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Everything posted by CrazyMartian

  1. I really hope I don't have to reinstall the official firmware, but I'm thinking it'll be mandatory. 5.55 is going to be the firmware included with MUF, I think, and most likely, it'll force me to install it... I really don't want to, but... On the other hand, I AM dying to play the game. On a little detour, I tried the mexican food on three different cities: Tokyo, Osaka and Kyoto... They... tasted like paper to me... The shop owner, a Japanese who had came to Mexico regularly, told me that it is difficult to pull the original flavors with the Japanese ingredients... But since most Japanese don't come here, well. No complaints. On a weird side note, There is sushi here with hot sauce... go figure... I guess we're even... Back to the main topic: I think this game is going to be really fun online with adhoc party (the program for the PS3), so if any of you have a PS3, you should give it a try. Also, if someone is up to a bit of MAF carnage, you can add me and we can get the time down. What do you say?
  2. Oh, hey, thanks. And regarding "SeƱor Luis Fernando", I'd love to grab Haruhiko Mikimoto and slap him around a bit with MY "sombrero". Or instead of my "sombrero", with my "sarape", maybe my "huaraches" or maybe, just maybe my "cinturon". Sometimes I think that Japanese people are very, very ignorant as a whole, regarding other cultures that are not McDonalds' related... Even MY Japanese teacher admitted to believing that here in Mexico we still wore huge sombreros, had big, dark beards and walked with a sarape (what you called poncho) before she came here. I know I shouldn't generalize, but honestly... I haven't been proven wrong so far... And it got quite awkward when I went to Japan a few years ago, tagging along with my teacher and other classmates and met her parents. "Oh! You come from Mexico! Where is your sombrero?" "Where is your katana, Mister Nara?" Her father was silent for what seemed like 30 seconds... Everyone kept silent as if I had made a HUGE mistake. Even I was sweating as I pictured him kicking my ass out of his mini lawn. "Hahahahahaha! That was a very good retort, young man! Want a beer?" Three hours later, we were dead drunk and singing whatever came to mind. My teacher still comments on how weird the whole situation was for her. Especially since her father is kind of unsociable outside from his small circle of friends.
  3. Yep, it is.
  4. 1, I think... Oh, on the scans, there's two new original characters. A male one with dreadlocks named Luis Fernando (Yeah, both are names, not surnames although I'm guessing they're using Fernando as his surname) and a female named Hoshimura Yui (Japanese naming order, I suppose). The two that remained unnamed are now bearers of a decent one each: The male with a little beard is... Uhh... Gailly (Written as Geirii, someone help me here please) Murdoch and the female blonde with red lips is now named Hilda V. Bergen. Hmmm... So far, so good. I suppose that a bunch of Zentran pilots would be nice for the next game... Because hell, a game with this bunch of people expecting it, HAS to have a third iteration... I hope, I hope. As for the shop, it seems that yes, you buy things off the Nyan Nyan Shop this time. Listed are: Characters Machines Mode (game modes?) BGM Movies Can't read Titles Icons Care to check and correct me please?
  5. There's a little bit of info regarding the shop in the game (Named Nyan Nyan Shop), I can't read some of the kanji in there, but taking a look at the small picture, I saw Shin, Roy (Zero), Sara, something in black, Hikaru and Roy (Macross 1) listed. Can someone with a better kanji knowledge take a look at this and comment? It's the scan that has a very small pic of Ranka. It says something about characters and machines... What? Do you have to buy them there? If so... Hmmm... Yay? I wouldn't mind grabbing a few artwork screens from there... On other notes: I didn't notice the artwork for the Frontier movie... SHERYL IN A THONG!!! HELL YEAH!!!
  6. Ohoho! Man, one of those missions has the "My Boyfriend is a Pilot" straight from the Superfamicom Macross game that consisted only of a space mission and another inside a Zentradi ship. Hoho, I played that way back when I was a kid. Now I feel old. =P
  7. DAMN!!! MUST... FINISH... SAVING!!!
  8. Hey, it worked! Thanks, now I don't have the limiter anymore. Thanks! Unfortunately, those missions you list are just S ranked in my file. I don't know how to obtain SS. Sorry.
  9. I checked, and I have the portrait. It is Misa. I have every portrait, except for Geperwhateveryouwritehisname. First goes Itsuki (The male operator), then Yuu, next Claire (the blondie), Misa and then comes the Tomahawk.
