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Everything posted by Daiohma

  1. The 1/200 has more detail to it, but I like the 1/250 more.
  2. I was just lucky I guess, I will be going back after payday to pick up some more. Im sure the VF-4 will go for alot on e-bay, not one of my favorite valks but I do like its fighter mode
  3. Just picked up 4 of the new ver3 1/250 valks Got VF-1s strike, VF-25 super pack, Rvf-25 SP and VF-4 Back veiw, My collection of 1/250 Valks
  4. Ranka and Drossel live!
  5. Thats ok thank you! I was just lucky in the prize draw I guess. Today I found my camera! Here are some better photos! And one of the big heads
  6. A couple more photos off my phone 2 Rankas from the movie, very cute! 3 Sheryls, Got two of the 'dark bunny' ones. In all theres 8 different ones. Ranka, I really like this model of her, So much has gone into it! My main Macrss Frontier girls Both prize Rankas together.
  7. Just got home from work and on the way stoped of at Family Mart to pickup some Macross (movie) prizes! Poster, 2 glasses (Ranka Phone thing + Sheryl) 6 Big head mini figures, the dish and Ranka!
  8. Daiohma

    Live of Legend

    Thank you, I already have Lynn Minmany and Mylene Jenius figures so If the price is too high then thats fine, no worries.
  9. Daiohma

    Live of Legend

    Hello, Not 100% sure if this is where I should post this so If its in the wrong place please move it, thank you. I have come across 2 live of legend books/figures of Lynn Minmany and Mylene Jenius. The asking price is 3,500 yen each. I have not seen these two figures before and was wondering if anyone knows much about them and if they are worth the asking price? Thank you.
  10. Just got my VF-11c today So happy, they only had the one in stock! Phone camera sorry. Only transformed it twice, the hips are tight but are not a problem after using them a bit. Same for the elbows. My only other vf-11 I ever had was the old vf-11b 1/72, my first ever valkyrie
  11. Yes it is, there where two in a my local hobby shop. I think the other is still there. I also got the ghost set and a 'space fold' VF-25 dx from there. So far no chips or anything, hope it stays that way.
  12. Yes thank you, so far I have not found anything wrong with it Here is another photo in fighter mode, again sorry but my only camera is my phone ^^;
  13. Some of it is, the arms are a little different. They are better I think. The head and neck are much better now too, the whole head lifts up which makes it much easier I think.
  14. Fighter mode is just beautiful! Gerwalk is ok, only tried it once but the legs do seem much better then the 25. Battriod is very nice, just the gun is so big its hard to get a good pose. Transformation is almost the same, a few different parts like the shoulders now 'lock' in place. Overall I love it and hope they release the 'green' version soon!
  15. Just Picked one up today! Its a big improvement over the VF-25 I think. Two quick photos to share, sorry phone camera. ^^;
  16. I will be going out in aroud 6 hours to pick mine up! I can't wait, will be my 10th Valkyrie!
  17. The VF-27 looks great! I will hopefuly be getting mine tomorrow if the shop has it in stock, if not then Saturday. Can't wait! I hope they release a green one too!
  18. Hello everyone, As we are on the topic of Macross: DYRL for the saturn/ps1 Im wondering if anyone could help me? I have just got this game (saturn) about a week ago and I seem to be stuck at Golg Boddole Zer, whats the best way to beat him? Thank you for your time. P.S my first post, yay ()
  19. Daiohma

    My Valkyries

    My VFs
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