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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. No worries. It may get used for another project, involving 1/72nd modern figures.
  2. The green fellah in the enclosed picture. Though looking at it I think what I have is a cheap die cast version and not a collector's model like that one. You're still welcome to it anyway. IM me your details and I'll send it over after the xmas frenzy is over. No cost - my pleasure. If you don't use it, inshallah, but if you do, at least I will have contributed some thing to your magnificent madness.
  3. Hey Mech Tech - I found one of those big green-job mechs while I was clearing out my back bedroom. It's missing the launcher tubes off the top, but it's yours if you want to find it a good home.
  4. I have to say I am also gutted I will not be able to see this thing for real. Please, please please, will you make a series of videos to show it off when it is done?
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