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Everything posted by CrazyMartian

  1. Hi, I'm kinda late to the party. Is it me, or Miria's hair is brown in the animations? Other than that, wow... So damn pretty... I'd love to see more of these... Preferably a full animation...
  2. Once you unlock her, you can use her in the Enemy missions. When you take off the era limiter, you can have her screaming her lungs out in your ear inside your Variable Fighter when you play any mission except for the Chronicle ones of course.
  3. I did it accidentally and didn't know what I pressed. I was just spacing out. Then, I went to the tutorial missions and it was explained there. A question for everyone: What's your favorite mech and with what colors? Personally, I can't choose between the VF-25F in black with purple highlights and the VF-1S (Banrose unit) with the same colors. How about everyone else?
  4. I started doing that as well, but I noticed it took off some of the enjoyment for me. I actually like struggling with some characters. One of my favorites is actually the AFOS battle with the VF-0A in a limited state. It's just hellish. I think MUF made me into a masochist gamer...
  5. I got my PSP because I liked the capabilities it showed. I use it for work, school and games. Pretty nice. Macross games came as great and welcome surprises.
  6. WHAT!? WHAAAAT!? I didn't know that! I bought most of the unlocks from Ranka! DAMN THAT MONEY GRUBBING GIRL!! Bleh... Anyways, for those running a custom firmware who would much prefer to use their -LEGIT- UMD, there is a new CFW that helps bypass the annoying lockout. Yeah! I'm running the game from my disc, instead of my Memory Stick, which is cool. Sure, the battery will last less if I play outside, but eh... I like my discs. This means more space for music inside the stick! Wooo! Custom Soundtrack rocks. I'm happy, I'm happy... =)
  7. Heheheheh... Would you believe me I hadn't figured that out? Sheesh... I've got 99 in everything except defense... I usually just avoid.
  8. Well, just so you don't end up disappointed in case you expect something different: EX Missions are the exact same thing as the normal missions, only this time you have to use a specific mech or character. Let's say Diamond Crevasse, one of the Frontier missions. Before you unlock the EX mode, you play with anything on it and you get your Nyan Nyan points and Tune points. However, once you unlock EX mode and pick Klan with her fast pack, you get your Tune points multiplied by three. Plus "EX" at the right of the name of the mission when you finish it. Of course, the better the rank you attain, the better the reward. This is especially true in the more difficult missions. This makes for an especially sweet way to level certain machines that initially suck due to low stats like Klan. She's pretty much a Queadluun with low HP, slow and no more weapons beyond the gunpod and missiles. Once leveled up, she is quite formidable and much more fun to use. What was called EX Missions in MAF are now the Chronicle Missions, but this time around, our Tune points can be used, so we can have a decent experience instead of the sometimes frustrating ones last time. However, you might very well go for the era limiter off mode instead, since EX mode probably appears later... I didn't really pay ANY attention at all to the order of things appearing in the shop. My best recommendation would be to put Luca as your support character and select the Nyan Nyan skill in the automatic section. That'd help you get more points for the shop... Bleh, did I make stuff more confusing for you? If I did, sorry. =P
  9. How curious... I actually liked the engine of Battlecry... But the whole Robotech thing turned me down. Badly. I really doubt it would be a sound decision to go the Soul Calibur way and start getting characters that have nothing to do in the universe you're messing with. For starters, I don't think Big West and Tatsunoko are in very good terms, and if my memory serves me right, Tatsunoko owns Mospeada. I think they also own Macross II... Can someone clarify this? And talking about the "stick this into the game" thing, I really don't like it when companies put something that doesn't belong in a game universe, unless the whole topic of the game is a crossover like the Capcom VS Whatever series. Why add Mospeada mechs? Quite honestly, they don't even look half as good as ANY Macross mech. And which would be the justification? In Macross II, it's a parallel universe. But it's still based in the Macross mythology, even if it's more of a sequel to the movie. Mospeada has nothing to do with it. Funny thing, I watched Robotech when I was a little kid and held the series in high esteem. But with the advent of the internet in my house, I started digging info on it, and found out about the original versions and the part I liked best. Macross. Let's say Robotech fell from the pedestal I had it on... Especially with the thing about Harmony Gold and its blocking of all things Macross in this continent. ....But Macross quickly took its place... And I'm still growing fonder of the franchise. Hey. Is it also true that due to HG and their holding of the Macross name over in the American continent (and who knows where else) it is illegal to IMPORT Macross related merchandise like these games? Because if it's true, I've broken the law FOUR times, starting with Macross M3, SDF Macross for the PS2 and these two beauties that are MAF and MUF. Don't quote me on that being true, though. I just read that rumor here in TEH INTERNETS, so it may very well be something completely baseless. I repeat: IT IS A RUMOR I READ A LONG TIME AGO!!
