remain in the case once you realize how horrible it is...
  12. Afro Samurai movie (theatrical cut) on Blu-ray and HD DVD in Japan. Director's cut on DVD only. It about 20minutes longer. No details on language or subs yet. Sure this will hit in the US eventually. here
  13. I guess you never heard the term "illegal distribution"?
  14. Somewhere in the year 2000?. I was looking for a replacement canopy(it cracked) for my Takatoku Roy 1/55 that I spent 500.00 bucks on ...hey it was the late 90's when I bought it I've been a Macross fan since 1985
  15. ya I order from AmJ too. No problems when ordering region 2 DVDs. JP videogames and toys is a no go though. can't wait for this release of DYRL?
  16. Funimation has 9 shows(IIRC) on US iTunes store. Basilisk, Samurai 7, etc. 1.99 an episode or you can buy them all(price varies). Might be dub only. look under: TV shows/networks/funimation
  17. PC to PSP store is up. http://store.playstation.com/store/index.vm picked up a 4gb Sandisk pro duo memory card for 34.99 Saturday
  18. Some news http://animeondvd.com/
  19. Appleseed Ex Machina English trailer http://anime.ign.com/articles/834/834615p1.html The movie.. plot was dumb but it looked cool lol
  20. 2.00 Firmware update preview video and more new content for Motorstorm http://blog.us.playstation.com/
  21. Woohoo Devil May Cry 4 news http://www.gamespot.com/news/6182327.html?...estnews;title;2
  22. Nothing here yet. I sent my info back in early August. Mine is still "processing" check here for status. https://portal.archway.com/run/Lookup?key=BVISTA
  23. There's always a chance SF4 will be a tag team event those two would make great bosses
  24. Well maybe this will help..maybe. Soul Calibur Legends due Nov 20
  25. Some info about the 40GB PS3. Uses less power and not as hot. My 60GB heats up the room. Well winter is coming http://gaming.engadget.com/2007/10/30/40gb...er-consumption/
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