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Everything posted by CrazyMartian
Yeah! Macross II! I really wanted them to include that one. Here I'm hoping they add Ishtar as a copilot. Took a quick look at the mecha section at the official site, and I found a new section. VF-X2. There is so far only the VF-1S Banrose from that game, but hey... The more, the better, right?
Something I'd REALLY love would be new game modes. Like for example playing in an adhoc mode where people can actually join mid-game. MAF has some really cool missions, but not being able to join in the middle of a fight makes it harder, way harder to play in adhoc party. Another thing I'd like is for you to be able to import a small picture and make an emblem to stick to your VF, but if that's too much, a simple emblem maker like in the Halo games would suffice. I'll second that motion for operators from the series. The two female operators we get are nice, the guy, well... No thanks. However the new girl... GAH! What is she? SIX YEARS OLD!? I'd much prefer Emma Granger, the original operator for the PS2 Macross. New wingmen would be totally badass, and the possibility to actually have TWO wingmen, instead of just 1. Three pilots per squad has been pretty much a trademark in Macross, except for Macross II which is an alternate universe and Plus, but they were just test pilots. Something that'd rock, even if it's saved for a future entry in the series is for the game to feature an original story. I mean, I dunno when humanity encountered the Zolans nor if there was no bloodshed, considering how in touch they were with regular humans. I'm guessing it was the Macross 11, as it was sort of mentioned on a "radio drama" airing on the Zolan streets. There's a LOT of space for a new story, even if it's not about Zola. Also, if the game data begins getting big, an installation would be very, very nice.
It gave me that crap once... I formatted the memory stick and then it was ok... But you know what happens when you format the MS...
No need o worry. My PSP doubles as a calculator and USB controller half the time. A Custom Firmware is no problem.
Hermosillo, Mexico.
DAMMIT!! I was trying so hard not to laugh!!
Correction... You don't have to complete the EX missions. Just destroy everything. Completing EX missions are nothing more than an extra challenge for you to take on. Just finish the normal missions. ...and have fun. =)
Oh! I´d like to suggest something. Lobbies round the 50th are usually FULL. Max number per lobby is 32, so if you want to organize a good multiplayer, I´d suggest meeting around the 10th lobby in world J. A Macross themed name for the room is a must, hahaha. =P
Couldn't help but chuckle at that thought...
Here is the guide I promised. I was going to do it next Sunday, but since I'm in a good mood, here it is. Hope you can make use of it! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PSP Adhoc Party Guide Ver. 1.0-Stinking-Rat (Betcha never seen a version name like that... =P) ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- At the moment of launching the program, lots of text in Japanese will appear. Then, we will be greeted by a green screen with four options. From top to bottom: [start] [Jump] [Game Search] [a manual for the program] Before you actually begin messing with this: In this software, being intended for Japanese PS3s, you accept with Circle and cancel with X. Here's the first option: [start] Upon selecting it, you will see a circle made out of cards, and at the center you can read World A. There are worlds from A up to J and you can cycle through of them using R1 and L1. With the left stick pointed into any direction, we can choose between the cards that have a humanoid icon with one of the following colors indicating how crowded they are. The colors are as follows: [Gray] -No people [blue]- Few people [Yellow]-Some people [Red]-Lots of people The card we select will have the following information: -The human figure I talked about. -A house with a number that indicate the number of rooms for four players. -A building with a number indicating how many rooms for eight players. -The number of friends you have on that lobby. Ok, now that you're in the lobby, what can you do in it? Move the left stick and place the cursor anywhere on the area you can move it on. Press circle and you will see two options: -Move to the marked place. -Create a room. Once you select to create a room, you will see the following menu: -Room name: Your PSN ID is in it by default -Comment: Write whatever you want -Password: Typical. You give your friends the password, and only they can get in -Voice chat: Enabling or disabling voice chat is up to you -Game Search: This is an important option. If someone connects and wants to play the same game you are playing, they can go straight to your room. More details on this later. -Four or Eight players: This is in case you want to play one game that supports more than four players at the moment. Once you create the room successfuly, you can enter text to the right, just press the space bar on your keyboard or the Start button on your controller. Almost like a normal chatroom. You can press L1 or R1 to change the size of the text displayed inside the box. Inside, there are a few options that I won't detail at the moment. However, the ones from the Triangle button are very important. Leave the room: Self explanatory. If you are hosting, this means everyone goes out once you end that session. Comment: In case you didn't put a comment before or you want to change it. Open or close room: This is important. Once you make the room, you can sort of open or close the door to your room. Useful if you don't have a full room but the people playing are enough or whatever reason comes to your mind. List: The list of the people in the room. Pressing the Select