  10. Well, there is none... That I have observed... The best way to reap in profits that I have used is the following: For Tune Points (I may as well add this in case someone asks): Unlock EX Mode by buying it from the shop (I still get a twitch each time Ranka says "kira"). Select the machine/character you want to develop (In my case, Klan with a fastpack). Go look for a mission that shows an image of your selected mech (In my case, it was Diamond Crevasse and Biggest Carnival, one of the extra missions unlockable with a password). Repeat until you have developed as much as you want. There is also an auto skill you can set your support character to have and enjoy getting more Tune Points, with the drawback that you will get no Nyan Nyan points. The icon is a wrench. Still, this becomes available when your support character is quite developed, so you may want to go for the EX Mode. For Nyan Nyan points, there is also a skill with the head of the Nyan Nyan character in the commercials. Kinda looks like a scribble of a little girl smiling. Luca Angeloni has this skill either very early or right from the start. Your support character will also have this skill with some leveling. In my case, I had Sheryl leveled up as she has a good repertoire of songs and is not annoying like Ranka and her youknowwhat hand gesture. Plus I started with the Frontier missions, so I got her relatively early in this file. If you have a low level in the shop, and the EX Mode option hasn't appeared for sale in the Mode section, your best bet at the moment would be to level a decent machine from the story you like and go for the harder missions. Alto's VF-25F worked for me very well. Hope that helps you somewhat. I babbled about how to get the tune points in case someone asks or asked before.
  11. I want either a new series (or at least an OVA) that explores human life with Zentradi and Vajura. Especially cool if they encountered more remnants of the Protoculture. Or maybe the actual Supervision Army. Or a reanimation of the original series with modern animation quality. That'd be sweet. Or why not an original game with a new story? Sort of like VF-X2 did in terms of being new material based on the franchise, only with a much bigger scope for a new story.
  12. Funny thing... Orguss is more related to Macross than Mospeada... After all, Macross, Southern Cross and Orguss were the so called "Super Dimensional Trilogy" or whatever. That reminds me... I haven't finished watching Orguss... I liked that show... Hey! Wasn't there an "Orguss Valkyrie" shown somewhere in animated form as a sort of in-joke? If my memory doesn't fail me, it was in Do You Remember Love... But hey, it's been more than 7 years since I last saw it...
  13. After reading that... Isn't it like messing with the region in the recovery menu? With that, wouldn't someone with the actual UMD and that setting in his/her recovery menu (assuming he/she is using a CF) be able to play the disc and watch the stuff in it?
  14. Eh... I just noticed... Sheryl now has attained Kakizaki's Last Supper (level up) and it only consumes 3 SPs.
  15. Eh... I wanna watch the disc. I probably can run it since I'm on a custom firmware and my PSP's region is changed to Japan... But I didn't order the LE. Any chance of anyone who can run the videos posting them on Youtube?
  16. Well, after all the frustration with Macross 7, I loved shooting down the bastard. In fact, I usually go after him first and then after the enemy. Or just leave my partner alone while he/she kills off the enemy and I go crazy smashing Basara's skull against whatever I can find to bash him on, even if just my VF's fists. I even saved a replay in MAF of Maiden's Jealousy where Mylene appears in Miria's VF-1J. She went straight after Basara instead of killing the Varauta. I kept noticing him complaining as I shot down the enemy and much to my surprise, it was Mylene clobbering her fellow band member. Couldn't help but start laughing in glee.
  17. I preordered with them too, but chose the cheapest shipping.
  18. Take a look a bit at the older posts. Some people wrote good explanations on that. Custom ST gives the game a whole new flavor and lets us add full versions of the songs featured.
  19. Nope. There is no online for this game, only ad-hoc.
  20. Doesn't that take all the fun away?
  21. Hey there. For beating the AIPHOS (or AFOS), I stayed in Gerwalk most of the time using the gunpod. When I ran out, I used the head laser turret in Battroid. When the enemy faces you, get out of there in Fighter mode. Try to attack from its back. Anyway, my copy arrived today. I noticed that in the manual, there is this small brochure with announcements for goods. The YF-25 model is listed. Its name is Prophecy. Taken a look at it? It looks similar to the VF-25F. Another nice thing is that the EX missions are available for ALL the normal missions, only with the requirement of playing with a certain mech. Big Carnival is especially good for raising Klan's status!
  22. Operators are more talkative now anyway.
  23. Tune points don't seem to carry over. To unlock the limiter, you need a good level of shopping. Buy modes, characters and machines. Just don't bother with titles and illustrations. You'll get them anyway.
  24. Hi, I noticed the links very late and they're very, very dead. How can I download them?
  25. There is an armor for a VF-11... But I don't remember which Thunderbolt it is... Never liked it... Edit: I took a look. The available VF-11s are the B and C. The armor pack is for either of them. Hey. I have an idea. What do you think of making a replay collection? We could save replays of missions that have been difficult or different approaches to a certain type of mission for others to see. It could be an extra fun. What do you think? Also, I finally unlocked Klan with her fast pack. She's basically a new skin for a Queadluun, only with two weird "attacks", her gunpod, missiles and melee combat that I will leave for you to see and low stats. Graphic wise, the model is more or less done. Her face could have used a few more polygons. Fortunately, since I just took off the stat limiter, I can develop hers and make her a good contender in a decent fight. Woo!
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