  10. Hmmm... I have Misa with all big hearts, and from the little ones, only the second row is not illuminated. I can't use her. Everytime I use my main character, when she is going to say something as the mission starts, the game crashes. Maybe you are not using your main character and keep playing as the heroes from each series? Either that, or you're one lucky guy with a bug free version of the game. Oh, I was forgetting. The only mission I have left with A rank is "On your marks", the one you must A to get Luca. Any clues to getting S or SS? I'm really frustrated to think correctly, to be honest. Can you help?
  11. Is your character in very friendly terms with Misa? If so, then yep, it is the dreaded Misa bug. The PSP freezes, crashes and shuts down making an ugly sound... Just avoid using Misa... That bug sucks... Especially to Misa fans... Like me...
  12. Hmmm... I hadn't thought of that... I use my PSP for other things aside from PSP games. Scientific calculator, emulation, chat, file storage, USB controller for PC and PS3, among other things. I just hope this new firmware gets hacked quickly, because once I pop in the UMD, I don't want to get a message of "the system software must be updated to BLAH version in order to play this game". That'd be a real bummer... I mean, I WANT to play this game, but my PSP is much more than an entertainment device. No way I'm going back to a normal firmware.
  13. Didn't they sort of wrap things up with ACE3? I mean, I thought that was the point... But if they are to make a new one, then I hope for Macross Frontier AND Gundam 00 to be featured. It'd be cool if it were for PS3 and they ended up adding lots of downloadable content like mechs and missions. That, plus a good online mode for more than 2 players...
  14. I don't know if this has been posted here already or something, but I found this by mere accident. Must say this has given me the biggest, loudest and longest laugh in days. Hope you like it. http://img223.imageshack.us/img223/4158/1225546850227ww1.jpg
  15. WAH... I can't obtain S rank on Bye Bye Mars (Quamzin's Trap) and the same goes for that mission you need to A rank to get Luca... I forgot the name... How can I obtain S on Bye Bye Mars?
  16. Regarding an M3 campaign, I highly doubt they will make it as a campaign. Most likely, it will be as guest machines, same with the Banrose unit. Why? Well, I dunno how keen they are about making a fully fledged campaign out of an old game. Same with VF-X2. It'd be awesome if they did, though. I have M3, and I've had my great share of fun with it, but let's face it... The game is NOT good. I've enjoyed it because I'm, well... a Macross fan... Still, the game is there. The possibilities for seeing a campaign out of it are slim at best, I think. Regarding Miss Hot Meltran on a Fast Pack, I dunno, it'd make sense if they included her, but honestly, I'm not holding my breath. That was my second biggest wish for the Macross Frontier campaign, the fast packs and armored packs being number one and confirmed already. Let's hope that if there was a fan outcry for Klan, it was big as you imagine and they listened... As a note, I'd quickly change the VF-2SS for Klan on a Fast Pack. Hence, I declare myself an... "Irrational Klan Klan Fan" Speaking of her, anyone knows of good wallpapers with Klan? I haven't found many, and the ones I did, weren't that good... meh... Oh, and... I know about the stat limiter stuff. I've heard some people got cool stuff once they unlocked it. Please don't kill me for asking this, but... How do I remove the limiter? I've played 124 hours, and still haven't unlocked it... Attaining SS on ALL the missions? Owning on the free missions, on which, by the way, I always die on them?
  17. Oh! Klan Klan with the fast pack! She was SO BADASS with that. I hope they include her like that one day. I don't think this time, though... Here's my wishlist for the third game that considering the potential sales of this one is sure to come: Klan Klan with fast pack VF-4 Full Macross II campaign Emilia Jenius in her Queadluun Quilqua VF-9 Cutlass VF-14 Vampire VF-3000 Crusader Variable Glaug Suzie Newtlett Full Macross VF-X2 campaign (I still think the Banrose unit is going to be a guest machine) Maria-Fokina Banrose And most of all, an original campaign. Doesn't matter if there are no new mechs specific to that one, a new campaign with new characters would be awesome. Yeah, I know, Ultimate Frontier is not even out, but it'd be completely cool if they added this for the next game. Still, once MUF comes out, I'm REALLY gonna play the hell out of the VF-2SS and the VF-25 (all of them) with the Super Packs and the Armored Packs.
  18. I was taking another look at the site, and while going to System, and then the series covered by this game, at the blue icon to the right of the Macross II name, clicking on it, it says that the Valkyrie II and the Gilgamesh ARE guest machines. I guess that pretty much means we can kiss any hopes for a Macross II campaign goodbye. At least I hope they add Silvie and Ishtar... They are adding the opening song as an instrumental, though... (2 oku nen mae no you ni shizuka da ne) Can someone confirm or correct me please?