button at the lobby displays even more options, but these are for adjustments. System sounds: There are three sound schemes for Adhoc Party. Choose the one you like or the one that bothers you the least (like my case). WiFi channel adjustments: Usually in Auto. Maybe you don't need to mess with this. Voice Chat: You can activate or deactivate this here too. Image: Pretty simple. It basically displays an image in your hard drive of your choice. Way better than that ugly green backdrop. At the lobby, when you press triangle you can see four more options: Friend List: Friends connected to Adhoc Party, I guess... (I'm the only user of AP... can't help you much here) Bookmarks: Setting the lobby you are in a list. This way, next time you connect you are able to go straight there. Chat log: You can see what people on that lobby have said. Exit the Lobby: You can go to the World selection screen or straight back to the Title Screen. Back on the Title Screen there are another three options: [Jump]: You can go straight to the lobby of your choice. If there are people in your list, you can go straight there. [Game Search]: This is very helpful. If you want to play a game, but know that it's a pain going through each world and lobby looking for players, you can just put your PSP in Adhoc mode (obviously the game too), and the PS3 will recognize it, display the name of your PSP on screen and be ready to help you look for a fellow player. The first world will be displayed. You only press Circle, and the program will look for players in that world. If it finds a room, it'll signal you and send you there where you will have to look for a house or building with a human figure waving at you. Just go straight there and join. If you couldn't find anyone, just press either L1 or R1 and change worlds and search again. [instructions]: These are instructions for the Adhoc Party. Basically, this is the manual. Very well explained, but eh... It's in Japanese, and it is a pain for non Japanese speakers. This is why this guide is here too, heh. I hope it's enough to help you. =P Note: This program has super small fonts. It is meant to be used with HDTVs, so in a SDTV, reading stuff is a real pain in the ass. Be careful. That's all for now! If you find something that needs correcting, please tell me and I hope this is useful to all of you.
Dunno to be honest... I've been lagging like crazy, but that's because of my ISP. Well... At least you found someone playing. I rarely if ever find ANYONE playing something I want, unless it's Phantasy Star Portable... And only those with the US version. I've got Gundam VS Gundam too. Pretty fun game, that one.
I want the VF-2SS Valkyrie II... I doubt it'll happen... ever. Boohoo...
Easy as pie. As soon as you enter the PS Store, check the options displayed. From the bottom, pick the second in an ascending order. If you can read Japanese, it says "Motto PS3 wo tanoshimou!" in Japanese (heh, sorry, can't type in Japanese, I have no idea how to enable it in Windows XP). As soon as you press your confirmation button, it'll take you to another menu. Choose the one that has an ugly green icon and you'll be taken to the Adhoc Party section. Grab both things that appear. One is the actual program and the other is a video to promote it that even includes instructions on how it works. The video is ok, it won't help you with most of the menus, but it's a start. I'll translate the guide for the program this weekend. I'm in final exams at the moment. Mess with the program as you see fit! One thing I have to recommend is this: Non Japanese players that have done what you are going to do (grab the thing from outside Japan) gather in World J, at Lobby 50, 51 or 49. Mostly in 50. However, a few have taken residence in Lobby 20, but they're not many. I have found nice Japanese people that don't mind us, but I have also found some that are really rude and annoying. As I said, the translation will be here this weekend. Happy testing!
Regarding the PSP Adhoc Party: Being in Japan is NOT necessary for using this program. All you need is a Japanese PSN account, which you can easily make by registering a new user in your PS3 and making an account setting the country as Japan. You can find a nice tutorial with pictures included in Google with minimum effort. Regarding downloading Adhoc Party, this is easy as pie, and since most likely some of you will get stuck with the program, I could gladly translate a guide I made some time ago. I, for one, have wanted to play MAF with other people, since the Japanese players seem too stuck into the Monster Hunter games that I honestly couldn't care less about. If you have a PS3 with a Japanese PSN account and you want to play this game online, my question is: Do you want simple a guide to get online with it? If you do, I'll more than gladly post the guide for you and make a few corrections to it.
Hello, everyone. I'm new to this community, but not to the Macross universe. I just read TODAY about this new game. I knew it was bound to happen, but not when. I'm so excited! To make it even better, the control system for the Fighter mode seems to be interchangeable between the MA style and sort of a simulator mode like VF-X2 and the PS2 version. Please clarify one thing for me: That pic with Sheryl to the right is supposed to mean she can pilot? Or does she get in the VF you pilot as a sort of Jamming Bird or like Ranka did with Kanaria? Because if it is so, what kind of effect is it supposed to have? A bost for stats, or a status damage for enemies? Oh, crap, I'm too excited to think straight. I'd better go get some sleep. One thing I DO hope, and keep my fingers crossed for in this game, is the inclusion of the COMPLETE Nyan Nyan Service Medley... Talk about a BADASS combination of most of the songs. I want Northern Cross included too... I hope, I hope...