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Everything posted by bandit29

  1. Well true that the later versions might be fixed but why should the person who buys the first version get screwed? One of the reasons I stopped. Although, the 1/60 VF-1 has me slightly interested. For the record most of the 1/72s, 1/60s and 1/48s I had were ok. But a few were awful right out of the box with bad part fittings, sloppy paint, broken parts, bad molding etc.
  2. Is it worth it? Nope not anymore. Used to be though. I had too many real life expenses in the way for one. I also felt for the money, the quality was lacking from Yamato. I became tired of DIY fix ups. So I decided my money would be better spent elsewhere.
  3. maybe this will replace the 80gb? just a rumor. http://www.engadget.com/2008/01/28/sony-ki...model-with-dua/
  4. The dual shock3 I think is coming out here in the spring. I just bought the JP version. Didn't want to wait that long. Some PS3 games already support it. After hating the demo, I bought Burnout Paradise..I'm glad I did. Its great. The new free world system works for the most part. The racing and stunts is intense. Going online is seamless. Dual Shock 3 works quite well. The new showtime mode is kinda lame compared to the old crash mode. And well there's DJ Atomica...ugh The demo doesn't do the full game justice.
  5. For the DMC fan. Besides the game, it supposedly comes with a DMC Blu-ray movie. http://www.ncsx.com/2008/012108/ncs0121u.htm Looks like Capcom changed their mind http://blog.capcom.com/archives/790
  6. Ya I would definitely see this movie in a theater. Just go in the morning, its cheaper. It's going to lose alot of its impact when its released on DVD/Blu-ray.
  7. Ya I don't get why she was "normal" in the first episode and now she is "duh". Maybe the filmed the episodes out of order lol Looks pretty good in her underwear though
  8. Tonight's episode...kind of a turd..it was more like Law and Order SVU(which I like). More set up, nothing really happened. I know every episode can't be balls out but.. zzz
  9. Ummm no..get out more often
  10. Very true. This movie will lose a lot when moved to the small screen. Just go to the 5.00 screening like I did lol
  11. Yeah I'm sure that manga adaptation will be good A story featuring a male Japanese high school student...wow! Where do they come up with this stuff?!
  12. Good not great. The camera angle was a bit annoying at times and then really effective and cool other times. My eyes felt like they were splitting apart lol. Good characters. Some funny lines. Not worth more than 5.00 though.
  13. I just wish the demo for DMC4 was out earlier(say today) so I could play it. I have the special edition preordered. Burnout Paradise is getting positive reviews. 8.8 at IGN and 9's across the board in EGM. I didn't like the demo that much. But I'll still give it a chance since I'm a Burnout fan. This is what I found annoying in the demo. Besides DJ Atomica... : http://ps3.ign.com/articles/846/846020p1.html I guess one point of the game is if you don't succeed in one part of the game, there are other things to complete nearby. We'll see.
  14. Devil May Cry 4 demo due on Jan 31st http://www.betrayerbetrayed.com/#/widget/ I wish it was a bit sooner. The game release is Feb 5 I think.
  15. Win 100 Blu-rays contest at Amazon here Win 100 HD-DVDs contest at Amazon here
  16. Ha sounds like one of my friends. We were on a trip and he was going through withdrawls like a drug addict. He was all twitchy, sweaty and pasty.
  17. Look for Jenna Haze on the PSN http://kotaku.com/344841/porn-queen-hardcore-gamer
  18. Americans crave violence? Hmm This does look like a cool game though. Too bad I don't have a Wii SUDA-51 I Want No More Heroes sequel
  19. Thats what I was told. I asked my friend "can't you just play for an hour or two...not 12-15." He said the way WoW is set up you can't just play for a little bit. I've never played it, so I don't know if that is the truth or not.
  20. Ya its in HD. Last night's episode... it was alright. Why the body was in a dump for 7 years is beyond me. You'd think it would be in a lab somewhere. Oh well I have I watched plenty of Sci-fi shows with plot holes worse than this, no big deal. Maybe they'll explain it next week.
  21. Ya do yourself a favor and don't bother with either lol Anyone I know that has or is playing those games has lost their jobs or their marriages.
  22. more or less true. They all rip off each other. South Park and King of the Hill included. South Park every once in awhile comes up with some new stuff. Simpsons still has its moments but I'd rather watch Family Guy or South Park. Last night's Family Guy was a disjointed(more than usual) mess. Damn I'm so old I remember TV before the Simpsons and of all of these shows lol
  23. No they don't but well ya.. If they don't include them in the story mode I'll be ok but I don't see that happening. I hated Heihachi in the PS2 version of SC2. Its just didn't feel right at all. Especially since I use him alot in Tekken..he felt handicapped/broken. I thought the SC franchise would get back on track after a somewhat disappointing SC3. But with the lame Wii game and now this...ack but I'll still buy it lol.
  24. Not bad. Not great. Better than most of the stuff on TV right now. A little too much melodrama though.
  25. Another Blu-ray sale at Amazon here
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