  19. But then he gets all biblical... Messiah and Lucifer... Shyeah... Honestly, I don't quite dig the names yet... Even while those two machines are totally badass...
  20. Hmmm... Now that you mention it... It IS kind of odd... Might be because I go with hearing for names. I hear it, and I assimilate it. Emilia is a name I have encountered before in two or three females, including a childhood friend, while Miria is the way, well, EVERYONE pronounces it... In the anime at least. Blame the Japanese and their usual lack of L's... Plus, since my native pronunciation is compatible with the Japanese one (Native Spanish speaker here), An R is easier to pronounce than an L for THAT name... Or it may just be that I'm too used to it to care about changing... And before the idea crosses your mind that I just like switching L's for R's like some really creepy anime fans... Nah... Not in my personal case... =P Oh, I was forgetting. In Mylene's case, I read her name first, and then it stuck... Macross 7 is actually the LAST Macross series I have watched... And honestly... the last in ranking for me. While 7 DOES contribute with interesting things, I end up falling in the Basara hate group. Fukuyama's songs, however, are awesome... Except for Planet Dance... They repeated it so many times that just remembering makes my head split... Angel Voice is the opposite case, haha.
  21. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND.................. WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! HAHAHA! I wanted to do that... Anyways, I hope they include the Macross II campaign. But I think most of it would be like "OH SHI--!! We're getting our asses handed to us! LET'S SAY WE ARE WINNING!!" Here I'm hoping they add more songs for all the series... Now that I think about it... Something just started bothering me... The Support Character system... Okay, so Sheryl, Ranka, Minmay, Sara and Myung are all recognizable singers... What about Elma? She wasn't well... THAT good a singer (at least in my opinion)... But... Syvil? All she ever uttered was "Basara", "Anima Spiritia" and something along the lines of "ARGH". I'm not so sure I'd enjoy having her as my co-pilot. I mean, what use were they? Syvil was the weird freak, while Elma was the cute and somewhat useless little girl. Not trying to step on any tails here, honest, I'm just wondering what their use would be... The one I'd like for co-pilot would be Sharon Apple... Her auto skill could be screwing with your vision and pester you to go faster and higher, while her command skill could be distors the enemies' attacks, causing them to kill each other. Think about it, easy win, at the expense of not seeing anything. How's that for game breaking? Haha. Oh... Another character they should add would be Emilia Jenius... Now THAT would be fun... And the only Macross 7 character I'd ever play gladly... Aside from Miria or Max... I only wish you could have the series specific operators, though. The three original operators are ok, but Pinon... No thanks... I'm definitely not into loli...
  22. Well, from what I could read from the gpara site (my Japanese is rusty and was not THAT good from the start), the support character system consists of "equipping" a heroine from a Macross series. Let's say I pick Sheryl (since I like her better than Ranka), my Valkyrie gets an Auto Skill and a Command Skill. An interesting thing is that we'll get a tutorial from Sheryl and Ranka for play mechanics, with Sheryl's trademark "I don't do this kind of service often, so be thankful for it" line. Well, in-character tutorial sounds fun. I just wonder what would Sheryl say about piloting a Valkyrie, seeing as she started as a n00b and ended as a n00b. Aside from Pinon Colette, two of the original characters get names (What? Why now?): Kagura Yuuto and Shirakawa Miyuki (Japanese naming order). Please correct me if I made a mistake... or several... On a side note, it seems the VF-2SS is just going to be a guest mecha, so I'm guessing we won't get Silvie as a pilot? No Ishtar? Boohoo...
  23. I know, I'm asking for it, not demanding as if I had the right to do so. I know how slow, complicated and sometimes tedious a translation can be from Japanese to either English or Spanish. If it can be done, that'd be great, it'd satisfy a bit of my curiosity. But if it can't, I'm not going to whine. I know the people who can do this have a life.
  24. Hi. Can I make a request? Could you translate the section for the people of Zola? I've been curious for a long time about the Zolans. Why are they so similar to humans culturally? Why the bushy arms? And I hear they are marsupials? That last part might be false, I dunno. I heard it from a drunken anime fan a long time ago...
  25. Oh! ACE! Another game I really like. Since I'm a Macross AND Gundam fan, my favorite combination is VF-1 Hikaru, YF-19 and Wing Zero. In ACE 2, however, I go for VF-1 (Hikaru), Wing Zero (Heero) and Akito (Aestivalis). Sometimes changing the Wing Zero for the Tallgeese III.
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