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Everything posted by bandit29

  1. For the most part this game is great. The trial by death gameplay in a few spots can get irritating. But the actual combat system is awesome. Boss battles are over the top. Definitely one of the best new characters I've seen in along time . She should be a cosplay standard for awhile Enjoying Bayonetta much more than DMC4 but not as much as Ninja Gaiden Sigma II. Bayonetta figure up for preorder at BBTS http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/product...amp;mode=retail
  2. When did Conan become a metrosexual who shops at the mall?
  3. Not sure how true this is but..about Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom Ultimate All-Stars http://kotaku.com/5454192/the-lost-charact...ne=true&s=i
  4. James Cameron's review of Terminator Salavation http://screenrant.com/james-cameron-review...ion-ross-38422/
  5. Saw Avatar in 3D IMAX...visually stunning. The not very interesting story and cliche' characters were a let down though. Not sure if I'll buy this on Blu-ray when it comes out. And I enjoyed District 9 much more than Avatar.
  6. Actually Terminator Salvation's world wide numbers (372 million) are close to the new Star Trek Movie (385 million). Everyone considers the new Star Trek a success while the new Terminator was a flop... it wasn't. Terminator Salvation did better internationally and Star Trek did better in the US. Star Trek Terminator Salvation
  7. And yet MegaZone23, Dark City and The Matrix are all terrible.. go figure. Terminator Salvation was good. At least it didn't use the same chase time travel formula as the first 3 movies. I liked it more than T3, that's for sure. The actors themselves were too clean and polished. They looked like they should be wearing Affliction T-shirts. Also I would have cut the beginning of the movie. The sound on Blu-ray is freaking awesome though. Demo worthy. The man with the worst name wants more Terminator http://screenrant.com/rumore-patrol-mcg-ma...lms-kofi-36736/
  8. Yakuza 3 NA/EU March 2010 Japanese with English subtitles http://blog.us.playstation.com/2009/12/yak...3-marches-west/
  9. the Playstation is 15 years old today http://www.scei.co.jp/PS15th/
  10. http://blog.us.playstation.com/2009/08/31/...son/#more-15448 hell yeah
  11. My launch PS2 from 2000 is still working...slow but it works. I hope my 60GB PS3 lasts that long Speaking of blunders..what a jerk.. he has said that Sony should drop the price of the PS3 but when comes to his crap games... http://news.spong.com/article/18838/Activi...rices-Even-More
  12. http://blog.eu.playstation.com/ It's up on the EU PSN store apparently. 1.4 GB. US gets it on the 7th...why not today?
  13. PSN: bandit29 Haven't been playing online much. Too busy getting my ass kicked in Ninja Gaiden Sigma So the PS3 slim is coming? The pic on that was posted on the German Amazon was proven to be a fake. I wonder if the new PS3 will play PS2 games lol. I'll stick with my PS3 Foreman grill for now. Heats up the room quite nicely in the winter.
  14. Ripoff. Yamato has already used a similar paint scheme for the 25th Ann. VF-1S and YF-19 The Stealth VF-1J
  15. That would be one ugly and hairy toy lol
  16. Batman: Arkham Asylum demo this Friday http://www.joystiq.com/2009/08/03/batman-a...-shadows-aug-7/ 5$ off coupon from Amazon 5OFFARKM Amazon is already selling the game for 52.99. Minus another 5$. It is 47.99
  17. I have an extra new copy of BlazBlue Limited Edtion up for auction http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...em=320394810093 Awesome 2D fighter. If you like Guilty Gear you'll like this. Ya the game is every anime cliche in the book but its still fun.
  18. No thanks I'll pass. Great performer but I've seen enough of MJ recently to last a life time.. Probably the best metal band that France has ever produced http://www.myspace.com/gojira
  19. Some Bayonetta info. Devil May Cry with boobs http://kotaku.com/5279487/bayonetta-forepl...atons--gigatons
  20. Interesting Hmm if they can get the 360 down to 150.00 with a 100GB hardrive I might buy one lol http://e3.gamespot.com/story/6211650/xbox-...lifespan-report
  21. I'm waiting for the directors cut...
  22. I liked the demo too..and then the full game bored me to death.. I dunno lol
  23. Anyone in the US want my copy of InFamous? Didn't care for this one, no sir http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...em=320380356729
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