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Everything posted by bandit29

  1. Ya I visit MW at work. I'm on my own time mostly. Hell I watch porn at work...
  2. Will they be able to use the Force lol? I'd never thought I'd see this..
  3. Finally. I hope this is true. http://ps3.thegamereviews.com/story-382-CE...time-in-08.html
  4. I've had the 60GB since July...its about half full. A few PSN/PSOne titles, about 300? MP3s(or AAC), and a few videos. Some demos and mass storage saves too. I was thinking of buying an external HDD but not just for the PS3. I'll have some more room when I delete that awful Burnout Paradise demo...
  5. CNET has some good info about changing the hard drive. http://asia.cnet.com/digitalliving/tips/0,...62032875,00.htm I think im gonna buy an external drive.
  6. Another buy one, get one free Blu-ray titles at Amazon. Some goods one... some turds.. Of course I bought some of these already... here
  7. If I had my own anime to create..it would be about a young angst filled boy, who has to save the world from an evil magical spell that has cursed the land... and along the way he meets a girl who likes to give panty shots and giggles alot...but our hero is too cool for girls.. Also a crazy old guy who can cast magic shows up. He's a drunk pervert....so the anime hijinks never end.. ...
  8. I didn't notice any audio popping but I'll go back and check. Ya this release...I like it but some scenes just have too much grain. I really had to mess around with my TV settings to make it less noticeable. I'm glad they fixed some of the animation errors. Roy VF-1S's still has a VF-1J face in the scene where he lands on the Zentradi ship... Does Bandai Visual like window boxing? This set, the Macross Plus remaster, and the Ghost in the Shell Blu-ray/DVD set(another release that is too grainy) all are window boxed. Are the JP Gundam releases like this too?
  9. Like the gameplay, the character models need some tweaking..especially the faces. Ken and Ryu have always been "overmuscled"..
  10. Merry f'n Christmas lol PS3?
  11. Its black, its boring, its Macross..the remasters do look good though.
  12. Would it be safe to assume that the non-FP YF-19s being sold now are the same as the YF-19s w/FPs? I was thinking about buying one. Maybe down the road buy the separate FP set.
  13. lol ouch but I agree..the feathers = lame
  14. ha Warner Bros can't do anything right lol http://www.blu-ray.com/news/?id=779
  15. Great news! I always hated all those removable parts and floppy legs in Gerwalk mode of the original 1/60 VF-1. Got tired of the expense of the 1/48. When can we expect this? Fastpacks sold separate?
  16. Mine is sitting at a desort facility in Chicago that is 30 minutes from my house and has no customer pick up lol oh well Monday it is then..
  17. Cool box!! mine shipped from Amazon JP as well.
  18. Anyone with a defective POTC Curse of the Black Pearl Blu-ray..I have to check mine exchange program
  19. Uhoh http://www.blu-ray.com/news/?id=766
  20. I was messing around with that last night. Kinda cool I guess. Dug out Omega Boost and Tenchu. They played pretty well.
  21. Being prepared to be shipped. AmazonJP says delv est 12/24/07..hmm
  22. Burnout Paradise demo...is disappointing..(as of now) they turned it into a GTA/Tony Hawk free roam system..yuck..And you have to listen to some FM radio douchebag while driving around looking for your mission. I just wanna race. Is that too much to ask? It does rumble if you have the Dual Shock 3.
  23. Looks wonderful. Like the small blurb about bringing back Darstalkers/Vampire but in 3-D....hmmm
  24. Ahem. Burnout Paradise demo is out(360 version too) and some other stuff http://blog.us.playstation.com/ I like my PS3. My porn looks fantastic on it
  25. God of War Demo showed up today in the mail..came with some lame necklace and a Best Buy 15.00 off the PSP system coupon.......that expired 11/30/07 lol ..
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